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  1. B

    Things that annoy you

    The cashier at Sainsbury today who gave me a look of disgust, before pulling on a pair of surgical gloves before accepting my crisp, straight out the atm £20 note! 🙄
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    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    Get well soon Evo, sounds like my symptoms at the start of the year, unbelievably tired with loss of smell/taste. Frustratingly, I still can’t smell or taste properly.
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    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    If that’s true, then Hancock is shit at negotiating. 5K in exchange for a 14 mil contract!!
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    Match Thread Coventry v Watford

    I read that as shoot the keeper!
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    Oh Jeremy Corbyn

    Lying? Nowadays all politicians just say “I misspoke” ( annoys me that word) & move on to the next.
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    It's your favourite foreign movie...

    Generation War, German film about five friends in 1941 who agree to meet up again once the war is over. Think it was a mini series, I binge watched it on a long flight. Five different stories and how they intertwine.
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    Cringey football terms deserving of a temporary ban

    The project Don’t know why, it never fails to niggle me when I hear a manager say “the project”
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    Death List 2021

    Mate at work said I should’ve put Jimmy Greaves on the list.
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    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    Victoria Prentis. That’s my local MP! Disgusting that she is anything to do with fisheries, her constituency couldn’t be further from the sea. Guess there’s no danger of her being voted out by local fishermen next time round.
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    Anyone else fed up, what's your story?

    My sister works at Warwick hospital, she had her first jab yesterday (Oxford one) says it gave her slight headache and obviously a sore arm.
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    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    Bumped you’re friends & family up the lists yet? 😂
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    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    Hope he pulls through Evo.
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    How do you ask people to keep their distance? Or do wear a mask?

    I’m in the same boat here, had a positive test on the 3rd, wife had the test & come back negative?? 🤷‍♂️
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    Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already

    Scenes you’d expect in some corrupt third world republic.
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    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    Just read Clap for Carers is coming back, where’s Nick??!
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    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    😩 I’ve become a statistic, been isolating because I’d been in contact with a plague carrier. Had myself a test yesterday 11.30am as I’d lost my sense of taste&smell. The Covid Stasi have been bombarding me with texts & emails since lunchtime. Positive, another stint of isolation for me.
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    Steve Froggatt

    Maybe he’s rinsing you! 🤣🤣
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    Reading Any Good Books ?

    Was given David Jason’s biography My Life for Christmas, might start it this evening.
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    Dry January

    Been toying with the idea for a while now. “Missed out”on furlough until it was extended in November, I’ve basically been lazing around for the last two months. On the scales this morning I’m over 14st for the first time ever. Never used to drink in the week, now I’m doing 6+ cans most evenings.
  20. B

    Death List 2021

    I gave him a reprieve last year, however the Duke of Edinburgh is back on my list. Along with Murray Walker Maggie Smith Patricia Routledge Dennis Skinner Michael Heseltine Norman Tebbit June Brown Ringo Starr