Rip ccfc? (1 Viewer)


I know this is insanely negative but I can't help but wonder if we really have a future as a football club. We are seemingly a long way from obtaining a new home and in the meantime gates dwindle and our status in football diminishes. Where will we be in 3 years time? Another 2 leagues down?

My dad who is against the boycott reasoned that not going to Sixfields will only make the situation worse given Sisus obstinance. Whilst I disagree I see his point. I don't know what the answer is but I kind of think that we ought to be doing something. It's all very sad


Well-Known Member
I understand why your Dad wants to go to sixfields to support CCFC, I guess I am about the same age as your Dad or older, but I for one would never watch a home game outside of Coventry. PUSB


Well-Known Member
I know this is insanely negative but I can't help but wonder if we really have a future as a football club. We are seemingly a long way from obtaining a new home and in the meantime gates dwindle and our status in football diminishes. Where will we be in 3 years time? Another 2 leagues down?

My dad who is against the boycott reasoned that not going to Sixfields will only make the situation worse given Sisus obstinance. Whilst I disagree I see his point. I don't know what the answer is but I kind of think that we ought to be doing something. It's all very sad

I'm with your dad, if we don't come together and get on with supporting the Manager & OUR Team my fear is that the Club might easily go out of existence!

On a more positive note things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground, fingers crossed the authorities involved don't drag their feet and prolong our agony. PUSB!


Well-Known Member
I'm with your dad, if we don't come together and get on with supporting the Manager & OUR Team my fear is that the Club might easily go out of existence!

On a more positive note things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground, fingers crossed the authorities involved don't drag their feet and prolong our agony. PUSB!

Things are moving more quickly than anticipated...............ARE YOU LIVING ON CLOUD CUCKOO LAND


Well-Known Member
I'm with your dad, if we don't come together and get on with supporting the Manager & OUR Team my fear is that the Club might easily go out of existence!

On a more positive note things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground, fingers crossed the authorities involved don't drag their feet and prolong our agony. PUSB!

You really are a numpty, did you ever watch jackanory?


Well-Known Member
I can see his reasoning, as the boycott can and will cause damage to the club, but it's completely justified. It's the only sensible option we can do on mass, and the fact not going is easy helps this.
I'm now at the stage of thinking that it's almost over for me. If we aren't back by next season or at least a certified announcement that's me totally done.
My money is already going on other things that I'm getting more enjoyment out of. It will be difficult to get back into it even if we do come back.
And without my sky blue tinted glasses, which I put away a while back, I'm questioning if I ever did enjoy it.
I'm with your dad, if we don't come together and get on with supporting the Manager & OUR Team my fear is that the Club might easily go out of existence!

On a more positive note things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground, fingers crossed the authorities involved don't drag their feet and prolong our agony. PUSB!

I supported my team and manager saturday at notts county, didn't make a blind bit of difference to their performance. I will not go six fields and will not go to a home match or any cup matches until sisu do one. You and other sixfielders really are not helping by going there, or you could do something while you're there and protest

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry in the short term. While SISU have somewhere to dump debts(Allegedly) the Football team will be in existence, more than likely playing non league football though!


New Member
I'm with your dad, if we don't come together and get on with supporting the Manager & OUR Team my fear is that the Club might easily go out of existence!

On a more positive note things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground, fingers crossed the authorities involved don't drag their feet and prolong our agony. PUSB!

Tim Fisher, 26th June 2013

On the site for a new stadium, which Mr Fisher hopes would be built within three years, he said: “We’re down to two or three sites in the immediate Coventry area, and we’re going into the final furlong of site negotiations.
“It is likely that in two or three weeks, we could be selected as the preferred buyer for one of those sites.

sounds further ahead than we are now imo.


New Member
Sky Blue Zam, I with you pretty much 100%. I will go back to watch them in Coventry at the Ricoh - even if Sisu are still in control.
Been to most away games. But I get my tickets direct from the away club or buy on the day. None of my money goes to Sisu.
It is pleasing to see a little unified focus with the WHY protests at recent away games. Really hope fans keep that up and well done to Michael and others for setting that in motion.
It HAS got more attention. If it works keep doing it.
Neither me, my dad, son or friends will ever set foot in Sixfields. Hell will freeze over before that happens.
I'm disappointed that no alternative version, phoenix, call it what you will, club, is not being set up for next season. Preferably at the Ricoh. That would be a major contingency plan. & Focus a few minds.
I'm only hoping that as we enter the back end of the season and things probably peter out, crowds dwindle even more. And Sisu rethink the disaster of their strategy, the shambles they created. Business wise they should be screaming and kicking to get back to the Ricoh. Maybe the close season will see them see sense. Won't hold my breath.
Ultimately I think a reformed CCFC will have to come. It's that bad. Not saying I want it, but it may be the only way out of this train wreck.
I won't be going somewhere 'in the Coventry area' to a 12,000 capacity shed. That is an insult to my Coventry City FC. They can shove that.
That's my take.


