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  1. Disorganised1

    Be positive... let the rest look after itself

    Brand Thorn is doing OK - it makes a change for the fans not to be on the managers back. Juke should start scoring more ~ ROD - I have my doubts, Freddie - well I've always been a fan - but we need it now. Midfiled ? We need someone to be picking up off Juke - he needs an understanding with...
  2. Disorganised1

    utd v arsenal

    some cracking dead-ball strikes in that, but Arsenal were everywhere in defense. They looked like they didn't know if they were playing zonal or man to man.
  3. Disorganised1

    Bad joke corner

    Shamelessly stolen; Harry Redknapp is sitting in a pub drowning his sorrows after the 5 -1 defeat when Arsene Wenger walks in. Et tu Brute ? says Harry Don't YOU f***king start says Arsene
  4. Disorganised1

    Prediction League Banter 2011 / 2012

    I'm doing a City this season - lousy start - coming from behind in May (I hope)
  5. Disorganised1

    The Football League Show

    Cheers ~ I'll have to look for her next week.
  6. Disorganised1

    The Football League Show

    The opening montage shows a load of supporters from different clubs ~ can anyone see a City supporter there ?
  7. Disorganised1

    Turner having medical at Cardiff

    Why would Turner sign for Cardiff ? A few good games and he could be going to a team with prospects.
  8. Disorganised1

    "We are woeful"

    It is wrong to make comments like that about a manager - It's wrong to break the spirit of a bunch of kids by refering to them as woeful, Crooks has Tottenham written down the middle of his dick and Savage has dick written all over his forehead.
  9. Disorganised1

    Some of the greatest manager put downs.

    Shankley talking about Bobby Gould ~ "There a player on that pitch who couldn't trap a bag of cement, and he's just put 3 goals past the best defense in the land."
  10. Disorganised1

    Drogba Broken Neck

    Drogba coming out tomorrow - concussion.
  11. Disorganised1

    Hoffman bid withdrawn!!!!!

    Lets face it folks we know nothing, and we're fighting over the bones dropped from the table.
  12. Disorganised1

    Calm f***kin down about the bid and read the article again

    You're no fun - BREAKING NEWS ~ apparently Gadaffi has taken out a contract on Hoffman because his Barclaycard has been turned down at the local petrol station.
  13. Disorganised1

    Hoffman bid withdrawn!!!!!

    Looks like I picked the wrong day to give up glue sniffing.
  14. Disorganised1

    A new trend has been set...

    Possibly working on the any publicity is good publicity theme. Gary Glitter used to think that too
  15. Disorganised1

    About Nuneaton

    Friday nights they all go down the town centre where they roast a mssionary and watch the traffic lights change.
  16. Disorganised1

    Who is the worst goalkeeper you've ever seen?

    I was on the kop at Liverpool when he threw that ball into the net, it was just before half-time. As they walked off the tannoy played Careless Hands.
  17. Disorganised1

    Quick Question about Calum Davenport

    Last I heard he was training with Forest and was told that his leg wouldn't be strong enough for professional football
  18. Disorganised1

    Gael Bigirimana

    He's not the Messiah ~ he's a very naughty boy !
  19. Disorganised1

    Favourite Band/ Musician/ Artist

    Johnny Cash, Eagles, Moody Blues, Beatles, Don McLean, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Meatloaf, Jam, Marvin Gaye, Simon & Garfunkel, Dubliners, Carol King, I could go on.... :guitar2: