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  1. S

    ricoh arena sponsorship

    Please explain, thestadium still bears their name, are the paying for that privilege
  2. S

    Rumour: Hoffman and Elliot takeover negotiations

    I'm not giving up yet, gut who told me last week was sitting with the Hoff at Wembley and made it clear Hoff was just the intermediary, these things take time, in Hoff we trust.
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    Look like its on, my source was with the Hoff at wembley last week and was extremely confident. As for the Butts, he laughed that off as been just ridiculous as a concept.
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    The Hoff was the name given to me as the intermediary rather than leading a consortium
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    The fact that SISU have contacted this person would be seen as a surprise but also demonstrates that they are more willing which are both massive steps I just thought more would have been able to confirm
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    My source said that SISU had approached a person to try to obtain a buyer for the club.
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    In a season of great highs but mostly lows where does the video of him man marking the halfway line sit was it a high or a low, definitely will be talked about in years to come.
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    I'm not playing if you're going to be nasty.
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    No told me who may be involved I was just wondering if others had heard anything
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    Looks like this is reason we Wasps won't extend....

    there is appetite for rugby union in the midlands but rugby league I don't think so. London broncos play in a stadium with a capacity of 3,000, London is full of Aussies who would be rugby league fans, there are less aussies in the midlands, the recent rugby league internationals flopped at the...
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    No it wasn't anything like that
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    No the source is well connected, he isn't the gossiping type just thought others may have heard something also. As much as I believe the source an want it to be true just seen too many false dawns, so not getting too excited
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    No its a rumour on ownership
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    Anyone heard any rumours recently

    I've heard one won't divulge the source or the content but just wondering has anybody else heard anything lately
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    Gary Allsopp

    great interview on the radio, has sponsored the club but feels after yesterday SISU should put it up for sale, owe that to the fans and the city.
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    Ratings from today

    Reuben really needs to man up a bit as he is easily shoved off the ball which takes away from his excellent vision. I'm not sure about Beavon, don't doubt his workrate and the fact that he is a real team player but he is not a number 9 and for a team to progress we need a genuine striker
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    Trains tomorrow

    Bad plan that was my original plan, the train will stop at Wembley Stadium l but will be full at Warwick Parkway so very difficult to join at Leamington, also after the game may take ages to get back
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    Trains tomorrow

    to any fans thinking of going via Cov station please revise your plans if you can, this is not 1987, there are not specials, these weekens services are normally quite busy anyway, from what I was told today the station are expecting problems and are employing police to coordinate the crowd...
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    Trains on Sunday

    I've just cancelled my tickets from Warwick Parkway, not sure what we'll do but can't compare an England game with 40,000 going from Cov / Warwickshire travelled frequently via warwick parkway to London, the trains are quite small
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    Butts Park Arena - put up or shut up !

    Grendel have you ever thought how much pain SISU inflicted on Higgs / CCC prior to WASPS, Lucas Mutton & Co are politicians not business people, they have reputations that were going to be sorely tarnished if they gave into SISU. SISU weren't being reasonable and IMO were beyond negotiating...