You could Put it on Facebook as a Group. With The site link included.
We did that with our Group and we got lots more members on our Site.
It works. :D
This site is oooozing with Coventry History and Information......
Don't know if there's much about footie though
Things people wrote in accident report forms. :D:D:D:D:D
"Going to work at 7am this morning I drove out of my drive straight into a bus. The bus was 5 minutes early." (thanks N Bradley)
"I was driving along when I saw two kangaroos copulating in the middle of the road causing me to ejaculate...
I'm Hungry.......I'm hungry
I'm Sleepy......I'm sleepy
Can I call you sometime......I'd eventually like to have sex with you
Do you want to go to a movie.......I'd eventually like to have sex with you
Would you like to dance........I'd eventually like to have sex with you
What time is...
Question: Why don't witches ever have babies?
Answer: Warlocks have hollow weenies.
Question: Why can't Witches have babies?
Answer: Because their husbands have crystal balls :D:D:D:D