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  1. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Nacho Libre?
  2. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Fight Club, is you Don't talk about Fight Club.
  3. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Pulp Fiction! Love it. Good one Rich. Bring it on Smiley.
  4. bamalamafizzfazz

    May 7th- Who will be on TV?

    Not allowed, I work shifts so the Mrs says I would never watch it. Not a cost thing more of a social thing too.
  5. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Happy Easter Rob, have a good 1. Never heard of ID btw
  6. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Hate having to ask for clues, but I need it. I do recognise it though.
  7. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Is that The Matrix?
  8. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Rich and Rob, I am beat.
  9. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Correct!! :D
  10. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    "I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"
  11. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Snatch easy "You took the jam out of my Doughnut Tommy" Sorry Rich, please proceed.
  12. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Can't do that on mine. Good to know though. Sorry, have I killed the game? Do we want any clues? Or should we give someone else a chance to read it?
  13. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Sorry Rich, not this time.
  14. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    The pressure....... Sorry I am also at work. This might be a little tricky "Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain."
  15. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    "Lock Stock the Facking lot!" Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
  16. bamalamafizzfazz

    FORUM GAME: Word Association

    We are one of the only places that use the term batch. Let's not get into this as I regularly have arguements with friends, family, colleagues, strangers, etc. anyway shooting............
  17. bamalamafizzfazz

    Name that Film

    Your turn Rob.
  18. bamalamafizzfazz

    @beduffrich Cars 2

    I love Pixar (also 27) but Cars 2 doesn't float my boat. Lovin' the cameo idea though.
  19. bamalamafizzfazz


    If ever I saw a cheap way to get people to like a post this it, didn't stop me doing it though :D Congratulations and thanks for the mention.
  20. bamalamafizzfazz

    Well Done!..

    Welcome Sky. Good to see the kids sticking it up the Vile.