Grand national sweepstake (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
How many will die this year then?


Deleted member 4232

Oh for christ sakes; why does the moral debate come around over this one race when there are races 7 days a week...


Well-Known Member
Oh for christ sakes; why does the moral debate come around over this one race when there are races 7 days a week...

It doesn't the Cheltenham Culling Festival is far worse.

Deleted member 4232

Gee, can I please watch the race with you? You seem like you'd be great company.


Well-Known Member
Gee, can I please watch the race with you? You seem like you'd be great company.

Well yes once when the sweepstake came round at a place of work I ended up ripping it in half after a heated debate.

You wouldn't be watching it with me as I haven't watched it probably for 25 years. Why not bring back cock fighting and bear baiting - its only animals hey?

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
The horses love it! Best race day of the year! I've got 3 horses each way, missus has three each way. Stop whinging Grendel! :D

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
How many horses do you own?

That really wouldn't bother me Grendel. They fall, they get up again. If they don't get up, they get put down. Insurance pays for that ;)


Well-Known Member
None of these horses would even have been born if it wasnt for racing......and I'd guess at about 99% of these horses have the absolute life of riley followed by being put to stud....

.....race horses have better stables, better care, better food and better exercise than horses in any other horsey walk of life.....

Grendel.....genuine Q. Are you a veggie?


Well-Known Member
Gotta agree with Grendal. In this day and age, do the fences really have to be so lethal?

It seems Bear baiting and Cock fighting are considered a Barbaric relic from the Victorian age, but the National isn't....


Well-Known Member
I go to Spain a lot and bull fighting makes the GN look very tame and humane....all considered great entertainment by many


Well-Known Member
Slightly off topic but whilst we are on about animal cruelty I find in this day and age the practice of halal meat absolutely abhorric.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Grendel, I'm an angler - both course and sea - am I being cruel? I release carp, tench, pike etc that I catch but when sea fishing I keep what I catch. Please enlighten me. I feel so guilty and wracked with grief! Woe is me. I live the life of a monster! HEEELLLLPPPP MEEEEEEE!!! :D


Well-Known Member
None of these horses would even have been born if it wasnt for racing......and I'd guess at about 99% of these horses have the absolute life of riley followed by being put to stud....

.....race horses have better stables, better care, better food and better exercise than horses in any other horsey walk of life.....

Grendel.....genuine Q. Are you a veggie?

99% of race horses end up abandoned in horse sanctuaries or slaughtered as they are not revenue earners. Those living the life of Riley spend virtually every day if their lives cacooned in a stable. So I guess if you sat in a 6 by 4 room 24 hours a day that's a life of Riley.

Ignorance is certainly bliss.


Well-Known Member
I go to Spain a lot and bull fighting makes the GN look very tame and humane....all considered great entertainment by many

I will never go on holiday to Spain its barbaric. I did laugh one time when I heard a bull ran riot in one if those dreadful street ceromonies. I wish it had managed to kill every fucking one of the sick bastards watching the "spectacle"


Well-Known Member
99% of race horses end up abandoned in horse sanctuaries or slaughtered as they are not revenue earners. Those living the life of Riley spend virtually every day if their lives cacooned in a stable. So I guess if you sat in a 6 by 4 room 24 hours a day that's a life of Riley.

Ignorance is certainly bliss.

Until last year I think 99 percent ended up in burger meat.... Personally this year I have backed creosote because it's Good over fences ..

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Grendel, I'm an animal lover, but you really need to get out more!

Deleted member 4232

Grendel, you will have a hard-on to learn that all jockeys and horses were fine. x


Well-Known Member
Grendel, I think, in fact, i know that its you who is ignorant with regards the working life of a racehorse....
As for what happens at the end of their useful life.. . Its similar to humans in many respects....

If they've been succesful, they enjoy a good retirement......if not, retirement is less desirable.

Anyhow....are you a veggie?

I'll assume you are not as you didnt answer.. . So assuming you eat chicken or sausages or burgers or steak or veal or are eating animals that have been specifically bread to die....
Atleast race horses have a good life first.....

If you are a veggie, I apologise for the meat eating comments but stand by my racehorse argument.


Well-Known Member
Grendel, I think, in fact, i know that its you who is ignorant with regards the working life of a racehorse....
As for what happens at the end of their useful life.. . Its similar to humans in many respects....

If they've been succesful, they enjoy a good retirement......if not, retirement is less desirable.

Anyhow....are you a veggie?

I'll assume you are not as you didnt answer.. . So assuming you eat chicken or sausages or burgers or steak or veal or are eating animals that have been specifically bread to die....
Atleast race horses have a good life first.....

If you are a veggie, I apologise for the meat eating comments but stand by my racehorse argument.

For the record I am a supporter of several animal charities including Redwings horse sanctuary which has to deal with many many discarded racecourses. I am very knowledgable on the subject. Racehorse owners are generally odious and unpleasant. The horse is no more than a racing car to them. None of them get a "good" retirement - about 2% are used for stud. Many champions have literally been fed to the dogs once the cash till stops ringing. Your notion they get what they deserve in retirement is obscene. Its like saying an under performing human in society should be fed to another species - I suggest North Korea is a more suitable residence for you.

No I am not vegetarian. However, I am also a big sponsor of Compassion in world farming which promotes ethical farming throughout Europe. I am extremely selective when choose meat. If in a restaurant and I do not know the source I eat vegetarian. I own several horses including dumped racing ones that would be dead if I didn't own them.


Well-Known Member
Didn't want your life story lad.
Race horses do not spend 24-7 in a cell as you suggest.
Besides, you eat animals that were bread to die for your plate, so I don't see why you have an issue with animals bread to entertain.
As for the North Korea comment... Pathetic and arguably racist.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Grendel. You've put some fucking pathetic posts on these forums in the past, but these take the biscuit! You own a couple of race horses? Really? Why not enter them for what they actually ENJOY? A good gallop! They LOVE it! I've also worked with horses - both in the military and civvy stables - ridden them, jumped them and trained as a farrier. I probably know more about horses than you'll ever know! If you watch the National, you will see loose horses carry on running AND jumping the fences because they bloody LOVE IT! 99.9% of owners and trainers absolutely adore their horses, so for you to accuse them of the crap that you say, is nothing short of disgusting! When you actually know what you're banging on about, come back with a decent post!
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Well-Known Member
It is yes, but surely you would go veggie if you were that bothered?

Why? I have no problems with animals being killed for meat but the way they are killed bothers me.

I assume then if you had a dog that was ill rather than taking it to the vet to be put down you would have no qualms instead of smashing it's head in with a brick as it's going to die anyway. Same sort of thing no?


Well-Known Member
Thankfully I rarely agree with grendel and if I started now I would be concerned, so I guess I should be pleased we are polar opposites on this subject too, but . . . you do have to wonder what drives someone so passionately arguing for a cause that as a meat eater he can't really believe. Complete hypocrite! Still meat tastes good huh so that's ok?? As per my post on the other thread, the horses are bred for racing. Without racing they would never be born and that is an undisputable fact, so probably best to climb down off your high horse, have a sip of milk and retire to bed for the evening. You needs your rest as irs double PE in the morning.

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