Well-Known Member
I know this is insanely negative but I can't help but wonder if we really have a future as a football club. We are seemingly a long way from obtaining a new home and in the meantime gates dwindle and our status in football diminishes. Where will we be in 3 years time? Another 2 leagues down?

My dad who is against the boycott reasoned that not going to Sixfields will only make the situation worse given Sisus obstinance. Whilst I disagree I see his point. I don't know what the answer is but I kind of think that we ought to be doing something. It's all very sad

Now there is the dilemma for all supporters. But do you support something you don't agree with or show a protest. Either way the club is in a precarious position. For me it has to be wear your heart on your sleeve and protest. Let's face it SISU have options, it was their choice to go to Northampton.

Re RFC let's talk facts as they stand right now.
We have not bought land.
We have no Stadium.


Well-Known Member
I think the answer is the same as your last thread on this. Just wait a couple of weeks and post another.

I know this is insanely negative but I can't help but wonder if we really have a future as a football club. We are seemingly a long way from obtaining a new home and in the meantime gates dwindle and our status in football diminishes. Where will we be in 3 years time? Another 2 leagues down?

My dad who is against the boycott reasoned that not going to Sixfields will only make the situation worse given Sisus obstinance. Whilst I disagree I see his point. I don't know what the answer is but I kind of think that we ought to be doing something. It's all very sad


Well-Known Member
So you're not going to away matches while SISU are here or home matches. You have a go at "Sixfielders" which is to be expected, but do you also feel that away cup games should be boycotted too then?

I supported my team and manager saturday at notts county, didn't make a blind bit of difference to their performance. I will not go six fields and will not go to a home match or any cup matches until sisu do one. You and other sixfielders really are not helping by going there, or you could do something while you're there and protest


Well-Known Member
I'm with your dad, if we don't come together and get on with supporting the Manager & OUR Team my fear is that the Club might easily go out of existence!

On a more positive note things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground, fingers crossed the authorities involved don't drag their feet and prolong our agony. PUSB!

The highlighted part of your post is the only part that is the truth.

So Timothy has admitted that plan A is getting the freehold to the Ricoh. Yet you still come out with crap saying that this new arena is getting closer. At a guess they have put between 25m and 30m into our club. How would they get their money back building a tinpot stadium miles outside Coventry? I have a little secret for you. They are not with us for the love of CCFC or football. They are with us to make money.

If we filled Northampton every game they would have the income to keep us there for years. Do you really think that they will keep pumping money in for years to come whilst chasing their losses? Will they build a stadium which would increase their losses?

Our biggest problem is they don't give a shit about our club and us fans. One day they will leave. If they would get more money back by liquidating our club than selling it they will. If liquidation would bring in about the same money I would guess at liquidation. Joy wants to be seen as a hard nosed bitch not to be messed with. Check out their history. So yes our club could easily disappear. And us going to Northampton or staying away won't secure our clubs future.


Well-Known Member
I think the answer is the same as your last thread on this. Just wait a couple of weeks and post another.

Do you mean like your posts continually trying to put blame on CCC? Or like your posts trying to imply that CCC/ACL have been milking CCFC? Or that CCFC lost millions during the build of the Ricoh when they didn't? Or like CCFC bought the land where the Ricoh is built? Or like CCFC paid for the decontamination of the land when they didn't? Or coming out with a list of bullet points that you called a timeline which missed everything out that showed SISU for what they really are?

And all of this is just from the last couple of days.


New Member
It really doesn't matter whether you go to Sixfields or not [although I won't] Unless SISU come to an agreement with ACL/CCC [or the other way round depending on your bias] we will not be playing in or around Coventry ever again. The idea that a new stadium will be built is ludicrous on so many levels it is laughable.

