Appeal Decision? (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
not even zombies think Manchester utd have worse problems than us.

No, that's true Manchester United have only sold 800 season tickets and sisu now have a waiting list of thousans for Coventry season tickets at sixfields because all the glory boys are changing their allegiance to Coventry because we're much better off than Man U and they can see the writing on the wall. We're going to be champion league winners in four seasons.

You heard it here first.


Well-Known Member
Sorry RFC

A man who constantly says ignore everything else and just support SP and the team even if that means going to Sixfields, supporting the team is the most important thing.
Then says if we return to the Ricoh you will probably not go.
That for me says everything about the value of your opinion.


Well-Known Member
More rubbish from you so he says he supports Steve and the team, then follows up with even bigger garbage then yourself.....

yet the team comes first look and read his threads like everyone else or is he now your new hero we know how you like changing stances?

At least it was more inciteful. It seems he just supports the team and that transcends the politics for him.


Active Member
I'm sorry you feel like that and I'm not taking sides but just looking for more balance.

SISU are not the worst owners we've had but are certainly not the best but I still scratch my head trying to remember a good one?

Nobody wants to be in Northampton (Manager, Players, Press or Supporters), particularly the next generation (our youngsters) or our older loyal fans who've been following the the Club for more years than they care to remember (either because of their health or age or even logistics). However we are where we are for a very good reason, to be quite honest I'm totally sick to death with the politics but I started when I was very young supporting 'The Bantams' and continued to embrace change when the Sky Blue revolution came along, no regrets just full support.

What really depresses me is the total lack of understanding that other parties involved in this debacle are equally (if not more at fault than the owners).
Renewed my season tickets on the first day (passion & commitment) but totally understand why you've adopted your stance.

I only missed one home game due to family commitments but also managed six away (more than double my usual total), can't say I'm looking forward to the 'commute' to Northampton but along with my sons will attend as many games as I possibly can, starting with Cardiff in the COC!

All I'd say is watch this space, who knows what will happen in the future, certainly not me but I have a feeling things may be happening ..... fingers crossed.

Surprisingly you make some reasonable points here RFC but then you have to spoil it all by suggesting that blame should be apportioned more to other parties than SISU! Are you for real? Most reasonable and balanced people realise that there are a number of selfish, money grabbing, ruthless parties who have brought us to the worst point in our entire history for their own sane person could conclude that anyone other than JS and TF are the main protagonists here though. I can't believe than anyone other than a complete WUM or SISU/ACL plant could post such absolute bollox!


Well-Known Member
More rubbish from you so he says he supports Steve and the team, then follows up with even bigger garbage then yourself.....

yet the team comes first look and read his threads like everyone else or is he now your new hero we know how you like changing stances?

He is hardly my hero. I am just pointing out that at least on that post he gave some explanation as to his motives that sounded plausible. He spoilt it later with a Man Utd comparison.


Well-Known Member
He is hardly my hero. I am just pointing out that at least on that post he gave some explanation as to his motives that sounded plausible. He spoilt it later with a Man Utd comparison.

But as you would have to admit most of his posts are ruined by some sort of comment or other.

Just about all of us wants what is best for our club. You still need to keep a bit of reality with what you want to happen though. It is like when some on here were cheering SISU on with their attempt to prove state funding of some sort with the Ricoh whilst wanting CCC to provide state funding to pay all contracts off so that SISU could obtain the unencumbered freehold.

I understand what many are saying when they say that talks could happen about our clubs return before the money is paid and the fruitless litigation is finished. But a famous quote has been rewritten by SISU. It used to be 'Give them an inch and they will take a mile'. Now it is 'Give them an inch and they will take the piss' Negotiations need to start with a clean slate. And continual fruitless litigation isn't a clean slate. It is just continuing with the previous bad blood. Their last chance was to get the vast majority of us behind them so they can get what they want. But the vast majority of us know that it won't work. Compromise is all they have left.

The FL did no favours to anyone but SISU by saying that our club could return mid season. This gives SISU the chance to keep up with the litigation instead of knowing that they have a few weeks to sort everything out. So we are left with more silly games instead of a chance of our club being home for the start of the season. The chance of our income being of multiples of that in Northampton. The chance of our club making a profit without selling everyone of value. The chance of bringing in a striker that will score for fun in Division 3.

Once I see proof of it being someone else that is stopping our club from coming home SISU will get my support. Until then they will get the respect from me that they deserve. The same respect they give to us. Zero.


Well-Known Member
Excellent post, funny how the usual suspects ether ignore or do not have an answer to these type of threads thought one might even give you a like????

I for one see it exactly that way yes I do veer off on a tangent, but that is only to be expected when the so called educated ones attack anything not in their agenda.
It is a good post. Your approval gives it no more credence. Bore off with your 'usual suspects' shite and accept that everybody has an opinion, and in having one, it doesn't mean they don't have the best wishes of CCFC at heart.


Well-Known Member
I find it very funny that the ones who say CCC were ripping off the club with rent.

They dont use the same logic and say SISU are ripping off the club by paying near enough the same amount in management fees!

So they reckon its wrong for CCC to rip off CCFC. But fine for SISU.

Very strange attitudes they have this will not get an answer. Yes im on about paxman2 and RFC.
If the club had different owners would it be a fair rent?


Well-Known Member
If the club had different owners would it be a fair rent?

The big question is what is a fair rent?

We pay a reported 170k in Northampton. Is that a fair rent for Division 3?

Would a fair rent be comparing Northampton's ground to the Ricoh and altering the rent to the quality and increased income the move home would bring?

Would a step change in rent dependent on which division we are in be fair?

How about say £1 per ticket sold to be paid as rent? The better we do and the more use of the stadium we get the more we pay whilst making it affordable?

Whatever is seen as a fair rent what should happen is that our club should be brought home. All sides other than Northampton would win. All the money presently being wasted on litigation to be used on getting our 50% share back and take it from there.

Or is that too much to ask?


Well-Known Member
Thanks gents. Has made my cornflakes most enjoyable this morning.

Glad someone is happy.

Does anyone know the Italian phrase for 'I think my little boy has broken a toe?'

At least the sun is shining. Been up most of the night with him. Ready for lots of Peroni again :D


Well-Known Member
But as you would have to admit most of his posts are ruined by some sort of comment or other.

Just about all of us wants what is best for our club. You still need to keep a bit of reality with what you want to happen though. It is like when some on here were cheering SISU on with their attempt to prove state funding of some sort with the Ricoh whilst wanting CCC to provide state funding to pay all contracts off so that SISU could obtain the unencumbered freehold.

I understand what many are saying when they say that talks could happen about our clubs return before the money is paid and the fruitless litigation is finished. But a famous quote has been rewritten by SISU. It used to be 'Give them an inch and they will take a mile'. Now it is 'Give them an inch and they will take the piss' Negotiations need to start with a clean slate. And continual fruitless litigation isn't a clean slate. It is just continuing with the previous bad blood. Their last chance was to get the vast majority of us behind them so they can get what they want. But the vast majority of us know that it won't work. Compromise is all they have left.

The FL did no favours to anyone but SISU by saying that our club could return mid season. This gives SISU the chance to keep up with the litigation instead of knowing that they have a few weeks to sort everything out. So we are left with more silly games instead of a chance of our club being home for the start of the season. The chance of our income being of multiples of that in Northampton. The chance of our club making a profit without selling everyone of value. The chance of bringing in a striker that will score for fun in Division 3.

Once I see proof of it being someone else that is stopping our club from coming home SISU will get my support. Until then they will get the respect from me that they deserve. The same respect they give to us. Zero.

Good post astute


Well-Known Member
He is hardly my hero. I am just pointing out that at least on that post he gave some explanation as to his motives that sounded plausible. He spoilt it later with a Man Utd comparison.

Just for the record, I was not comparing (someone's edited my post!).

If you thunk SISU are greedy what I was suggesting was you take a long hard look at how some other clubs owners operate and what charges they apply, Leeds, B'ham & Man. Utd..

Not comparing their success but suggesting you take a look at how the Glaziers financed the purchase of the club, their interest charges on the original loan, annual management fees & charges etc..

Just wish some on here would look at the bigger picture and how the majority of football clubs are run and financed in this country! I'm sure somebody will post shortly how those wonderful owners of Leicester City 'love the club' and know a lot about football. I don't think so!

Like the vast majority it'll be a tax dodge or possibly fiddle or as is alleged by some, money laundering!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just for the record, I was not comparing (someone's edited my post!).

If you thunk SISU are greedy what I was suggesting was you take a long hard look at how some other clubs owners operate and what charges they apply, Leeds, B'ham & Man. Utd..

