intresting article (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
They are professional investors, and they want confidentiality, which is normal practice in private equity."

So that apply's only when it suits SISU... They are a fooking joke the quicker they go the better, as the club is dying under there control......


Well-Known Member
exactly! so when SISU took over they didn't prove who was funding the deal? hypocrites!


Well-Known Member
all a bunch of crooks fooking our club over for there own gain and its a fook you to the fans too!!! just makes you sick :jerkit::jerkit::jerkit::jerkit:
Wonder what the SISU sympathises will say?

You’re up Tommy Atkins and co...
Articles like this just prove what corrupt people are in charge on our club. No smoke without fire


Well-Known Member
thank god for decent journalists @papers ,all you'd get from News international would be stuff about Tindall out and about ,having a few beers and flirting,trying their hardest to derail the national teams progress


New Member
A big difference was that Hoffman said he would name the investors as soon as a deal had been agreed. And at one stage Dulally said he and the Board had been made aware of the identity of some of the investors. Big dose of double standards from SISU.


Well-Known Member
They (sisu) are an enigma masked in subterfuge shrouded in a mystery.
Their desperate messages range from mountainous bollox to total shite.
Their actions are dishonourable, they're hanging around the city like a putrid stench.
Apart from that, they're doing great.


Well-Known Member
a very interesting article that i would expect sisu to attempt to answer,
what one may expect and what one is likely to get though (from sisu), are 2 entirely different things,
however as mentioned by many posters to this thread, it appears there is room for HMRC & the football league, to delve further,
i hope they do so for the sake of our club, yes sisu OUR club,



Well-Known Member
i hope they fuck them (SISU) over a barrel, not as squeaky clean as many claim !! and if the HMRC can do it and help get SISU out thats good enough for me:jerkit::jerkit::jerkit::jerkit:

Clive Plattini

So that means that over 10 people/companies have shares in us. Meaning each has spent less than 3 million in 3 years. That's not a lot is it? Surely each of them could chuck another 500k in and that would give us 5 million plus.


Well-Known Member
So that means that over 10 people/companies have shares in us. Meaning each has spent less than 3 million in 3 years. That's not a lot is it? Surely each of them could chuck another 500k in and that would give us 5 million plus.
surely they'd have done that by now clive,there is no appetite, it would'nt need more than 1-2m to secure our status in this div
they obviously are aware of this ,suggests some other strategy,baffling:thinking about:


Well-Known Member
Mind you the whole game is rotten as fuck.
Listen to Alec Fergie bellyaching about having to play two games in four days! My heart bleeds for the hypocritical twat.
Why should sisu be any different? Any more honourable, honest or straightforward?
Sooner the pack o cards comes crashing down the better.


New Member
I love David Conn, he did his best to find out the true story at Leeds and it led to a ban on all guardian journalists at Elland Road.

I've just been listening to the sunday supplement podcast which often pisses me off, but they were talking about this agent whistleblower who says he can blow the game wide open.

They made an interesting point that these things have a habit of going away because of legal loopholes, and that in order to get real truths (i.e. hacking scandal, MP expenses, etc) it takes a whistleblower to do it. Someone on the inside has to come forward. Either that or people need to dig deep and not go away.

We should commend people like David Conn, not just because we care about our own football club, but because they are trying to lift the lid on the areas of the game that are corrupt....about time too.


Well-Known Member
Nobody on here is pro SISU that I know. I have said myself that until someone better comes along then SISU are our owners. I also said that my thoughts on them depended on who they bring in on loan. No sign of anyone yet.


Well-Known Member
Looks like somebody has called in a political favor to get this story going. And it is designed to stir up more trouble at this club. And it was an easy job too it seems.

When the league is calling for transparancy they simply want to make sure everybody knows who are in charge and who can force decisions. Anybody holding more than 10% shares are to stand up and be counted.
I am not familiar with the exact holdings of shares in our club - only that the shares are controlled (mostly) by SISU. I don't think any individual shareholder in the sisu controlled funds own more than 10% shares in the club and so there's no legal obligation for anyone to be listed ... except for sisu themself, who holds the controlling influence.

