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  1. S

    Reality meeting

    They can't get their money back, keep it cash neutral and hope some billionaire buys the club, that's it oh yeah they're building a stadium as well
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    Vic minnett returns to highfield road

    The SISU lovers are out in force tonight, adopting Fisher's heartless approach to quite an emotional topic, I care what she thinks, I found it quite moving but obviously RFC & Grendel are glad we moved as that gives them the chance to debate CCC & SISU
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    Vic minnett returns to highfield road

    10 seasons at the Ricoh, rephrase 10 seasons since we left Highfield Road (9 at the Ricoh) doubt I will ever see as good a time at the Ricoh its been awful, regardless of the blame, I agree we should never have left.
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    Vic minnett returns to highfield road Heard this on the radio, she was right it wasn't time to go
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    Coincidence ?

    1988 Stuggart 1-0 Ray Houghton 1994 New York Ray Houghton They've had their moments especially as its not their major sport.
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    Coincidence ?

    What part of Ireland did you go to
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    Come on Swindon

    Play like you did against us back in January. I always loved your roundabouts
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    Fleck on Saturdays game

    Fleck hadabout 2 opportunities to shoot at 0-0 but played it safe, he has been consistant all season, consistently below par, the fact he signed an extension for a year is acknowledgemnet that he has reached his level
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    Congrats to Callum Wilson !

    They wouldn't come back Alsopp hates the cov fans following his constant abuse - from a very reliable source. McQuoid would be ok if there was some pace in the side. Couibaly worth a punt
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    Club aims to raise £35m from bond

    The trouble with this post is it sums the life up of a Coventry fan under SISU, rather than discussing the benefits of zonal marking, we are now discussing investment strategies, previously it was receivership and liquidation as well as state aid. Don't think WASPS fans are discussing it with...
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    Club aims to raise £35m from bond

    From someone who works for the NEC, large stadium concerts not so popular as festivals are now more preferable, can't remember the last big stadium concert at the Ricoh and not aware of any planned ones either
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    Club aims to raise £35m from bond

    No especially as the shares were given away to SISU for nothing but if we were in the PL with a track record of playing in the Champions League then a share issue would have some takers
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    Club aims to raise £35m from bond

    I am talking about the public perception, their PR aligned with lack of detailed / critical investigation by the press - unfortunately Les Reid & the Coventry Observer are an irrelevance to most, our own shambles, neither side of the political divide in CCC challenging the ACL sale, SISU's...
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    Club aims to raise £35m from bond

    PR doesn't excuse scrutiny but WASPS have done it well compared to us, its about winning hearts and minds not about being morally right or wrong. WASPS are seen as being well run with a good on pitch product matched by a clear financial policy. Cov are seen as a shambles. Look no further...
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    Club aims to raise £35m from bond

    My fear was that if they had the freehold they would sell it.
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    Club aims to raise £35m from bond

    Its all about perception the WASPS PR machine has been excellent. SISU have given us Joy who only recently agreed to give interviews, Igne, Ken Diddleydoo, Brody a whole catalogue of jokers. There may be financial chaos behinds the scene but doesn't seem to effect the on field product. 7 and a...
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    One single significant event that shaped our season .......

    Wilson replacements - 2 loaness Nouble McQuoid, 3 permanent signings Miller Tudguy Jackson- all out of form strikers with few goals in the last few seasons JOB rather than baker Webster & Aaron Martin getting game time Too many short term losnees and short term contracts making the changing...
  18. S

    Verdict on today and the future.

    Of the 14 that played yesterday burge philipps martin fleck madison and JOB- will definitely be here in August, filling a squad full of loans and short-term contracts can lead to performances like yesterday, The revolving door of players since we were relegated 3 years ago has been rediculous...
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    Is anyone going to do the player ratings ....

    When does Fleck have a good game. The Aarons Philips & Martin were both dreadful, Nouble very poor, and as for Odelusi the impact sub he had no impact. Ward chose today to have his worst game JOB was his usual highly busy but totally ineffectual, barton clueless slows down all the attacks
  20. S

    Is anyone going to do the player ratings ....

    When does Fleck have a good game. The Aarons Philips & Martin were both dreadful, Nouble very poor, and as for Odelusi the impact sub he had no impact. Ward chose today to have his worst game JOB was his usual highly busy but totally ineffectual,