Not comparing their success but suggesting you take a look at how the Glaziers financed the purchase of the club, their interest charges on the original loan, annual management fees & charges etc..

Just wish some on here would look at the bigger picture and how the majority of football clubs are run and financed in this country! I'm sure somebody will post shortly how those wonderful owners of Leicester City 'love the club' and know a lot about football. I don't think so!

Like the vast majority it'll be a tax dodge or possibly fiddle or as is alleged by some, money laundering!!!!!!!!!!

I agree that those who say they are trousering money are talking nonsense. There is no real money.

The premier league was dubbed the Greed is Good League by the late Brian Glanville. He'll knows what he would think now. Greedy owners, greedy players and greedy fans. It has destroyed the fabric of the game through gross inequality.

However, let's not kid ourselves. Sisu entered the game to join that particular gravy train. It's just unlike some of these other owners they were clueless. Employing one incompetent chairman who in turn employed a dreadful manager and replacing him with an even worse coupling.

Now they embark on their latest strategy of attrition. No doubt it will take just as long and be as successful as the first game plan.

The point you fail to realise is greed is ok in football - it's a greedy game and perverse by all norms in industry. The owners do though have some corporate responsibility to the community and the decision to remove the club is for many the final straw in a reign where the hedge fund have behaved more like the proprietors of Fawlty Towers than an international finance portfolio.

Whatever you say the situation is dire.
I applaud your attendance at sixfields as I believe the club has to have some continuity of support for the future.

I'm not bothered about greedy owners but these greedy owners can't even do greed can they? We lurch from one fiasco to another.

The real issue though RFC is the move. They should have considered that implication above all else. They didn't and they didn't value the community at all. So for that I think they are the worst owners - not the greediest and not the worst at managing the playing side and development - but because they failed to consider the customer.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you feel like that and I'm not taking sides but just looking for more balance.

SISU are not the worst owners we've had but are certainly not the best but I still scratch my head trying to remember a good one?

On this I would partially agree with you, as I'd argue that Brian Richardson was possibly the worst majority shareholder we've had but even he didn't move us to another county. Don't forget that everyone who had shares in our club was a part owner of the club, those same people who Saint Joe of Coventry persuaded to give their shares gratis to Sisu.

Nobody wants to be in Northampton (Manager, Players, Press or Supporters), particularly the next generation (our youngsters) or our older loyal fans who've been following the the Club for more years than they care to remember (either because of their health or age or even logistics). However we are where we are for a very good reason, to be quite honest I'm totally sick to death with the politics but I started when I was very young supporting 'The Bantams' and continued to embrace change when the Sky Blue revolution came along, no regrets just full support.

What really depresses me is the total lack of understanding that other parties involved in this debacle are equally (if not more at fault than the owners).
Renewed my season tickets on the first day (passion & commitment) but totally understand why you've adopted your stance.
I can't fault your commitment to our club, but I won't be making the trip to Sixfields.

I adopted my position of wait and see what the Judge(s) said because:
i) Things said by either party are laced with spin (or just made up)
ii) I don't have a confidential source and even if I did they're very unlikely to be unbiased - unlike a judge reviewing the evidence.

I don't have a problem with Sisu launching lawsuits so long as they aren't loading the costs on to our club. If Sisu want to do the legal thing that's fine but the JR seemed to have little to do directly with our club and was more about the loan from the council to ACL, so not sure why we would or should be lumbered with the costs. If Joy and Tim want to try and tie the council up in court they should pay for it themselves, it isn't the club's fight.

I only missed one home game due to family commitments but also managed six away (more than double my usual total), can't say I'm looking forward to the 'commute' to Northampton but along with my sons will attend as many games as I possibly can, starting with Cardiff in the COC!

We're not playing in our home city and therefore to me we're not playing home games. If I could get to more matches I would but my job means I work weekends. I'll try and make a midweek away game next season but it might be difficult having looked at the fixtures list.

All I'd say is watch this space, who knows what will happen in the future, certainly not me but I have a feeling things may be happening ..... fingers crossed.
It would be nice to think you're right but until I see something concrete be that foundations for the new stadium, or an announcement of our move back I won't hold my breath.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Just for the record, I was not comparing (someone's edited my post!).

If you thunk SISU are greedy what I was suggesting was you take a long hard look at how some other clubs owners operate and what charges they apply, Leeds, B'ham & Man. Utd..

