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  1. H

    A few words

    Money for old rope if you ask me. If they were paid by achievement, they'd all get fook all for Sundays debacle.
  2. H

    CCFC's Lowest ebb ?

    Lucky you, I been watching them since the mid 60's! having said that, this is certainly my lowest ebb supporting the Sky Blues. I watched the game yesterday and thought we were awful, Stevenage were marginally less awful but did enough for the three points. A new manager is not going to be the...
  3. H

    Bad joke corner

    Sorry Blue but the formatting is dreadful. Lost interest after a few lines (that's reading, not coke!):facepalm:
  4. H

    Olympic 2012 closing ceremony

    Two words.....Ray Davis ffs. If that wasn't a piss poor syrup someone should tell him his hair looks likes pubes and he can't fooking sing either, so all in all, an utter disaster for him. Big respect to the Barlow, that took some courage. It's a good job they didn't dope test the acts...
  5. H

    Jessica Ennis

    You watch you don't develop ennis elbow doing that!:thinking about:
  6. H

    Who's familiar with league one then?

    Can't imagine us going up either. I think we might be in for a bit of a reality check in Division 1. We are not automatic promotion candidates as some may have you believe, there are some half decent teams in this league and it would be foolish to think of ourselves as something we are not...
  7. H

    The twatter who got arrested for making death threats against Tom Daley...

    Who forgot their daily ritillin then? Total mong:slap:
  8. H

    Jessica Ennis

    Nice for a ginga to come out on top once in a while!!
  9. H

    Thorn should resign - TONIGHT

    Hang on Nick, a couple of games, are you serious? He's either got to go now or we have to give him at least half a season (by which time it might be too late). My own personal feeling is that we should get shot of him, enough is enough, let's start again now we are in the 3rd Division.
  10. H


    Spoken like a true Nigerian.:wave:
  11. H

    Bigi Settled at Newcastle

    Hear, hear. Bellend was the classic example of club loyalty. Would never desert the club he loved even if they got relegated. As soon as it was confirmed we were down he was off like hot shit off a shovel. So Bigi, jog on there's a good fellow.
  12. H

    Nuneaton game on saturday

    No, I think he means the club are giving adults a tenner to watch us play Nuneaton!:slap:
  13. H

    Harry Kewell?????

    Have we really stooped this low?
  14. H

    RIP Ernie Machin

    Saw him play many times for us; a great, honest player. RIP Ernie and thanks for the memories.
  15. H

    Coventry University

    That's that then! One look at the shithole that is Coventry City centre and she'll be running for the hills.
  16. H

    Rangers - Should they keep there History

    Same fans, same second rate football, different name. I personally don't care where they end up, were they really that silly to think they were so high and mighty, Rangers got what they deserved. All Scottish football is pish, look at the fantastic record in Champions League, EURO and World...
  17. H

    Computer for sale

    It isn't crap but it's pretty low spec. 18 months old is an age when selling a second hand PC, I reckon you'd be lucky to get £70, may have to settle for less. From the spec it looks like a shop purchased one (by that I mean it isn't one you've spec'd yourself and built), these PC's are...
  18. H

    Hailstones in Coventry

    Dear Liam Nice story but you need to work on your punctuation and spelling. If you need any help with this, please see me after school. 6/10, must try harder.
  19. H

    Bad joke corner

    Oliver, you might want to change your location in your profile. I seriously wouldn't advise giving what looks like your home address!!