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  1. Otis

    This looks well dodgy

    PSG v Red Star Belgrade: 'Match-fixing' inquiry into 6-1 Champions League win - PSG v Red Star Belgrade: 'Match-fixing' inquiry into 6-1 Champions League win Might be nothing in it, but who would bet 5m euros on their own team losing by 5 goals? An official of the club in question too!
  2. Otis

    Not as much outrage on this as there should be

    If it were Iraq, or Iran, or Libya, or Pakistan I think the words would be much stronger, but of course it's our 'friends' from Saudi Arabia. Those lovely people we all love doing business with. This whole episode seems outrageous and to happen inside a consulate too? Turkey 'has recording...
  3. Otis

    Self gender identifying

    Always going to be a danger of this. Born a man, but identifies as a woman. Ends up in a women's prison and now sexually assaulted two fellow female inmates. Trans inmate jailed for Wakefield prison sex offences - Trans inmate jailed for prison sex attacks
  4. Otis

    Haven't got the heart to tell them

    I'm sure we've all got stories. Read on and you will see what I am talking about. Reason for the thread now was that yesterday I threw some slices of cooked ham down on the floor for the dog. She usually gobbles them straight up, but this time she just sniffed them, gave them a lick and then...
  5. Otis

    Only Fools and Horses Musical

    Was aghast when I saw the headline and was thinking no, no, no! But..... It is written by Paul Whitehouse and John Sullivan's son and Whitehouse will play Granddad, which I can fully envisage and quite a few of the songs were written by Chas Hodges of Chas and Dave, so I can see how that would...
  6. Otis

    Does anyone know if Michael Doyle plays darts?

    I have dreams that occasionally come true and just had a dream that Doyle won the world darts championship. He finished with a double 19, a 2 and a bullseye. He was also in his City kit, but from when he was first here, not the latest one. Anyone know what sort of odds I would get on that? Oh...
  7. Otis

    Netflix - The Haunting of Hill House

    Anyone else really looking forwards to this? Starts next Friday. Only seen 8 reviews so far, but the word is that it is truly terrifying and fantastic TV. Don't know whether to watch it from the off, or save up the first 3 episodes and blitz it with my daughter on Halloween night.
  8. Otis

    How can you be late for your own home match?

    - Manchester United charged over late arrival for Valencia game by Uefa
  9. Otis

    Remember, if we score tonight, no clapping!

    Just use jazz hands instead. Can you imagine 12,000 fans all using jazz hands when a goal goes in. Not sure it would go down too well either in a minute's clapping for a recently deceased player or official. Manchester University student union bans clapping - Clapping out, jazz hands in at...
  10. Otis

    Who says women's football isn't exciting!

    50 yard own goal! - WSL: Abbie McManus scores incredible own goal for Man City against Birmingham
  11. Otis

    There's some uneducated, insensitive fans about

    An Everton fan with Down's syndrome was apparently mocked by rival fans online. Really nice of the Everton squad to invite him to training and to have his photo taken with the players. - Mocked Down's syndrome fan meets heroes Can never, ever get my head round anyone mocking someone with any...
  12. Otis

    Anyone following this Kavanaugh supreme court senate hearing?

    Fascinating following the transcript and it's playing out like a movie. Fascinating, but sad. Does appear this Dr. Ford was indeed sexually assaulted all those years ago, but could it be the mistaken identity that Kavanaugh's team is suggesting? No idea how this is going to end up. Ford was...
  13. Otis

    Bobby Gould urges City to go and buy Matty Stenson

    Leamington centre forward. The non-league striker Bobby Gould says Sky Blues should get
  14. Otis

    New F certification for films

    What the F? Raindance film festival adopts new rating - What the F? Film festival adopts new rating A bit daft isn't it? What next, a B rating for films that contain a large proportion of black actors? G for gay themed movie? C rating for films that have excessive use of the word c**t? NF for...
  15. Otis

    Dame Judi French criticises the removal of Kevin Spacey from films

    - Dench criticises Spacey film removal Does she have a point? I can see both sides of the coin, but she's right to ask if we remove everyone from history if they've done wrong isn't she? After all, shouldn't Tony Blair be in prison? ;)
  16. Otis

    Cultural differences

    The world seems a much smaller place these days, what with social media and faster flights. Seems we can all travel anywhere and quickly and talk to anyone around the world at the push of a button. Still though, cultural differences are massive and it's little things I tend to notice. The...
  17. Otis

    Bill Cosby

    Bill Cosby sentenced to state prison for sexual assault - Cosby sentenced to prison for sex assault Unimaginable 30 years ago him being accused of anything like this.
  18. Otis

    Harvey Nichols to become Holly Nichols for a month

    What next, Marcia and Spencerette? Harriet Ramsden's? Jean Paul Gaultier? Christine Dior? My name's Jim, so for the next month can you please call me Jemima. What other institutions could we feminise for 4 weeks?
  19. Otis

    Killing Eve

    Anyone else watch it? Couldn't quite know what to make of it and thought it was trying to be far too 'witty' at times, but Jodie Cromer is fantastic in it.
  20. Otis

    Protestors shouting at Rees-Mogg's kids

    'Abhorrent' Jacob Rees-Mogg protest condemned - 'Abhorrent' Rees-Mogg protest condemned How is that acceptable? No matter how horrible he may or may not be, there has to be common sense applied surely? No-one should be stooping to such levels. If you have a problem with the man, protest...