A great comment on the web on the CET website about kids today. He says how someone like Jordan Clarke has played over 100 matches for ccfc and in reality he shouldn't have played 1.
I couldn't agree more with this. I actually don't mind Jordan Clarke and he is decent but to have made over 100 appearances is a joke and shows how much of a lack of investment and ambition there is for ccfc. Relegation looms sadly with all these kids next season.
Glad you are in agreement King! putting my personal dislike against Jordan Clarke aside, I just wish the club would be honest that this is their desired policy because they choose not to invest and are tight as a nuns private parts.
Let's be honest, if they're half decent they will be gone within 2 years. Wilson won't last the summer, we will lose christie for peanuts at a tribunal and the rest are bang average at best...hence why they are in league 1. Yet Pressley Waggott and the youth team manager are bleating on about this new crop as if they are going to take the league by storm. I doubt many have even played at under 22 level yet they will be thrust into competitive league football against big lumps and journeymen. No matter how good or bad they are, how does that aid their development?
Granted in years gone by they have been sent out on loan to ply their trade but we can't go much lower as things stand. I'm sure SP is pretty on board with it all and it is why he was brought in given his track record at Falkirk but surely he must be absolutely fuming with the shower in charge of the club. It looks like Baker, Seabourne and Webster will be the only senior players left at the club at this rate

I'm dreading to think of who is coming in. The likes of ecclestone hardly inspire me!