The bloke asked questons, and these are the answers. Richardson, or anyone else for that matter is never going to paint themselces in a bad light and say "actually, fuck it you're right - it is a franchise, and we have stiched up our core fan base etc.."
Has anybody on here actually noticed that there is an Election campaign going on at the minute!!! Look at how the Parties answer questions, and how manifesto's are launched; and how it is reported. It could be argued that the CT could do a Nick Robinson style disectoin of the issues raised by Richardson's answers, but realyy it is down to readers to make there own mind up and move on - re the Election.
If anyone dislikes the CT so much, then don't read it - such as me dumping UKIP shit in the bin as soon as it hits the mat (to clarify, I am not in any way comparing the CT to blinkered pseudo facist opportunist fuckwits)