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    Micky Gynn - Chilean coach.

    The erstwhile former sky blues midfielder currently pulling the strings in giving Brazil more than a run for their money.
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    Shit fans, no ground ?

    Just got back from Crewe. Delighted don't even come close to my overall reaction from a result garnered from probably one of the worst games of football ( at any level, non league or otherwise) achieved against one of the worst opposition, albeit with a tremendous defensive rearguard action from...
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    Just a quick one. (Ahem)

    When Lord Oggy made his debut appearance at HR, who did he play against?
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    Was the sky blue in the early days?....

    I'm aiming this one specifically at older supporters, for reasons which hopefully will become obvious as I get going. What with the recent furore over "re-branding" of football clubs - Cardiff City (unforgivable in my opinion with colour change) Hull City - only mildly intrusive. (After all, by...
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    coach travel

    Has anybody else had trouble receiving coach ticket/confirmation for Port vale? I booked by phone thru club ticket line - I've received match ticket but no travel confirmation. Phoning and emailing has come to nothing.