[h=1]Statement Regarding Media Speculation[/h]Published Thursday 9th January 2014
Following speculation in the media about a potential application to build a football stadium in the Borough, the Leader of the Council has issued a statement.
"As per our previous statement, the Council's policy, along with data protection laws, mean that we never confirm or deny speculation on conversations that may or may not have taken place between officers and third parties.
"However, in this instance the third party developer has released information that has enabled the media to deduce through a process of elimination that we have been approached.
" Under those circumstances I can confirm that an enquiry has been made by a developer to Council officers, however this was of a very speculative nature and at an early stage. Since that initial exploratory contact we have received no further approach and we are therefore not considering any proposal for any particular location."
Leader of the Council, Councillor Dennis Harvey.
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