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  1. Disorganised1

    Jon Lord R.I.P.

    I was at the Lanch that night, so I can claim to have sung on a number 1 record. Also saw Madness and Selecter there, what a night that was - room full Cov Ska Boys and West Ham NF ! Saw Curved Air at the Lanch, I was sat right at the front and was able to determine that Sonja Crystal ( or...
  2. Disorganised1

    Jon Lord R.I.P.

    Remember going to see them at the old Cov Theatre - where the Transport Museum is now for you youngsters - awesome night, the balcony was swaying up and down as we rocked our heads off.
  3. Disorganised1

    very slow site

    I think the problem may be within facebook - I also hung up there, and it hung my entire PC.
  4. Disorganised1

    Waggot: Mystery European defender to sign in the next 24 hours

    I think you need to be looking at one of the host coutries for Euro 12 ~ allegedly
  5. Disorganised1

    Quick question

    They can smell them on your fingers.
  6. Disorganised1

    SISU took option 2 then

    The councils are ham-strung by the unions. They have people paid for by the council tax payers, who work full time for the unions. Madness.
  7. Disorganised1

    Has a lie ever come back and bit you ?

    Once on our way to a vicars and tarts night my mate and I popped into the Old Dyers Arms and got involved in a conversation with some of the group in there. In particular there was an Irish chap having some 'life' problems, that my mate and I, as priests, were able to advise him on. He was...
  8. Disorganised1

    Bigi : I'll be back (but not yet by the looks of it)

    On this site a post like that qualifies as raving optimism ! Most of the posters on here think we';; be out of business by 2015.
  9. Disorganised1

    Prediction League (Maybe Bad News)

    Any news Nick ?
  10. Disorganised1

    City are a selling club...

    You're right it's £40,000 - and I think there is a limit on home grown players in the 17 - 19 age range the 'pro' group.
  11. Disorganised1

    Football Academy Revolution - We are category 2

    Obviously this was voted through by the majority of clubs who do not have a development centre. Crewe I know are trying to get category 2, and I would assume our facilities would give us category 2. I believe their is an element of performance taken into account in the gradings too.
  12. Disorganised1

    Football Academy Revolution - We are category 2

    I understand it still affects the PRO age group - that's why £1m is a good deal for B igi
  13. Disorganised1

    Massey Feguson Tower demolition

    Bloody awful place to work in, I was glad I wasn't based in it every time I went in there for meetings.
  14. Disorganised1

    City are a selling club...

    Under the new rules Newcastle could have got him for peanuts, fortunately he was good enough that we had other clubs interested. Nowadays the danger for our club lies in us losing players the way we lost Sturridge, only now there will be no compensation, just a set fee.
  15. Disorganised1

    City are a selling club...

    Selling Bigi is actually good business, under the new rules he could have gone for a much lower sum (£64,000) I think, so getting a million and a sell on is what we have to do. I'm glad we've held on to Connor Thomas, Jordan Willis, and Cyrus Christie, who could also have gone for peanuts.
  16. Disorganised1

    Gary Deegan

    FFS he's a Dublin boy - jokes like this are everyday stuff in Ireland - get over it.
  17. Disorganised1

    blackpool fans thoughts on fleck

    I'm a bit like Mickey Quinn, fastest bloke in the box over 10 inches.
  18. Disorganised1

    Jordan Willis

    Perhaps he is mature enoough not to think the car he drives is the measure of a man's success.
  19. Disorganised1

    Bigi off to Newcastle

    Don't believe it - yet.
  20. Disorganised1

    Prediction League (Maybe Bad News)

    I also thin k1 is enough - and if we can't get league 1 then I'd go Prem - at least we'll know who's injured. In Italy you need to know where the natch-fixiers are.