Search results

  1. ccfctommy

    Things that annoy you

    Woman in the office, constantly sneezing, coughing and spluttering all day. Just fucking work from home ffs!
  2. ccfctommy

    Things that annoy you

    The woman's voice on the Dominos advert you see on Youtube
  3. ccfctommy

    Things that annoy you

    My bloody tax code being wrong. All I did was switch departments.
  4. ccfctommy

    PDC 2023

    Is the novelty wearing off with her? Good win for Barney last night.
  5. ccfctommy

    WBA fans boycott for our game

    You know it's the same prices for us right?
  6. ccfctommy

    WBA fans boycott for our game

    No they haven't.
  7. ccfctommy

    Terry hall

    Fantastic reading all the stories. RIP Terry Hall. Coventry Icon.
  8. ccfctommy

    Terry hall

    Fun Boy Three did a song about it
  9. ccfctommy

    Jordan Willis

    Have I missed something here?
  10. ccfctommy

    Jordan Willis

    Sorry for bumping a thread but fuck it. Sign him. We have no cover at centre half.
  11. ccfctommy

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Half of Wales has dissapeared!
  12. ccfctommy

    Best TV shows or movies you can recommend

    Thats probably one of my top ten movies.
  13. ccfctommy

    Best TV shows or movies you can recommend

    Oh I've seen that. He's on a coffin all the way through?
  14. ccfctommy

    Things that annoy you

    I only saw it today 😂
  15. ccfctommy

    End of Hummel?

    Play in their socks and pants
  16. ccfctommy

    Doug King Takeover

    Who the fuck is Coventry CC Finance Piggy and how does he think he know anything and everything?
  17. ccfctommy

    Eviction notice

    Did he have a twitter account dedicated to it? Was he @kovblog? That traffic account blocked me.
  18. ccfctommy

    Things that annoy you

    They are!
  19. ccfctommy

    Hypothetical changes to the CBS

    Stope playing Sweet Caroline before the games. Everyone fucking hates it. Stop playing that dreadful 'toilet smells like desperation' song when we walk out. Twee shite.
  20. ccfctommy

    Tommy Hutchison Book

    Just ordered the book. Would be good for a Christmas present for my dad.