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  1. ccfctommy

    Things that annoy you

    Your best bet is Tesco arena park. As it's huge they can let several in.
  2. ccfctommy

    Dennis wise coaching kids

    That's funny. Why does he talk to them in that English talking to foreign people accent though? Haha
  3. ccfctommy

    Fly on the wall football films/documentaries

    Saw that over Christmas. It's brilliant.
  4. ccfctommy

    Partick Thistle

    Didn't that impact Falkirk aswell? They had to build four thousand more seats?
  5. ccfctommy

    Strava watch

    You lot are fucking stalkers
  6. ccfctommy

    EFL Statement

    I have about nine Accrington and about six Lincoln tickets. Gotta be about 300 quid.
  7. ccfctommy

    EFL Statement

    I would bloody hope so. Nine tickets for a Accrington I bought.
  8. ccfctommy

    Ideal Scenario

    Can someone explain to me points per game?
  9. ccfctommy

    Gael Bigirimana on the Nii Lamptey Show

    He can easily play at league two level.
  10. ccfctommy

    Grunge - A great unifier?

    I like Pearl Jam as a grunge band. Neil Young's grunge phase is a good listen. I think he did an album with Pearl Jam actually.
  11. ccfctommy

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    He uses Tapatalk. An app you download where you can access different forums.
  12. ccfctommy

    David Icke Again

    No, he has a big following who watches his seminars. Has released books.
  13. ccfctommy

    What's everyone watching while on 'lockdown'?

    There's a Theroux documentary with him in it.
  14. ccfctommy

    Good to see it’s a silent news day

    Who has tried to get someone sacked?
  15. ccfctommy

    Athletic Article - "Coventry City: no home, no stopping them"

    I've been cracking up. Been trying to look for this thread for ages since Monday and couldn't find it!
  16. ccfctommy

    Seriously struggling today

    Just bodyweight for now
  17. ccfctommy

    Seriously struggling today

    I'm trying out exercises with resistance bands. Good for the arms.
  18. ccfctommy

    Things that annoy you

    Old people on facebook
  19. ccfctommy

    City XI with Double-Barrelled Surnames

    Don't want to be a pedant here but Gonzales-Robles dosen't count. Spanish people take the surname of both of their parents and it is not hyphenated. God I'm bored.