Not comparing their success but suggesting you take a look at how the Glaziers financed the purchase of the club, their interest charges on the original loan, annual management fees & charges etc..

Just wish some on here would look at the bigger picture and how the majority of football clubs are run and financed in this country! I'm sure somebody will post shortly how those wonderful owners of Leicester City 'love the club' and know a lot about football. I don't think so!

Like the vast majority it'll be a tax dodge or possibly fiddle or as is alleged by some, money laundering!!!!!!!!!!

Claiming that your posts are being edited? Really? :facepalm:

Deleted member 5849

I agree that those who say they are trousering money are talking nonsense. There is no real money.

The premier league was dubbed the Greed is Good League by the late Brian Glanville. He'll knows what he would think now. Greedy owners, greedy players and greedy fans. It has destroyed the fabric of the game through gross inequality.

However, let's not kid ourselves. Sisu entered the game to join that particular gravy train. It's just unlike some of these other owners they were clueless. Employing one incompetent chairman who in turn employed a dreadful manager and replacing him with an even worse coupling.

Now they embark on their latest strategy of attrition. No doubt it will take just as long and be as successful as the first game plan.

The point you fail to realise is greed is ok in football - it's a greedy game and perverse by all norms in industry. The owners do though have some corporate responsibility to the community and the decision to remove the club is for many the final straw in a reign where the hedge fund have behaved more like the proprietors of Fawlty Towers than an international finance portfolio.

Whatever you say the situation is dire.
I applaud your attendance at sixfields as I believe the club has to have some continuity of support for the future.

I'm not bothered about greedy owners but these greedy owners can't even do greed can they? We lurch from one fiasco to another.

The real issue though RFC is the move. They should have considered that implication above all else. They didn't and they didn't value the community at all. So for that I think they are the worst owners - not the greediest and not the worst at managing the playing side and development - but because they failed to consider the customer.

I take a couple of days off, and Grendel turns into a reasonable, perceptive, intelligent polite poster.

What's going on?!?


Active Member
I agree that those who say they are trousering money are talking nonsense. There is no real money.

The premier league was dubbed the Greed is Good League by the late Brian Glanville. He'll knows what he would think now. Greedy owners, greedy players and greedy fans. It has destroyed the fabric of the game through gross inequality.

However, let's not kid ourselves. Sisu entered the game to join that particular gravy train. It's just unlike some of these other owners they were clueless. Employing one incompetent chairman who in turn employed a dreadful manager and replacing him with an even worse coupling.

Now they embark on their latest strategy of attrition. No doubt it will take just as long and be as successful as the first game plan.

The point you fail to realise is greed is ok in football - it's a greedy game and perverse by all norms in industry. The owners do though have some corporate responsibility to the community and the decision to remove the club is for many the final straw in a reign where the hedge fund have behaved more like the proprietors of Fawlty Towers than an international finance portfolio.

Whatever you say the situation is dire.
I applaud your attendance at sixfields as I believe the club has to have some continuity of support for the future.

I'm not bothered about greedy owners but these greedy owners can't even do greed can they? We lurch from one fiasco to another.

The real issue though RFC is the move. They should have considered that implication above all else. They didn't and they didn't value the community at all. So for that I think they are the worst owners - not the greediest and not the worst at managing the playing side and development - but because they failed to consider the customer.

Spot on G....excellent post!


Well-Known Member
I agree that those who say they are trousering money are talking nonsense. There is no real money.

The premier league was dubbed the Greed is Good League by the late Brian Glanville. He'll knows what he would think now. Greedy owners, greedy players and greedy fans. It has destroyed the fabric of the game through gross inequality.

However, let's not kid ourselves. Sisu entered the game to join that particular gravy train. It's just unlike some of these other owners they were clueless. Employing one incompetent chairman who in turn employed a dreadful manager and replacing him with an even worse coupling.

Now they embark on their latest strategy of attrition. No doubt it will take just as long and be as successful as the first game plan.

The point you fail to realise is greed is ok in football - it's a greedy game and perverse by all norms in industry. The owners do though have some corporate responsibility to the community and the decision to remove the club is for many the final straw in a reign where the hedge fund have behaved more like the proprietors of Fawlty Towers than an international finance portfolio.

Whatever you say the situation is dire.
I applaud your attendance at sixfields as I believe the club has to have some continuity of support for the future.

