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  1. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    I wrote a contemporaneous account of my holiday last year in a travel book: 'My Trip To Donegal with my Fire-breathing Dragon'. Your argument is that because I wrote it down and it's been published that it must be true! I would lay odds that you haven't got a History degree:)
  2. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Could you explain this in English please?
  3. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    I always enjoy your posts Otis, but in the words of _brian_ this really made me 'LOL' be honest I was 'ROFL':)
  4. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Unfortunately I have no control over the dragon in my garage because it's 'omnipotent', whereas I'm a mere human - trying to keep it on a tight lead would be impossible.
  5. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    I'm glad that you believe in my dragon, HH, because nobody yet has argued that it doesn't exist. You're most welcome to come over and visit the Scams whenever you're on the mainland, and I'm sure my dragon will be pleased to meet you. From my own experience it's quite boring taking an...
  6. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Because he's a friendly dragon and has told me personally that he hasn't molested children. He's also told me that he loves children and hates Marillion because they don't reflect true fire-breathing dragon values;)
  7. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    I also rely on reason and science - not cutting and pasting drivel from the 'Alpha' programme. S B Pete??
  8. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Someone called Jesus probably existed. Was he the 'son of god'? Or should that be 'Son of God'??!! In all probability not, but if you want to believe it and it doesn't affect my life or my family then you can believe what you like. You've admitted that you (or anybody else yet) can't argue...
  9. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Agree with you about Houch - have you read this: Would this have happened in other circumstances, for example in a secular society? Possibly. The fact that...
  10. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Right, I'm just off to feed the dragon:)
  11. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Don't be silly! Real fire-breathing dragons don't toast marshmallows;)
  12. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Why is god/God masculine? Surely if it exists it wouldn't have a sex? Is it just an attempt (with the capital 'G') to personify god/God? Would you still believe/have faith in your god/God if it was called the 'Golden Saucer', or simply 'Fred'? Do you believe me when I tell you I have a...
  13. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    Because it's an open forum. I'm entitled to my views. Looks like I've riled you on this one.
  14. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    I would argue that you've lied to her about your 'god'.
  15. TheRoyalScam

    Pentecost celebrations

    I wonder how many SBTalk posters are humanists without realising it.... ....this simple quiz takes a couple of minutes: I'm a happy humanist.:D Anybody else?
  16. TheRoyalScam

    Shareholders v Stakeholders

    A straightforward analysis from the Open University:
  17. TheRoyalScam

    Anyone remember 'City's Cup of Joy'

    90% of the time;) For the first ten minutes or so before Benno's equalizer their 5-man midfield seemed to attack at will (I was behind our goal for the 1st half), and I thought we were going to get hammered. After the equalizer our confidence just grew and grew.....the rest is history:)