Ok this £17 return form Coventry station to Ricoh is bullshit, However £17 Nuneaton to Ricoh return could be plausible.
Ricoh is just inside the boundary of Coventry City Council, so bus & train fares are under the control of Network West Midlands, (formally Centro or W.M.P.T.E.).
So you can use your Bus & Train Daytripper/rider/saver (whatever name it happens to be today).
This cost £8.10 for unlimited travel on buses, trams & trains in the whole of the West Midlands, £6.40 after 09:30.
£8:90 to/from the following stations, Stratford-upon-Avon, Kidderminster, Leamington Spa, Lichfield and Warwick after 0930, NOT NUNEATON or BEDWORTH.
The train operator is just trying to dig in its heals to claim money from Coventry, Nuneaton or/& Warwickshire Councils to pay for this.