If we came back to the Ricoh a massive push on fan engagement is required.
Send out a free ticket voucher to everyone on the database. Cheap STs for those 4,000 who had one last season, plus a scarf (I loved my free scarf from before and it identified season ticket holders).
Close off as much as possible of the Ricoh and offer out sections for fans to decorate/get flags made. Support the fans in feeling part of the club again. Get the atmosphere as good as possible while keeping cleaning and stewarding costs down.
Get players out to schools and other venues to drum up support, free tickets to schools, etc.
Then (and this might just be me) buy a double decker bus, a train carriage or two and a canal barge and paint them all sky blue. Staff each one with a former player each week, season ticket holders travel for cheap. Crisps and pop for the kids, beer for the adults.
Send the bus around the pubs to make pickups and from the town centre.
They need to reestablish roots in the City and a buzz about the team. I actually think a lot is lapsed/casual fans will have had their interest reignited and it'll be about keeping the core (those most likely to have strong feelings about Sisu) and enticing the boom of casuals to keep up the habit.