Funnily fans are quite naturally urging both sides to around the negotiating table, and yet within half an hour of the Judge's statement SISU are announcing their intention to appeal and start yet more costly and pointless legal action. There court room defeat could hardly have been more damning, and yet they remain in a state of complete denial, always blaming others for their own ineptitude.
If you were ACL, you would have to ask why would you seek to get involved with SISU again, and risk possible further legal threats further down the road. If it wasn't for CCFC being involved I would expect most sane people to advise ACL never again to even attempt any commercial agreement with SISU.
Which ever way the judge ruled it is clear that SISU were intent on further legal action. CCC have made it clear they want to have there legal costs paid, which means even more debt will probably loaded onto the club.