Spot on....
Edit: About abusing your own fans! Don't have an opinion on Astute (yet...)!
I have an opinion on him
I have been following our team for about 35 years now. I once had a stretch of over 5 years where I only missed 2 games home or away. I am less dedicated now though. This is through a mixture of family life, working shifts and living well over 200 miles away. Going to a game means a two day outing for me. Some people still call me obsessed though. I still show this in many ways, including driving a sky blue car with my COV numberplates on and giving my youngest lad, 2 in a couple of months, the initials CCFC. I want what is best for my team, always will. I will also listen to what others have to say. Some makes sense, some don't. I understand the protests, but there is a time and a place for them. Brinner and a few others did the best one in London. I take my hat off to him for that. I do not understand the ones during the games though. It is bad enough that they are putting the players off, but they also will not get us anywhere. SISU are our owners. Nobody else wants us that has the funding in place. Things are finally turning around. I could understand it more if some people were happy for our team to get put off during games, losing goals and points if we were in a worse place when SISU took us over. We were less than 10 mins from admin. Most of the players we had were overpaid and sh1t. We were losing over 5m a year. We could not lend any more. Hardly any assets, although we keep hearing that SISU are asset stripping us. They put 30m into us that they might not see back. They said at the time the plan was to get rid of all the waste at the club then start again. It has been a painful experience. It has divided our fans. There are many that blame SISU for everything. There are many things they are at fault for. Many others are put at their fault that are not though, including the trouble yesterday. The ground does not belong to us, but they got the blame for what happened inside. This is down to the stadium owners and the police, as well as whoever started the trouble. If the copper was spoken to with a distinct lack of respect then he should have got arrested. There is too much of a lack of respect these days. If you think I am wrong with this would you change your mind if a female or elderly member of your family suffered from it?
So someone called me a jelly belly :thinking about:I am 6'2" and in good shape if this helps. If you mean yellow belly then I would have loved to have seen you getting to and from away games in the 80's. We had a hardcore of only a few hundred them days. Bad days but an experience. No yellow bellies did away games those days :slap: OK so you want to call me names. I can handle it. So you want to put messages about being a rent boy. I have 7 kids. Oldest 26 this year, youngest 2 in a couple of months.