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  1. lewys33

    Premier league star to sign

    I can't believe there is a 27 page thread on how sisu failed to sign chris eagles.
  2. lewys33

    Chris Eagles signs for Bury

    I can't believe we have lost out on another prospect. Damn and blast you sisu.
  3. lewys33

    Rugby World Cup

    Been off the grid for the past few weeks but here it goes........ Firstly Wales - I was screaming at the TV at the Australia game. Not scoring any points when the opposition team is down to 13 men is unacceptable at international level. Why on earth they didn't get the ball out to the wings is...
  4. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    I have found when dealing with police investigations through work that they do like to take their time, unless they want something from you.
  5. lewys33

    Rugby World Cup

    I don't see any other outcome to be honest. Northern Hemisphere is not good enough. France can beat anyone on their day though so could be the upset nation.
  6. lewys33

    Rugby World Cup

    England only conceded 1 more penalty than Wales.
  7. lewys33

    Rugby World Cup

    I agree it does pretty much rest with the coaching staff - the decision with bringing ford on and moving Farrell over was odd; but the media will push this "failure" far more than it needs to be done. They lost the Wales game because Biggar's kicking was tremendous, and at the final hurdle they...
  8. lewys33

    Rugby World Cup

    I think people are being overly critical of England to be honest. 4 of the 5 teams could have gone through from that tournament. Having said that I'll be shocked if he keeps his job, but I do feel for him.
  9. lewys33


    Sad news. RIP :(
  10. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    It was something along the lines of this. So not an actual statement from the company to be fair: " A Stagecoach source who...
  11. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    I can't find the exact one, think it was on sky news - but this statement kind of confirms it. All the attention is on the driver...
  12. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    The company have ruled that out already so I would imagine there has be an admission for the driver. I would imagine he just hasn't hit the brakes, or has gone for the brakes and got the accelerator pedal. All in my opinion of course but it does happen a lot.
  13. lewys33

    Attendance: 5 Games In!

    I have family who live in Lancaster who are city fans. They were not impressed with me when the fixtures were released and it turns out they will be down here when City are playing up there :laugh:
  14. lewys33

    Attendance: 5 Games In!

    Cheers mate!
  15. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    Yeah you would imagine so. That plus data from the bus will probably be enough to piece it all together.
  16. lewys33

    Attendance: 5 Games In!

    I haven't been to a game yet. All time/effort/money gone to our wedding which is on Friday. I will be getting a match package ready when we are back from honeymoon though. :claping hands:
  17. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    Yh unfortunately it happens all the time. The speculation is that a bus pulled out on him, and he swerved to avoid it. It's a possibility that he just hasn't hit the brakes. Whether he has gone for the brakes and hit the accelerator instead is a different matter.
  18. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    It's whether people were actually telling the truth or not I guess. It's all very up in the air at the moment.
  19. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    I could geek this for you, but I won't go too crazy. Basically because the roof/canopy that comes out of Sainsbury's will only come in to contact with a small part of the bus it won't cause the bus to actually slow down much at all. That and the fact the bus is quite a large mass so to stop it...
  20. lewys33

    Double decker crash

    People would be surprised to see what cars/buses record in a crash situation. People always over estimate speed in a crash as well. The part of the store roof that has gone though the top deck would not need a lot of speed to go through the bus like that, so 60mph is probably a bit of an over...