Well, the season is over. Cant believe it. Its gone so fats. Feels like yesterday i walked off the coach in the car park at Crawley. And this is the part of the year i hate, May-August, the close season. So for this weeks Cooks Quesiton, we'd like to know how you plan of passing the time from now until the new season. Im guessing gardening and knitting arent high on the agenda. Is the world cup the only thing going this summer? Maybe some cricket. Formula 1 is in full swing too. Or god forbid, spending time with the family. Haha just kidding. But we'd love to hear from you. This weeks Cooks Question will also stretch to next week, so theres no rush, but if you'd like your answer to be in this weeks show, please make sure your answer is in by 11.30 Thursday morning. Thanks again for your support. Sports Lounge kicks off at 10AM on Hillz (98.6) so tune in if you can for 2 hours of sporting news and views and some good music too