Search results

  1. H

    Gary McAllister Player of the year Trophy 1999/2000

    Hang on, this isn't EBay, what happened there? Was there no-one brain dead enough to bid on it?
  2. H

    Gary McAllister Player of the year Trophy 1999/2000

    Blimey, thought someone had photographed our latest signing!
  3. H

    Gary McAllister Player of the year Trophy 1999/2000

    OP, are you taking the pi$$? £140 and no offers, I'd take weeman's tenner and be grateful. Anything associated with that crappy rag (CET) isn't worth a light.
  4. H

    Ground to big for Rugby

    Points 2 and 4 are the real biggies, Spon End is a disaster at the best of times, can you imagine what it will be like on match day?
  5. H

    Meanwhile, back in court

    Gotta be better than the on field shite then?
  6. H

    Utter freakin' genius

    Looks like you are right (along with many others) and I am way off beam. Still don't believe this will make us new fans but hey ho, the masses have spoken and I am indeed a Hugh Jarse..
  7. H

    Utter freakin' genius

    Whose nobwit idea was this? Is there anything more this club can do to piss off local supporters? Why should work shy lazy students be given 500 free tickets, we all know they are not going to return...
  8. H

    Coventry City ground share with Coventry RFC at Butts Park Arena could be back on

    Sorry if this has been asked before. Is the road and parking infrastucture suitable for our size crowds at The Butts? If yes, would it handle, say, double our home attendance?
  9. H

    Bands You'd Forgot About ?

    Lieutenant Pigeon are still going... I used to work with the drummer's brother!
  10. H

    4 in ?

    Not a great start admittedly. Should results still be about the same by the end of October maybe, just maybe, the old sphincter will be twitching!
  11. H

    Match Thread Coventry v Shrewsbury Match Thread - Saturday 13th Aug

    1-2 to Shrewsbury, they will score the winner in the 92nd minute!
  12. H

    SISU OUT March

    I hope this is irony but I have a sneaky feeling you actually believe this. Throwing money at it isn't going to solve our problem unless that money is used to hire a good hit-man or two!
  13. H

    Swindon fans opinions

    Why do we always capitulate late in games?
  14. H

    Gazza "joke" opinions

    Absolute angels compared to Kevin Bloody Wilson live!
  15. H

    Soccer aid

    Defoe is still the Premier league!
  16. H

    Where does everyone see CCFC .............

    Exactly where we are now with the same old (unless they've pegged it by then) angsty bastards moaning about the same things they were 5 years ago. Mind you, I am impressed with a lot of you thinking we'll be in the Championship, what's happened, has new pallet of Columbian marching powder...
  17. H

    Ibrahimovic vs Defoe

    Gazza could walk into any Swedish team. Ibra, or whatever his name is, (or Conk as I like to affectionately call him) wouldn't last a season in the Premier league. If I was a Man U fan, I would worry what Jose is going to do to the club. If Conk is a likely target, then the likes of Rashford...
  18. H

    Is the Butts deal imminent?

    Hey, I married an Earlsdon girl and what a fcuking disaster that turned out to be!
  19. H

    Is the Butts deal imminent?

    Who'd have thought it, when back in the 70's I was doing part of my aeronautical apprenticeship in the little building next to The Butts with Norman Rickets and Ray hall and now we are talking about the mighty Sky Blues playing in the stadium that was built on that very sight. Now that is...
  20. H

    Is the Butts deal imminent?

    Given these numbers it looks as though the club are NOT planning for the future. God forbid we should ever reach the Premier League with the Butts as our home ground!!