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  1. H

    CJ!! Attention CJ!

    Have we not suffered enough?
  2. H

    Boxing day

    Give it a few years and "The English language" will be spoken about like a long lost relative. This country is going to hell in a hand cart.
  3. H

    If city win FA CUP

    I've got more chance of shagging Maggie Thatcher!
  4. H

    City in weird places

    In a bar on the Tomb of the Kings Road in Paphos. Got talking to the guy and he was a bit of a knob though!
  5. H

    Cov Sphinx Saturday 28 Dec

    Could always contact SKY and say we are all going to watch this game instead of going to Sixfields. Mind you, it would have to be a desperately slow news day for them to even bite!
  6. H

    The watch battery kiosk in the precinct?

    I was there on Saturday around noon and he was open.
  7. H

    Brian Moore...NOPM

    I agree 100% but we are a bunch of fickle pussies on this site so it won't happen.
  8. H

    bit off topic but extremely funny

    Personally, I was taken by the "up yours" comment, can't see Motty doing this.......Jonathan Pearce yes!
  9. H

    Ricoh Valuation.

    The land it stands on has to be 'worth' more than £5M?
  10. H

    Match fixing scandal

    David Moyes is denying he was offered £1M to make sure United finished out of the top 4 this year. He said he would do it for free!
  11. H

    If the fans owned the club....

    The club must play in Coventry. END OF! Is that a clear enough answer.
  12. H

    Christie's Off Then...

    The finger!
  13. H

    200% article - great read

    It was indeed a good read but one part of a sentence stuck out for me and it was "The Football League should, for the sake of its own integrity". The FL have shown sod all integrity in this farcical situation, in fact I would go as far to say that things got demonstrably worst when they...
  14. H

    Reply from the FL on the rent offer

    The FL are just as much to blame for this situation as SISU.
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    Sisu boss Joy Seppala rejects council offer to play at Ricoh Arena rent-free

    If he's not careful, old labiabitch will be almost as unpopular as Timmy!!
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    WHAT made you laugh?
  17. H

    Sky Blue Bullshit Gone Wrong

    Rather your Dad than your chauffer!!
  18. H

    Robins to get the sack?

    I hope the stunted little twat gets the boot!
  19. H

    Bigi on his way back?

    Perhaps Elvis wants him back so he can give him a decent haircut!