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  1. Disorganised1

    LIVE - 21 Dec Keys tweet in last hour

    It was the word <bold>CAREER</BOLD> I was questioning.
  2. Disorganised1

    LIVE - 21 Dec Keys tweet in last hour

    Does he have a national broadcasting career now ?
  3. Disorganised1

    Message for Andy Thorn

    We gain nothing but a lowering of our reputation even further by losing Thorn now. I've asked Santa for a win on Boxing Day, and I've been really good this year, so it's a cert.
  4. Disorganised1

    LIVE - 21 Dec Keys tweet in last hour

    He's just keeping his name in the paper.
  5. Disorganised1

    Don't sound good

    Of course it could be that with City Link being our shirt sponsers we are going to be bought by the British Railway Pension fund ~ the bad news is that they'll also be providing the players.
  6. Disorganised1


    Villa have recalled him because of injuries ~ they didn't want him injured playing for City over Christmas.
  7. Disorganised1

    3 days to go, and KEYS TWEETS !

    SISU seem to think that someone will come in and prop up the team allowing them to sell their shares once the team gets promoted - they don't seem to think they should share any of the pain. I think they are serious when they say they won't sell, they're looking for a partner to run the club...
  8. Disorganised1

    John terry

    Terry happily takes his infalated salary to feed his inflated self-opinion - well this is the cost - you are in the public eye, and things that would be a slap on wrist for most people become a lot more. Still given the way the FA works I suspect Ferdinand will be banned for provoking him by...
  9. Disorganised1

    Scott Dann out for 6 weeks - Ouch

    It wasn't exactly an accident, but my first vasectomy failed and I had to have another.
  10. Disorganised1

    The bigger picture...

    Thorn knows his only chance is to hang on and hope a takeover happens - the team are boys doing a man's job - in fact often 2 men's jobs. We've been praying for a miracle - if we take 9 points from the next 9 maybe we'll get it.
  11. Disorganised1

    The fans start calling for the managers head......

    The point was also made that 13 managers you'd have thought somewhere it would go right ~ unless the problem was elsewhere. Total financial mismanagement would seem to be at the root of the problem, and once you start slipping it's hard to stop. SISU had the opportunity, they came in with a...
  12. Disorganised1

    Read this and weep.

    I know - when you see it all listed like that . <wah>
  13. Disorganised1

    Read this and weep.

    The fall of CCFC
  14. Disorganised1

    Keep the Pro-Thorn torch Burnin 4 Me!

    Very painful - sleeping will be difficult as well - just don't sneeze. Oh and I'd sue.
  15. Disorganised1

    SO IS THAT IT THEN - Carry On Regardless ???

    The club has had a defeatist attitude for years. Winning starts at the top and runs through out the club - at CCFC it seems to be trying to seep up from the youth team. Mismanagement of finances and dubious book-keeping has been the standard for years.
  16. Disorganised1

    Oh FFS! ENOUGH about our 'bad luck'!!!

    I reckon we'd better find this Leicester shirt in the Ricoh foundations.
  17. Disorganised1

    sick of the..........

    Yeah - give the job to Ken ~ bec ause no-one else will take it on what SISU will offer in terms of a contract.
  18. Disorganised1

    Bad joke corner

    I called that tinnitus help line - useless - just kept ringing.
  19. Disorganised1

    What was you're worst ever awayday?

    I also remember getting chased through Nottingham by a bunch of Forest thugs singing "You're going in the Trent tonight." Somebody (possibly Bri Ord) punched this guy over the parapet of a bridge, we all thought he be dead, but when we looked over he was on a ledge about 3 foor down.