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  1. S

    Highfield Road money.

    I don't know many of the details but it was sold a few years before we left to a property developer, I am guessing that the money raised went towards the debts that we were starting to rack up at the time plus some towards team affairs. I am sure there are many more with a better idea than me...
  2. S

    are we the only FL club not to be training on Christmas day?

    This varies from club to club, some do some don't often depends how the team is going at the time. Some will be called in later on in the day if they are away depending on the distance to travel.
  3. S

    1 Xmas Wish

    New owners who actually care about the club and community rather than owners whose sole aim is to try and make a few quid before sailing off in to the sunset regardless of what mess they leave behind
  4. S

    Rumours over the years

    Not read all the thread so don't know if it was mentioned but I heard once that Eddie Jordan was interested in investing in the club but Richardson basically told hm where to go so he went and invested in Man U.
  5. S

    CCBCFC Stadium

    The best idea would be to flatten a few houses/businesses in the Highfield Road area of Coventry then we would have a fine site for a stadium, I also believe there's a precedent in having a stadium there.
  6. S

    Predicted Att Tomorrow

    Exactly 9726
  7. S

    One Good Decision by SP Since He Came to the Club...

    He may not be doing fantastically well but you do have to factor in how his hands have been tied by the club wanting/needing to reduce the wage bill. With the loss of Clarke, Wilson, Moussa and Baker that's around 80 goals lost from last season and the hardest thing to get in football are...
  8. S

    How many of our fans are based in Coventry?

    Near Stoke on Trent for me
  9. S

    Best CCFC atmosphere since????

    Last game at Highfield Road was a great atmosphere - good result too
  10. S

    The Can't Go On Friday Thread

    Like many others work will interfere and I don't fancy trying to zoom down the M6 on a Friday night to catch half a game. So it will be Sky, a curry and a few bottled ales for me.
  11. S

    We're back!

    Looks like its time to dust off the wallet in readiness to buy my season ticket :)
  12. S

    Doom Bar

    Love the stuff really good if you can get in on draught - another really nice Cornish beer is Tribute which is good bottled too
  13. S

    How well do you know CCFC quiz

    21 for me was hoping for better
  14. S

    Squad numbers

    That has got to be the most depressingly poor squad I have ever seen in 40 years of supporting the Skyblues, and Waggot says we are putting a squad together to push for promotion - pull the other one tosspot
  15. S

    Open letter from Joy and Tim

    Isn't the pie and beer money etc less only around £170k a season - shag all compared to the lost income by playing at Sixfield, not to mention the loss of sponsoship on shirts etc, which would be much more attractive (thus can get a higher fee) if we were at the Ricoh playing in front of 1000's...
  16. S

    Your 1st Kit

    The one in the picture to the left although do not remeber it having the Talbot badge on, fortunately never got the chocolate brown one. I also have one of Mick Ferguson's tops in the home version he wore on a pre-season tour to Scotland.
  17. S

    JR Verdict Thread

    How long do SISU have to appeal (if an appeal is possible) ?
  18. S

    Pre Season

    Hehe heard that one before - thanks for the info, should have a good idea of those heading out once pre-season starts
  19. S

    Best Live Act You've Seen ?

    Hmm tough one - probably Metallica on the Master of Puppets Tour at the Birmingham Odeon supported by Anthrax, it just a week or so before Cliff Burton was tragically killed.
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    Pre Season

    Sorry to post a football related thread but when does the team report back for pre season training ?