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  1. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    Probably not to the same extent but I think so yes.
  2. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    Agreed - but I would say the UK population feels the same about Eastern Europeans. The other reason they want out is they are thinking half of Syria and 75% of turkey are on the way.
  3. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    I don't really agree with that personally. For one you put intelligent racists ......
  4. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    I saw someone on Facebook earlier say "vote out .... Let's make Britain grate again!" I felt like smashing my own face in.
  5. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    His point is valid whether you like it or not. So is yours.
  6. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    The £4,300 figure was all about growth, not actually losing money, it just means you probably wont gain anymore over the next couple of years. Issue being if cost of living rises (which in my opinion it will leaving the EU). Australia is a fairly good example of how wages can be higher but cost...
  7. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    It doesn't. I am just saying let's not pretend it will solve it. Edit: Now you have a picture I will be able to distinguish your posts ;)
  8. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    If you read my earlier posts (like you told me) I made it quite clear I think immigration either needs to be stopped completely or accepted for what it is. Understood? strain isn't the right word though is it? The increase in population will obviously increase throughput but the strain is...
  9. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

  10. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    Sorry I read it as from the EU. Aggressive rhetoric? Accusing you of being racist? Behave yourself, I have been/done nothing of the sort.
  11. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    People have missed the point about "project fear". It wasn't to sway out voters, it was to make those remain/in the middle voters get out and vote.
  12. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    shall we say 100-150,000? I'll ignore the convicted murderers bit ...... I failed to mention it because it is irrelevant, if anything it makes the remain argument more valid. Essentially what you are saying is we need to spend more money on a bigger immigration department to reduce that 540,000...
  13. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    Well I can't comment on your personal circumstances but I am pretty sure the FCA (or similar) would exist without the EU. I don't buy the schools line. Our population is very old. All the public service problems we have are down to the current government not the EU. 270,000 people entered the...
  14. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    They are elected by who we elect in to power though. Explain to me what they are and why they cost you money and lots of time? Not trying to be awkward I am genuinely interested because I have no first hand experience of any EU law etc. effecting me or my work. Immigration putting pressure...
  15. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    I think it will be a remain vote. The majority of "don't know" will not vote for change. The people who do want change are always the loudest in the run-up to the vote, but that counts for nothing on vote day.
  16. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    Which EU rules do you have a problem with? Have any had an effect on you? The immigration argument is annoying. Roughly half of immigration this year was from outside of the EU. For me its do either 1 of 2 things. 1) build new towns etc. and anger the country folk that love their greenbelt, or...
  17. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    All those car wash jobs? For me the only reason a vote out would work, would be if the EU crumbled because of it and everyone wanted out. In my opinion that would probably cause a bigger economy issue than just the UK leaving but could mean that the long term looks better.
  18. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    It isn't unknown, it is quite known (as far as I am concerned). More countries will join. I think I know what you mean about negotiation position (saying if we remain we are accepting it for what it is?), but in all honesty I don't see the big problem that people have. Why don't you think the EU...
  19. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    If we leave the EU the future is unknown (investors don't do unknown). Joining the EU would give you a good idea of what the future would hold. So yes, very different.
  20. lewys33

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    Completely different scenario.