The idea that CCC/ACL can "move on" without CCFC is equally laughable

My personal opinion is that if an agreement on the Ricoh is not reached we will be playing in Northampton for ever. And for those that think this would be a ridiculous business decision by SISU, I would point out that they do have a track record of ridiculous decisions in this area.


Well-Known Member
Ouch get in there :D
Be careful Nick and Grendel will gang up on you:slap:

Do you mean like your posts continually trying to put blame on CCC? Or like your posts trying to imply that CCC/ACL have been milking CCFC? Or that CCFC lost millions during the build of the Ricoh when they didn't? Or like CCFC bought the land where the Ricoh is built? Or like CCFC paid for the decontamination of the land when they didn't? Or coming out with a list of bullet points that you called a timeline which missed everything out that showed SISU for what they really are?

And all of this is just from the last couple of days.


Well-Known Member
On a more positive note things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground, fingers crossed the authorities involved don't drag their feet and prolong our agony. PUSB!

RFC, how do you know this? What information do you have? Don't name your source - I'm sure no-one wants them to be compromised. Just tell us what you know instead of assuring us that everything is going nicely.


Well-Known Member
I think our fate also hangs with Northampton's fate as if they drop out of the league this could influence any decisions being made. At present there is no new ground either in the Coventry boundary or Northampton but i have a feeling that our fates are interlinked somehow!

I dont think the sixfielders would even tolerate a second season there without any certain confirmation that we are coming home (or not being the case).

Personally i would rather just know now that we are not coming home so i can move on with my life! This is probably one of the reasons why no credible Phoenix team has been created as we are all hanging on to see what happens but there has to be a cut off at some point i guess.


New Member
I dont think the sixfielders would even tolerate a second season there without any certain confirmation that we are coming home (or not being the case).

I wish you were right but I don't think you are, logic would suggest that as time passes with none of the promised progress these people would get less and less trusting and that they would start to speak out more and more, but I see no evidence of that in fact I see the opposite, the sixfield attendees on this forum at least are getting more and more entrenched in their position, look at Torches posts over the last few days, I honestly think if Tim Fisher himself had written that bullet point post it would be less one sided and RFC is pleased things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground (what the fuck?!!!!)
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The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
I think our fate also hangs with Northampton's fate as if they drop out of the league this could influence any decisions being made. At present there is no new ground either in the Coventry boundary or Northampton but i have a feeling that our fates are interlinked somehow!

I dont think the sixfielders would even tolerate a second season there without any certain confirmation that we are coming home (or not being the case).

Personally i would rather just know now that we are not coming home so i can move on with my life! This is probably one of the reasons why no credible Phoenix team has been created as we are all hanging on to see what happens but there has to be a cut off at some point i guess.

I think it will be the end of this season for me if this whole charade carries on indefinitely, It is already losing it's appeal and even the away days we have now are getting more to be about old mates going for a drink rather than about the football.


Well-Known Member
It really doesn't matter whether you go to Sixfields or not [although I won't] Unless SISU come to an agreement with ACL/CCC [or the other way round depending on your bias] we will not be playing in or around Coventry ever again. The idea that a new stadium will be built is ludicrous on so many levels it is laughable.

The idea that CCC/ACL can "move on" without CCFC is equally laughable

My personal opinion is that if an agreement on the Ricoh is not reached we will be playing in Northampton for ever. And for those that think this would be a ridiculous business decision by SISU, I would point out that they do have a track record of ridiculous decisions in this area.

While I agree with most of what you say, there can be no possibility of staying at Northampton for ever. The Football League (not known for honesty or competence, I know) have only given us three years there. A fourth and fifth year can only be granted if there has been serious progress in providing a new stadium. That would indicate that by the summer of 2016 the site should have been acquired, planning permission granted, any appeals heard, and work has physically started. If they are still arseing about with plans, applications and land purchases that does not meet the League's timeline and no extensions should be granted in those circumstances.

So where does that leave CCFC if, as most of us expect, there has been no progress by then? I can see only 2 options, a return to the Ricoh or the club folding. Another ground share won't be an option if they stick to their original agreement.

This is why I think that the protests are essential for those at away games. But wouldn't it be nice if those that did actually attend Sixfields did more than just sit on their backsides as the club heads to oblivion. There should be protests at every home game too if those people want the club to survive. If I'm honest, I really think the club's future is in serious doubt already.


Well-Known Member
There's no need to "imply" anything. The rent charged was a rip off, I don't think many fans would disagree with that. SISU are to blame for the rent strike and ultimately the move to Northampton but ACL/CCC still play their part, although I know that's not a popular view in these parts.

