Sisu members on here (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
I think there must be sisu members on here as there are so many members on here who seem to know the intimate workings of the day to day running of the club.
I have read where people seem to know we were x amount of time away from selling certain players.
Players left because the deal they were offered was crap(because players and agents never lie).
The day to day financial matters regarding how much they are making/losing and pocketing of said monies.
Some seem to know that there are investors around the corner just waiting to pounce.
So unless they are sisu board members where do there ACTUAL facts come from?


Facebook User
Would make sense for them to have accounts on here and monitor whats being said by a large group of cov fans... Being savy business men I almost would guarantee they are on here. Not necessarily posting but observing.


Well-Known Member
Would make sense for them to have accounts on here and monitor whats being said by a large group of cov fans... Being savy business men I almost would guarantee they are on here. Not necessarily posting but observing.

I'd be amazed if they were


New Member
Speculation ? ! Some of spend a lot of time making these things up to see how gullible you are.


New Member
i think the person on here under the name snoozer is from the club and knows things because he comes on and then goes very quiet.
not seen or heard him on here for ages with anything now.
maybe sisu has gagged him
its probarly old ken dolou lol


New Member
Hey come on, from the figures I've seen there are no more than 250 people on here at busy times. its a tiny proportion of our fans. Calling it the heartbeat of the club or similar is stretching it. Sure there are some loud voices on here but it is a small number.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they have some 'joey' observing this forum, but from all the tripe spouted by them, they only deal in one thing i.e. 'we want our money back', or at least their version of 'money', - creative accounting prevails !!!!!!!!!
CCFC (Coventry, that is) OK


Well-Known Member
There sure is some tripe spouted on here as well by quite a few forum members if some of the things that get said on here are to be belived and to be taken in by, so can't really generalise that sisu are the only ones.


Well-Known Member
they and i think there is also alot of 'paranoid motherfuckers' on this website!!! They dont read these site, they dont care about what we think!!!!


Facebook User
Surely they are savy enough to do some research, maybe not one of their top men, but delegated to a lower member of staff to read through wed sites and produce a report on what's being said over the internet. These websites are basically a free way of hearing hundreds of other peoples views, that's why we do it, surely they will!


Well-Known Member
Any business that doesn't monitor social media, especially with a social media expert on the board, is out of touch these days. Brody was aware of SBT through Twitter, so I bet he pops on to have a look sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Would not have a clue on names,however there seems to be a lot of people who seem to know (speculate) that they know all without facts about what goes on at the club internally, and people who have a differant opinion are being labelled.
So these people must be sisu members,know sisu members or be part of some consortium/in the know, as they are certain of there facts otherwise why put such stupid statements on here without putting in 'in my opinion'??
Personally I think it's all a load of rubbish and there just trend followers at a given time, so there not any differant and don't have to justify an opinion.
Thats my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Any business comes in three types mainly. Service, entertainment or products. Our club is supposed to be in the trade of entertainment. The best businesses know their clients and what they want. It would be very short sighted of SISU not to keep an eye on what the fans want or think. Part of this would mean keeping an eye on sites like this.


Facebook User
Any business comes in three types mainly. Service, entertainment or products. Our club is supposed to be in the trade of entertainment. The best businesses know their clients and what they want. It would be very short sighted of SISU not to keep an eye on what the fans want or think. Part of this would mean keeping an eye on sites like this.

Hear, hear!! Full concur, my sentiments exactly!
What I've been trying to say, just put correctly!

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