This question needs some discussion. I'm of the belief we'd be better off debt free in non-league than hanging in in L1 with £40/50/60/70m debt.
You got to think long term, at the moment the club should go bust, the club should've gone bust years ago, well before Sisu. Either we need a proper admin where debts are cancelled/reduced or we need liquidation and start again.
No I fundamentally disagree with that point of view - we could be sent 3 divisions down which is almost into lights out territory. Whilst we are in L1 we should fight to protect that and do everything we can to get back into the Championship - could have been this year without the deduction so is not fantasy. We are more marketable to a non sisu buyout the higher we are.
I agree SISU reneged on the free coach travel. Black mark and we shouldnt let them forget that. However, midweek games were NINE QUID this year so no excuse if you wanted to come I dont think.