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    When is this experienced striker coming?
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    Villa anyone?

    Sky Blue Thinking: Stayaway City fans lead into temptation - Villa Park! 13 February 2014 10:14 AM By Andy Turner Some Coventry City fans would rather watch Aston Villa get hammered than go down to Sixfields I know some people, friends in fact, who are missing their regular football fix so...
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    How long, accountability ?

    When will be the cut off when we can start judging SISU by their own decisions and actions? Personally I think six years worth is a long enough time to stop hiding behind decisions made by previous owners.......
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    I know ACL refused to consider this before. Whereas SISU actually said they were up for it. However now 6 months down the line do you think there is anyway it could be possible? A panel of three independent business experts, one from the private sector, one from public sector, one from...
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    Warwick Uni say No

    University bosses have confirmed a proposed new stadium for the Sky Blues will not be on their land. The University of Warwick has ruled out the possibility of Coventry City bosses building a new stadium on land owned by the university. It was previously believed the club may be interested in...
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    Who do you think we should go for.....

    Jordan Bowery from Villa and Nimley from Man City on loan up front (wages dependant) Steal Fillip Kiss on loan for the midfield bite We missed out on Jamie Ness but I think he is only on a one month loan so maybe see if we can poach.
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    Ricoh verses Owning a new stadium Finances

    Can anyone who believes that we will build a new stadium, please explain to me how this will result in SISU recouping their investment? I am thinking the likes of Godiva, Paxman RFC. (Not having a go but you will have given this some thought and concluded it to be realistic) I understand they...
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    6 months

    So it is almost 6 months to the day since the FL agreed the ground share. From what I can ascertain in that time SISU identified a site in Exhall They contacted Nuneaton and Bedworth. Who claim the contact was very speculative. They have then never been in touch again since. They have...
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    I think it is the right time to discuss this

    I thought Terry Butcher was one of the worst managers we ever had. Many will wonder why I have felt the need to bring this up now..... Come to think about it so do I !!!!
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    January Transfer Window

    Huge result in so many ways A six pointer in terms of play off hopes A defeat would have ended the hopes. It drags Rotherham back Huge result in terms of confidence for the team and the captain. Huge result to really give SISU a conundrum. If we get bids for Clarke and Wilson. If we were...
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    Libel Law

    Maybe the trust can link the article again and freedom of speech is making a return..... New libel laws aimed at giving better protection to people expressing their opinions are to come into force in England and Wales. Claimants will have to show they have suffered "serious harm" before suing...
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    Midlands today headline

    Coventry City announce plans for new stadium, but won't say where or when.... This is getting embarrassing even they are homing in on the fact that this is not normal.
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    SISU's NOMP campaign

    May take a long time Higgs charity just bought a successful concern in the city centre. Must be some coffers still in the pot.
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    Grendel clearly does not work for the CET

    Majority of Coventry City fans blame Sisu for homeless Sky Blues. Almost 60 per cent of Sky Blues fans blame Coventry City’s owners for the situation facing the club, according to a new survey. Supporters were asked who they believed was to blame for the current problems at the club. The...
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    I believe.......

    In light of current threats regarding potential legal action towards SBT. I felt it prudent to clarify my own opinion on a few matters....... I believe that an arena that cost 113 million to build could be worth 4-6 million. I do not see an issue with that at all. I think if the Ricoh Arena...
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    I really think people need to focus on the actual financial explanation of how building a new stadium benefits both SISU and CCFC. The figures do not add up. The press and the fans groups need to really push this angle. Especially now in comparison to the various rent offers made by ACL...
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    Confused by all of this

    First time tonight been able to have a look on the site. In all honesty there is too much to read to catch up. Get the impression it has pretty much been confirmed that SISU have no interest in rent and want the Ricoh on the cheap. Not entirely sure how this has been confirmed. What is...
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    Radio 5

    Just did a very good piece on Cov. Afterwards the presenter said whilst he was interviewing Preseley that Joy walked in. He requested an interview with her and he said she legged it! Preseley came across we'll
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    If you are still allowed to post .....

    Trueskyblue Good to see you back You have been gone for a while. Possibly since the last judge laughed at the request for the review. Where have you been, why so quite? Please explain in detail how yesterday's decision benefits me personally as a Coventry City Fan?
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    No Future Talks

    With it now confirmed there are no plans for future talks. Really do now feel those attending Sixfields should put a deadline on two things. A date by which 1) A genuine financial explanation of how building a new stadium is more economically viable than signing a long term rent deal. 1)...