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  1. TheRoyalScam

    Mean while back in court

    Looking at Sisu QC's arguments today, could anyone be blamed if they thought that relegation to L1 and the subsequent move to Northampton was just a cunning plan to maximise any future potential compensation award through the courts?
  2. TheRoyalScam

    Telegraph Piece

    The appeal is listed as 'Sky Blue Sports and Leisure and others against CCCouncil and others'....
  3. TheRoyalScam

    Telegraph Piece

    So Sisu's lawyers work for free do they??
  4. TheRoyalScam

    Quick Quiz Question

    Is it Ludo?
  5. TheRoyalScam

    Bloody Headphonessss!

    If price is an issue a cheaper AKG K44 Perception might be the answer: (Don't know if the Amazon link will work though......)
  6. TheRoyalScam

    Three novels to show Dickens

    Tressall - The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Steinbeck - The Grapes Of Wrath Orwell - 1984
  7. TheRoyalScam

    Tony Mowbray's Tunes ?

    'You Never Give Me Your Money' - The Beatles
  8. TheRoyalScam

    Tony Mowbray's Tunes ?

    'Help!' - The Beatles
  9. TheRoyalScam

    Some pretty good marketing

    Out of interest Coventry City Council took part in a similar scheme earlier this year: which was available to everybody. The results were a no-brainer - like thousands of others, the Scam household is now saving...
  10. TheRoyalScam

    Google Chrome (computer)

    These might help: AdBlock - Crumble -
  11. TheRoyalScam

    Pictorial pop quiz

    Is 3 Pinkertons Colours??
  12. TheRoyalScam

    New stadium meeting with RBC

    So what good will voting every Labour and Conservative councillor out tomorrow do for CCFC? The vote was based on information provided by council officials, not councillors. SISU tried the old 'Labour against private enterprise' argument, but failed to mention that the Tories voted with the...
  13. TheRoyalScam

    New stadium meeting with RBC

    What part of 'unanimous' don't you understand?
  14. TheRoyalScam

    New stadium meeting with RBC

    But they weren't dealing with 'the local football club' were they? They were trying to negotiate with a failing hedge fund. I can assure you that it's not down to 'ego' or 'spite' - it's simply that they were unable to trust SISU, and had a duty to protect a community investment. Dealing with...
  15. TheRoyalScam

    New stadium meeting with RBC

    Perhaps you could explain exactly what 'huge incompetence' the council have shown?
  16. TheRoyalScam

    Relegation odds

    Just checked - CCFC are 6/1 on Bet 365...
  17. TheRoyalScam

    Mowbray, League 1 and finance

    Another thought-provoking post from OSB58, our very own CCFC Finance Director, whose accountancy knowledge has helped me understand so much of the financial shenanigans over the years :) OSB I agree just about 100% with you apart from the use of the word 'anxiously' - while SISU are here it's...
  18. TheRoyalScam

    Footie trivia for in the PUB

    Tony Woodcock.
  19. TheRoyalScam

    New Tim Fisher piece

    Surely this needs following up?
  20. TheRoyalScam

    Best Football Book You've Read ?

    'Fever Pitch' is both well written and completely believable! For CCFC fans 'Staying Up' by Rick Gekowski is a fascinating read.