What was the song being sang after the 2nd goal? (2 Viewers)

The Lurker

Well-Known Member
How did it go? Seemed the naughty corner sang it for 20 mins non-stop but couldn't grasp what was actually being sung


Well-Known Member
That's the first time I'd heard that sung, was it planned ahead or just somehow caught on?


Well-Known Member
No idea but it made my hairs stand up very apt for this club at the minute hopetully it doesn't get overused but was superb & the fact Ricketts scores whilst it was really going was class!

Sounds a lot better than 'twist & shout' & the shockingly bad 'what do we think of leicester' tosh.


Isn't it from the Nuneaton game? I assume if its the "Dont worry, about a thing" song?


Well-Known Member
I first heard it at the Nuneaton friendly. They sang it every time one of the Nuneaton stewards (who had dreads) walked past them. It sounded great last night. Better than Twist and Shout, which basically means fuck all.


New Member
Think we started singing it just as we scored 2nd goal hence why we carried on in hope of another! Was pretty amazing to be in it and to see it carry on further down the stand.Just a shame we didnt get that winner.Cant knock the fans again great turnout considering monday night and backed the boys all night.#PUSB


Well-Known Member
Started when we were losing. Could be the go-to song when we are losing and in need of a goal.


Well-Known Member
Think we started singing it just as we scored 2nd goal hence why we carried on in hope of another! Was pretty amazing to be in it and to see it carry on further down the stand.Just a shame we didnt get that winner.Cant knock the fans again great turnout considering monday night and backed the boys all night.#PUSB

Started about 10
Mins before the second goal I think.


Well-Known Member
Bob Marley- 3 little birds

I was sat In block 20 sounded superb

I'm in block 19, and quite a few of the younger lads around us were singing it... I'd never noticed it before at a city match


Chief Commentator!
No idea but it made my hairs stand up very apt for this club at the minute hopetully it doesn't get overused but was superb & the fact Ricketts scores whilst it was really going was class!

Sounds a lot better than 'twist & shout' & the shockingly bad 'what do we think of leicester' tosh.

That Leicester one is annoying. But shows we can only Nick other teams songs - Arsenal and Spurs

Glenn Storer

New Member
Isn't it from the Nuneaton game? I assume if its the "Dont worry, about a thing" song?

Aye, we were signing it to one of Nuneaton's Stewards, he loved it! Was surprised to hear it start again last night but it was bloody brill once it got going.

Joy Division

Well-Known Member
Sounded great. Drummer needs to play on the off-beat though and will sound loads better.


Well-Known Member
Sat in block 16 row J well stood the second half surrounded a group of young 'uns and that song was superb, and infectious
not crass or corny and I suspect it will become an anthem for us and words are fitting really. In the end everyone round me were singing it. Worrying thing for me about 35 years ago I bought the original when it came out from Jill Hansons, who remembers that shop then ?
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Well-Known Member
Any chance someone can record it at the next home game and put it on here. Miss hearing this stuff living out here.


Well-Known Member
Loved that song, it shut the Southend fans up as well. Few times towards the end they tried to get going with "we're the Southend boys making all the noise" but I guess they couldn't hear themselves over our singing & they gave up again.

In the nicest possible way though - I hope we don't have to sing "don't worry about a thing" too many times. I preferred "we're top of the league".

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