CCFC Merchandise - "Look what you could have won" (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
They actually got MORE from me than I would have spent. When I went in the week before last I wanted a 2015 annual, which is what a tenner? I actually bought him a goalie top for £30, minus JSB/ST discount, £26.50.
Ordered the old Admiral track suit top from club shop hated doing it but my lad wants it. Still not arrived 4 days later. PULL YOUR FINGERS OUT! Never again.


Well-Known Member
Why did you hate doing it?

Ordered the old Admiral track suit top from club shop hated doing it but my lad wants it. Still not arrived 4 days later. PULL YOUR FINGERS OUT! Never again.


Well-Known Member
I can't pretend we were going to spend a fortune down there this Xmas but we have in previous years when the kids were a bit younger. I was regularly buying bits and bobs after and before matches for presents etc but of course that was when we had a shop on site. It's a shambles, I feel for the Dads and Lads brigade, it's never been so poor !
These clown owners need to start matching the marketing techniques of the rugby franchise, more collaboration with the population, adverts on Billboards and in Newspapers, open days, E mails to fans showing the offers, random free tickets given out to lapsed supporters.
It won't happen though, I'm convinced they only came back for the ST windfall, everything hints of a rapid escape plan !


So, getting back on track, I would have spent £50 on my son's away kit which makes it £1850 I believe. Socks and shorts are available but they're no good without the top.
When I told the wife last night that there was no stock she said as he likes Ronaldo why not get him a Real Madrid top!
If anyone at CCFC is reading this can you see what is happening? I don't mind that my son loves Ronaldo but he also loves Coventry City and in a world where it is so easy to follow a Premiership team, it takes a lot of bottle to be an 8 year old and support your local league one team. Wearing their kit is one of the biggest statements he can make and he can not now do this because of your inexplicable and incompetent stock situation.

The Penguin

Well-Known Member
Shirt for me, shirt for my daughter, other odds and least 100 quid I reckon. So that's what, just short of two grand at the moment?

I think the lack of action is disgraceful on the club's behalf. I bet the demand extends beyond just the members of SBT as well.
A couple of adult onesies as pressies - £50.00 not being spent.

Running total £2000 not spent :claping hands: well done Otium


CCFC Finance Director
Ordinarily my lad and I would have a shirt or one of the leisure wear tops each so I would guess that's another £60 or so that wont be going in to the CCFC coffers.

The worrying thing is that this forum is actually quite a small community, multiply the effect up across the city and the continuing disconnect from the club that this and other mistakes cause has to be a major concern for the future of CCFC doesn't it?

Running total £2060


Well-Known Member
I was pretty shocked when I walked in there to see it so empty. It seems they never really recovered from the ram raid.
But those are available, aren't they? Thought this thread was about items that would have been bought if they were in stock?

I have to buy on-line and they show only children's in stock :(


Well-Known Member
Just been in there on the off chance that there will be a kit for my 2 year old son. Same as a retro jacket for me. Another £70 not spent. Worst of all one of my staff who also works part time at the academy came in with me to buy some kit as he doesn't have what he needs. He couldn't find anything suitable so we both walked out empty handed. He would've spent around £100.

Adult onesis are available in store so why not online? Why are next year's calendar's being sold off cheap?!

Anyway add our £170 in and we're now on £2230.


Well-Known Member
Its really mind blowing how a business can continue to operate in this manner, the total lack of understanding of their client base is shocking. It would have been full away kit for my Grandson, various other odd and end, no doubt I would bought some stuff at well, at least £150 they have missed out on!


Well-Known Member
Its really mind blowing how a business can continue to operate in this manner, the total lack of understanding of their client base is shocking. It would have been full away kit for my Grandson, various other odd and end, no doubt I would bought some stuff at well, at least £150 they have missed out on!

I don't think its a lack of understanding, more just a lack of care?


New Member
Managed to get a small away shirt. If there was anything else in there usually £30-ish stocking fillers so not much.

What suprised me was the poor opening hours, even if there was something in the shop, they dont have at least one night when they were open late when most if not all other shops on Gallacher are open until 8/9pm at night.
Asked staff about this and stated lack of staff as problem.

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
£2500 is hardly a life changing sum of money.

I was at The Emirates last Saturday and I reckon their shop took that amount in minutes, it was banging in there.


Well-Known Member
I would have quite easily spent £100 before Christmas and have always spent well over £50 in the sale they used to have in January.


Well-Known Member
£2500 is hardly a life changing sum of money

I was at The Emirates last Saturday and I reckon their shop took that amount in minutes, it was banging in there.
No it's not but that's just from people on this forum. On match days the shop at the ricoh was always rammed.


Well-Known Member
I was going to ram raid the shop and steal everything. So they actually come out better off.
Managed to get a small away shirt. If there was anything else in there usually £30-ish stocking fillers so not much.

What suprised me was the poor opening hours, even if there was something in the shop, they dont have at least one night when they were open late when most if not all other shops on Gallacher are open until 8/9pm at night.
Asked staff about this and stated lack of staff as problem.

Last year they did it one night. They had pressley and players in and an hour where everything was half price. Place was rammed but this year they just don't look bothered


Well-Known Member
Last year they did it one night. They had pressley and players in and an hour where everything was half price. Place was rammed but this year they just don't look bothered

Think that was connected to the shop opening IIRC which may have coincided with the festive period
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Well-Known Member
That kind of PR costs nothing. No reason why they couldn't do it again. Was packed in there that night.


Well-Known Member
Went today to get our tickets for Doncaster and Walsall and was quite surprised to see they had the short sleeved away kit in all sizes.. So they actually got another £45 quid out of me today .. Although I must say the Christmas jumpers are terrible and not worth £30


Well-Known Member
Went today to get our tickets for Doncaster and Walsall and was quite surprised to see they had the short sleeved away kit in all sizes.. So they actually got another £45 quid out of me today .. Although I must say the Christmas jumpers are terrible and not worth £30

I love my jumper! Makes me feel all Christmassy! :)

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