Would it be the same with the Hoffman investors?
I don't know, and I really don't care.

Were Sisu entitled to know the origin of Hoffmans money?
Maybe, maybe not. But they were fully entitled to ask for proof of the money actually existing. Be it in an offshore account, an account in the local bank or in a Hoffman controlled fund.

The story in the Guardians is planted to keep the bonfire burning.


New Member
You try to defend the indefensible. SISU. Hoffman stated clearly preod if funds would be provided through lawyers once terms discussed and agreed


New Member
So if a company is owned by another company then they don't have to reveal who holds the shares ? Cobblers


Well-Known Member
So if a company is owned by another company then they don't have to reveal who holds the shares ? Cobblers

True if 20 persons each holds 5% of the shares in the 'holding company' then their identity does not need to be public known.
If one or more persons holds more than 10% they will have to reveal their identity as shareholders in the holding company.

But does it really matter? We don't even know how many shares the funds holds - all we know for sure is that most of the loans are owed to the funds.
Shares or no shares ... it's Sisu who controls the ownership - the board who oversees the strategies and finances - the management who runs the daily business.

Sisu, the board and the managers are all public known identities.


New Member
How to contradict yourself within one sentence the Sisu way!

"We are not being anonymous: I am the fund's manager and a partner in Sisu, that is public," Igwe said. "The funds for Coventry City are from institutional investors, some European, some American, some from overseas, and some high net-worth individuals. They are professional investors and they want confidentiality, which is normal practice in private equity."


Well-Known Member
Do I care who owns us - not really. Do I care that no one is investing in the club - yes Do I care that Onye and his poodles are constantly using thousands of words to mislead or simply to say nothing - not really, have come to expect nothing better from this shower. The hypocrisy is there for all to see and would be laughable if it wasn't quite so pathetic.
In amongst the usual SISU bollox the interesting bit for me was
" that since a "reorganisation" in March, under which Sisu's former investment partner, Ray Ranson, resigned as chairman, they have a revised plan for rebuilding the club." So there is a plan? If so what the feck is it? Share it Mr Banker and allow us the customers to decide if we agree with your plan and then fully furnished with the facts we can decide to support you and continue to invest (lets face it you haven't found investment any where else so cannot see the plan being that great) or we can decide to take our hard earned money and spend it elsewhere.
I know it would break the habit of a lifetime but why not try the TRUTH - you never know it might be a cleansing experience.


Well-Known Member
I love David Conn, he did his best to find out the true story at Leeds and it led to a ban on all guardian journalists at Elland Road.
We should commend people like David Conn, not just because we care about our own football club, but because they are trying to lift the lid on the areas of the game that are corrupt....about time too.

Dunno if anyone remembers but a few weeks back I implored "A decent investigative journalist like David Conn" to have a sniff around SISU. Maybe he read my plea?!

That said, this is really down to an MP. Good on him. And I don't say that often about MP's!

On the way back Saturday my mate and me were trying to think of another club behaving anything like ours. My mate said Leeds-Bates always claims to be the owner but the reality is very different and murky. What's gone on there looked like a fire-sale at times this season-private equity cashing in on assets?
Bang on the money again ashbyjan - wanted to 'like' the above but since I'm on my phone I can't.

Surely even they can see that that last comment by Igwe is laughable to the fans given what's happened over the last few months!

Colonel Mustard

New Member
Wonder what the SISU sympathises will say?

This has been the problem since day one of the Sisu takeover. Nobody is "pro-Sisu". It's a hedge fund, no CCFC supporters behind their ownership, not pumping enough into the club.

But...when people say "Sisu are evil and have ruined the club", well, it's such an exaggeration that others are forced to defend Sisu. And then they unfairly get labelled as being on-side.

David Conn is an excellent writer, and his column in the Guardian is second-to-none when it comes to unravelling finance in football. What he has to say will be extremely interesting for any CCFC supporter (which is what we all are)


Well-Known Member
Expect a statement from someone one the board soon. Maybe Iggy Oggy, or maybe Dildo or Clowning (the Laurel & Hardy of football club board members) - but don't expect truth or transparency.

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