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    Tragic, what a state to get in ?!
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    No expense spared then ? Better than nothing but FFS, it's not exactly spectacular is it ?!
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    Footballers contracts

    Don't many of them run traditionally to June 1st ? Time to start looking out for who is available !?
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    Is this Inverness first Scottish Cup Final?

    I can't see in the records where they have made the final before, should be quite interesting, especially without Celtic or Rangers involved.
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    That's the sort of table I like ! One with Cov top and Leicester bottom !!
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    Why do we bother entering this silly competition. Last night proved once again that no one will vote for us irrespective of the quality of the act. I'm not saying it was a great act but certainly a lot better than some of the other dross. The Germans and French all suffer with the same bigotry...
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    Retribution !

    It was the funeral of a former Parking Officer. As the coffin was being lowered into the ground at a Parking Officers funeral, a voice from inside screams "I'm not dead, I'm not dead. Let me out!" The vicar smiles, leans forward sucking air through his teeth and mutters, "Too f**king...
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    Councils Dream I suppose ! Despite the possible impact on CRFC and certain impact on CCFC, Lucas will point to this payment in full as a monkey off the councils back. If SISU had stopped fucking about and done something along these lines then...
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    Put that in your pipe Wasps ! Hopefully even better to come next season !
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    Leicester winning again !

    They're going to stay up, I'm sure of it. For decades there was nothing between us and these backward knicker stitchers. similar support, similar finances. They somehow then got a Thai billionaire investor and we got a fucking money grabbing hedge fund and the rest was history, now we are poles...
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    Derby Showdown? Just not right calling it a 'Derby'
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    Verdict on today and the future.

    I'm not going to lie I've only been to 7 matches this season and not since Christmas. Took the family today and first off I'd like to say that the potential support from the Cov faithful is huge, that initial atmosphere could have built to something to be proud of if we had a team to...
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    This Tesco 'Loss' ??

    over £6 Bn !! It's just another big tax fiddle isn't it ultimately. Basically most of it is write downs on the value of property....................more high level tax avoidance !
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    Great end to season at the BPA

    Beautiful sunshine, good atmosphere, great game and win. over 1900 attendance which means average this season has been over 1500, by far the best supported team in the division.
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    Kin' ell Lucas Towers

    Who designs ugly shit like this ? The world of architecture has gone backwards !
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    These £8.5 million loss headlines !!

    Are embarrassing and give a totally false impression of how the club is being run. People are thinking that we have had a huge budget for players and that we are just an appalling, poorly run outfit whose complaining fans are just a bunch of moaners !
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    Coventry crapped on again ! What was it they spent on New St £500 million + We're becoming a suburb I tell thee and Lucas is driving it !
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    Has our intrepid council got into bed with a paving company ? There appears to be nothing new apart from block paving, which would soon be messed up by chewing gum !
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    How sweet was this ?!

    Only my second ever City game !
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    Oh its happy on here again today

    So score predictions on Saturday ? Crowd ? Away Support ? Formation ? I'm going 0-0, 7,500, 450, 4-5-1 All aboard ?!