I'm not bothered about greedy owners but these greedy owners can't even do greed can they? We lurch from one fiasco to another.

The real issue though RFC is the move. They should have considered that implication above all else. They didn't and they didn't value the community at all. So for that I think they are the worst owners - not the greediest and not the worst at managing the playing side and development - but because they failed to consider the customer.

More of this please :D

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Just for the record, I was not comparing (someone's edited my post!).

If someone had edited your post (other than you in the short space of time where your edit wouldn't register) then the software would show your post has been edited and by who. This isn't something that we can stop from happening so if I or any other moderator including Nick have edited a post it will show up at the bottom of the post.


Well-Known Member
I agree that those who say they are trousering money are talking nonsense. There is no real money.

The premier league was dubbed the Greed is Good League by the late Brian Glanville. He'll knows what he would think now. Greedy owners, greedy players and greedy fans. It has destroyed the fabric of the game through gross inequality.

However, let's not kid ourselves. Sisu entered the game to join that particular gravy train. It's just unlike some of these other owners they were clueless. Employing one incompetent chairman who in turn employed a dreadful manager and replacing him with an even worse coupling.

Now they embark on their latest strategy of attrition. No doubt it will take just as long and be as successful as the first game plan.

The point you fail to realise is greed is ok in football - it's a greedy game and perverse by all norms in industry. The owners do though have some corporate responsibility to the community and the decision to remove the club is for many the final straw in a reign where the hedge fund have behaved more like the proprietors of Fawlty Towers than an international finance portfolio.

Whatever you say the situation is dire.
I applaud your attendance at sixfields as I believe the club has to have some continuity of support for the future.

I'm not bothered about greedy owners but these greedy owners can't even do greed can they? We lurch from one fiasco to another.

The real issue though RFC is the move. They should have considered that implication above all else. They didn't and they didn't value the community at all. So for that I think they are the worst owners - not the greediest and not the worst at managing the playing side and development - but because they failed to consider the customer.

A perfect assessment of the recent past in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I agree that those who say they are trousering money are talking nonsense. There is no real money.

The premier league was dubbed the Greed is Good League by the late Brian Glanville. He'll knows what he would think now. Greedy owners, greedy players and greedy fans. It has destroyed the fabric of the game through gross inequality.

However, let's not kid ourselves. Sisu entered the game to join that particular gravy train. It's just unlike some of these other owners they were clueless. Employing one incompetent chairman who in turn employed a dreadful manager and replacing him with an even worse coupling.

Now they embark on their latest strategy of attrition. No doubt it will take just as long and be as successful as the first game plan.

The point you fail to realise is greed is ok in football - it's a greedy game and perverse by all norms in industry. The owners do though have some corporate responsibility to the community and the decision to remove the club is for many the final straw in a reign where the hedge fund have behaved more like the proprietors of Fawlty Towers than an international finance portfolio.

Whatever you say the situation is dire.
I applaud your attendance at sixfields as I believe the club has to have some continuity of support for the future.

I'm not bothered about greedy owners but these greedy owners can't even do greed can they? We lurch from one fiasco to another.

The real issue though RFC is the move. They should have considered that implication above all else. They didn't and they didn't value the community at all. So for that I think they are the worst owners - not the greediest and not the worst at managing the playing side and development - but because they failed to consider the customer.

Well said Grendel!


Well-Known Member
I agree that those who say they are trousering money are talking nonsense. There is no real money.

The premier league was dubbed the Greed is Good League by the late Brian Glanville. He'll knows what he would think now. Greedy owners, greedy players and greedy fans. It has destroyed the fabric of the game through gross inequality.

However, let's not kid ourselves. Sisu entered the game to join that particular gravy train. It's just unlike some of these other owners they were clueless. Employing one incompetent chairman who in turn employed a dreadful manager and replacing him with an even worse coupling.

Now they embark on their latest strategy of attrition. No doubt it will take just as long and be as successful as the first game plan.

The point you fail to realise is greed is ok in football - it's a greedy game and perverse by all norms in industry. The owners do though have some corporate responsibility to the community and the decision to remove the club is for many the final straw in a reign where the hedge fund have behaved more like the proprietors of Fawlty Towers than an international finance portfolio.

Whatever you say the situation is dire.
I applaud your attendance at sixfields as I believe the club has to have some continuity of support for the future.

I'm not bothered about greedy owners but these greedy owners can't even do greed can they? We lurch from one fiasco to another.

