We should remember this. (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
I'm an optimist as much as anyone, but we're seeing our club destroyed. Yes destroyed. Right in front of our eyes, we won't strengthen before Wednesday, or the loan window. We may get some deadwood 'has-beens' or kids who should be sitting their GCSE's but we won't strengthen. And when we're relegated, we'll be put into admin. We are the new Leeds.

It's not SISU out. It's investment in.


New Member
I'm a pessimist - imagine how I feel:blue:


Well-Known Member
I'm a pretty big optimist too but this season I've just felt we've had it, even before a football was kicked. Hopefully i'm wrong and everyone on here can go "We told you so!" to all the doubters, but honestly i think it will be one hell of a save to get us out of relegation and i just can't see it happening.


Well-Known Member
I'm an optimist as much as anyone, but we're seeing our club destroyed. Yes destroyed. Right in front of our eyes, we won't strengthen before Wednesday, or the loan window. We may get some deadwood 'has-beens' or kids who should be sitting their GCSE's but we won't strengthen. And when we're relegated, we'll be put into admin. We are the new Leeds.

It's not SISU out. It's investment in.

I admire your optimism


New Member
Said it before: we have been a club in decline for a long time and the financial damage caused by Robinson and Richardson has holed the club beyond repair. SISU just did not have the resources nor the willpower to repair the damage. However, it has to be said that we have enjoyed precious little success over the decades and therefore, there is an element of fatigue with the constant struggling.

All SISU did when they tookover the club was delay the day of reckoning

Relegation in 2001 was the first time Coventry fans had to deal with relegation since the 1950s - that is 5 decades of promotion, followed by over 3 decades of being amongst the elite.

I have long feared that we are just returning from whence we came: the old Third and Fourth Divisions. And that the period 1967-2001 will one day be seen as an aberration in our club's history.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Tommy that was perfect until you hit the last para!

The difference is this is the modern day and the way football is a club the size of Coventry and with stadia like it has will not end up whence it came from....or at least not for long. (as Man City have shown) No we will probably never emulate Man City but returning from lower leagues where we meet the likes of clubs with average gates equivalent to the number of our travelling fans would not keep us very long.

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
It breaks my fecking heart to see my/our club run like this.It is now facing a slow painful death all before our eyes, and the owners could'nt give two shits about us,the club,the employees or any fecking thing to do with Cov.
I can't surf these threads anymore today , as all of us, but one or two, see like me the total destruction of a once proud club,and it hurts to read them.
I beg with every bone in my body to SISU to please please go away, and take our ten new directors with them.It is plainly clear that none of you know how to run a business, as surely even the most brainless twat would understand that you must INVEST IN, to get anything out of a business for it to grow and flourish.
If you have one compassionate bone left then please just admit it, that you've got it badly wrong and you are out of your depth, and that with you're imcompetantancy and the mess you have made of running a football club, then perhaps it's time to GO

The Rev

Colonel Mustard

New Member
Couldn't agree more with TommyAtkins.

The club's back was broken under Richardson's watch. £60m of debt, no stadium, second-tier football; I'd like to know a business plan to get out of that mess. It is too easy to throw all the resentment of years of slow decline at SISU.

I'm a pessimist for that reason. And somewhat sadly, I think admin is the best option for the club right now; not because I believe that there is a deep-pocketed CCFC fan ready to rescue us, but because it may be the only way to purge the toxicity and frustration around the club.

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