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  1. W

    sorry to say but

    Were sounding like a pub team !!!Coventry City manager Tony Mowbray has said that Mark Venus is in charge of trying to sort out a couple of pre-season games for City in Ireland. City are hoping to go to Dublin but most sides in the Irish Republic are playig league games and some are playing...
  2. W

    So Whats happerning with Admin ?

    Been a long time now gone very quite on the admin of holdings has Appleton been paid up now ? could holdings be born again, these were questions asked at the time , but never answered , Who and why stopped the process ?
  3. W

    rretain /release list

    Anyone know if it went in, whos on it ,off it, no reports In local media
  4. W

    Any news on S P paY OFF

    Is it tomorrow this needs to be settled , or agreement reached, nothing in the news lately
  5. W

    peterbourgh why the £ 3 increase

    I can understand why clubs charge more on a walk up , when they need to know how to staff up for the game , and so to encourage people to buy early ,they can gauge that , but if we have sold out two days early then to add £3 to a match day ticket is just a blatant rip off , that's what the csg...
  6. W

    S P s four year contract

    A lot of people have questioned the wisdom of S P s four year contract ,but now he can not walk , and loose 3 years pay , so even if he wanted to walk he couldn't ,as bad as he is ,and in 6 months time, his reputation will be rock bottom he will still have a job, very cleaver from sisu really
  7. W

    Why the wasps deal is wrong

    Although 100% against sisu , and the the impact of the damage done by the move to Northampton is yet to be felt, One day sisu will be gone , but its now too late for ccfc to reach the full potential of what the rioch was built for . We all know the politics of the last few years , and if the...
  8. W

    Have sisu paid the £100 000 grand yet ?

    No mention of this money that was due within a week ,another £150 000 within 14 days plus what the F.A rule next week ,what a way to run a business
  9. W

    How come Nick and the boys ???

    How come Nick and the boys aren't demanding to know whats sisu proposal , like they did with Micheal offer ???
  10. W

    Are court cost to be awarded to day ???

    Its usually a hot topic as its another obstacle that needs removing before any talks can begin
  11. W

    Have the football league made any comment

    Have the football league made any comment on non payment from optium to the ccc , last I heard was that they would comment after there meeting last week?
  12. W


    A few days after he is photo bombed and is a laughing stock in the eyes of cov fans, he walks into a pub offers to buy same fans drinks and uses the loo knowing how people feel about him , the obvious happens cov fans name tarnished and know ones taking about the joke photo with fisher and...
  13. W

    Sisu could have

    THERE seems to be people who what ever sisu do,, think they done what is right , but if it was about 30000 grand , a donation of 50000 would be cheaper than going to court and paying that to a charity would have saved them money and gave them good will ( not the higgs)
  14. W

    nuneaton say no
  15. W

    A strange game being played

    Question 1, why did the trust not make a statement on the 2nd ,3rd, 4th ,5th, or 6th of jan as reply's had to be in by the 23rd dec Question 2.if there is no comment from ccfc why did the telegraph not break this story last week, why to night where did it come from Question 3.why do all the...
  16. W

    my post to get top attention fell on death ears

    SINCE the move to sixfields people have asked how a protest could capture the imagination of other supporters to understand or plight ,and since then we as fans have argued between ourselves whos right or wrong , but we all agree ccfc is what we argue about . so I say again go to second hand...
  17. W


    Have seen some people saying its not working , but let me tell you it is , no one and that is no one ,whos job is to make money can watch loss after loss week after week, no matter how much money you have, its a gamble with other peoples money that will be stopped by some one above joy if it...
  18. W

    northen wisdon

    Used to like and respect his posts but now just think hes a wined up merchant , Don't known what his point of view is as its like when England go to the world cup and the Red top press send 3 reporters to say good things and 3 reporters to say bad things , and then wait to see wait happens...
  19. W

    King playing

    KING is playing today
  20. W

    Given that the game is on telly ,whos going on sunday and why?

    Given that the match is live on telly v sheff utd ,whos going and why?