The real issue though RFC is the move. They should have considered that implication above all else. They didn't and they didn't value the community at all. So for that I think they are the worst owners - not the greediest and not the worst at managing the playing side and development - but because they failed to consider the customer.

At found your tablets?!


Well-Known Member
At found your tablets?!

My view has always been entirely consistent.

The difference is my belief they will not simply go away or surrender. I believe they will remain for a long time in an attempt to secure something that will mean the club has an increase in asset value.

The other fundamental difference between myself and the majority is the approach you take to attempt to resolve the situation. I am not going to get into hyperbole about political examples but often you have to accept greater concessions to the agressor even if it's to the detriment of the "innocent" side. Most on here would not. The official supporter groups have at times blatently sided against the club. What does this achieve? The owners by removing the club from its home show that they have no regard for popular opinion or will be shamed into action.

The trust and Kcic should have been meeting with ACL and the council and urging them to have interim talks as the offer was made. No point in saying pay the money sisu - they will not so other avenues should be explored.

This again was why the Kcic offer was frustrating. Was there really money to pay the rent? If so it should have been transparent and said so. Then this would again have applied pressure. Do they really think Ms Seppella cares if a negative headline appears in their newsletter. I'd imagine it just gives her and Tim and mark something to chortle at over the dinner table.

Unfortunately in life you have to dance with the devil or in the end when the last dance comes you will be left sitting in the corner alone and with only the past to remember.


New Member
My view has always been entirely consistent.

The difference is my belief they will not simply go away or surrender. I believe they will remain for a long time in an attempt to secure something that will mean the club has an increase in asset value.

The other fundamental difference between myself and the majority is the approach you take to attempt to resolve the situation. I am not going to get into hyperbole about political examples but often you have to accept greater concessions to the agressor even if it's to the detriment of the "innocent" side. Most on here would not. The official supporter groups have at times blatently sided against the club. What does this achieve? The owners by removing the club from its home show that they have no regard for popular opinion or will be shamed into action.

The trust and Kcic should have been meeting with ACL and the council and urging them to have interim talks as the offer was made. No point in saying pay the money sisu - they will not so other avenues should be explored.

This again was why the Kcic offer was frustrating. Was there really money to pay the rent? If so it should have been transparent and said so. Then this would again have applied pressure. Do they really think Ms Seppella cares if a negative headline appears in their newsletter. I'd imagine it just gives her and Tim and mark something to chortle at over the dinner table.

Unfortunately in life you have to dance with the devil or in the end when the last dance comes you will be left sitting in the corner alone and with only the past to remember.

The problem is you don't just say I know everything sisu are doing is wrong, I know they are the issue but I don't care because I want the club to get the stadium weather or not thats fair or right and we need sisu to win for the good of ccfc weather thats fair or right, to me this seems to be what you actually believe, if you said that while some wouldn't agree there would be little argument. You don't just say that though, you try to argue that sisus side is right, that acl are the problem, that the council are the problem and try to discredit everything people post regarding sisu being the problem.


Well-Known Member
The problem is you don't just say I know everything sisu are doing is wrong, I know they are the issue but I don't care because I want the club to get the stadium weather or not thats fair or right and we need sisu to win for the good of ccfc weather thats fair or right, to me this seems to be what you actually believe, if you said that while some wouldn't agree there would be little argument. You don't just say that though, you try to argue that sisus side is right, that acl are the problem, that the council are the problem and try to discredit everything people post regarding sisu being the problem.

I've said it on numerous occasions actually. Let's be clear. The club has no future under the arrangements that ACL and the council want as there will be no interest from other owners.

Let's also be clear. If sisu had managed to break the lease and obtain the stadium then a season in Northampton would have been a small price to pay for the long term future of the club. It was always a long shot though. A company that considered Ken Dulieu and Ogwe as fitting boardroom members and Andy Thorn a manager was never likely to pull it off. I've never really fathomed how such an intelligent person as Joy Seppala clearly is can have left the investment in such clownish hands.

ACL are the problem ultimately as without the rights they bring the stadium is no more valuable to the club than a cowshed with 15,000 seats. Sisu are so incompetent though they can't even finish them off.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think Seppala is intelligent? She doesn't come across as very bright to me.

The fact that she had successfully operated the hedge fund for a number of years. Weren't they one the ten most profitable funds in 2008?

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