Do you mean like your posts continually trying to put blame on CCC? Or like your posts trying to imply that CCC/ACL have been milking CCFC? Or that CCFC lost millions during the build of the Ricoh when they didn't? Or like CCFC bought the land where the Ricoh is built? Or like CCFC paid for the decontamination of the land when they didn't? Or coming out with a list of bullet points that you called a timeline which missed everything out that showed SISU for what they really are?

And all of this is just from the last couple of days.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
While I agree with most of what you say, there can be no possibility of staying at Northampton for ever. The Football League (not known for honesty or competence, I know) have only given us three years there. A fourth and fifth year can only be granted if there has been serious progress in providing a new stadium. That would indicate that by the summer of 2016 the site should have been acquired, planning permission granted, any appeals heard, and work has physically started. If they are still arseing about with plans, applications and land purchases that does not meet the League's timeline and no extensions should be granted in those circumstances.

So where does that leave CCFC if, as most of us expect, there has been no progress by then? I can see only 2 options, a return to the Ricoh or the club folding. Another ground share won't be an option if they stick to their original agreement.

This is why I think that the protests are essential for those at away games. But wouldn't it be nice if those that did actually attend Sixfields did more than just sit on their backsides as the club heads to oblivion. There should be protests at every home game too if those people want the club to survive. If I'm honest, I really think the club's future is in serious doubt already.

I think in 2016 the FL will meekly accept planning permission sought on an unpurchased site that OTIUM have an exclusive option on and allow the situation to go on 2 more years.

You have more faith in the FL than I do.


Well-Known Member
I think in 2016 the FL will meekly accept planning permission sought on an unpurchased site that OTIUM have an exclusive option on and allow the situation to go on 2 more years.

You have more faith in the FL than I do.

I have very little faith in the FL. They are corrupt and incompetent self-servers. But ultimately they are accountable to the 72 member clubs who elect them, all of whom are into self-interest too. (By 2016 Northampton may well not be one of the 72.) If there is no purchased site with planning permission by then, there is no way the situation can be allowed to drag on. Otherwise it really will mean the club will never return. Better to end the misery sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
I'm with your dad, if we don't come together and get on with supporting the Manager & OUR Team my fear is that the Club might easily go out of existence!

On a more positive note things are moving forward much more quickly than anticipated with the new ground, fingers crossed the authorities involved don't drag their feet and prolong our agony. PUSB!

More quickly than anticipated? :pointlaugh: I don't think you really believe that.


Well-Known Member
There's no need to "imply" anything. The rent charged was a rip off, I don't think many fans would disagree with that. SISU are to blame for the rent strike and ultimately the move to Northampton but ACL/CCC still play their part, although I know that's not a popular view in these parts.

What part do ACL/CCC play in us moving to Northampton this season?

What would you have had them do differently to prevent it?


Well-Known Member
More quickly than anticipated? :pointlaugh: I don't think you really believe that.

To be fair the anticipation was that they wouldn't move at all, so any progress is in fact more quickly than anticipated.


New Member
To be fair the anticipation was that they wouldn't move at all, so any progress is in fact more quickly than anticipated.

but there hasn't been any progress, I don't accept that the forum counts as she admits herself she doesn't know what's going on and nore does an artist impression drawing. We seem to be where we were 9 months ago.


Well-Known Member
but there hasn't been any progress, I don't accept that the forum counts as she admits herself she doesn't know what's going on and nore does an artist impression drawing. We seem to be where we were 9 months ago.

Fair point.

I think after going to that meeting that they will buy land and put in planning eventually.

Interesting that the JR is in June (after the season) I wonder if they'll have to show progress to the FL before then.


New Member
Fair point.

I think after going to that meeting that they will buy land and put in planning eventually.

Interesting that the JR is in June (after the season) I wonder if they'll have to show progress to the FL before then.

It's certainly possible they could do that even if they have no intention of building a stadium, I don't think they will though as I think they are just going to continue pretending it's close until the JR and then something will happen either way. They have been very close for 9 months, might as well make it 4 more.

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
Oh goody, its THIS thread again!

Can't we just have one of these stickied? Takes me ages to scroll through to see if anyone has made any new, relevant or interesting points with this weekly thread. I've now got arthiritis in my fingers because of it and am planning to sue each individual who starts this thread.

You have been warned.

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