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  1. H

    What would it take to fill Sixfields?

    an absolute miracle! Or Joy Sappela covered in baby oil doing a pole dance round Brian Kilkline at half time, nah, maybe not.
  2. H

    Laugh on the hill

    What makes you say that? It's harmless enough, has a catchy tune and lyrics and if released, will do some good. Sorry mate, the songs not tragic, you are!
  3. H

    Off to Nairobi .....

    See, I knew deep down you were an educated man!
  4. H

    Why we're still a great family club....

    Sorry, didn't realize!
  5. H

    Why we're still a great family club....

    I know the team and staff have paid tribute to this young man but can we, as a Forum, pay our own tribute to him? On 15 minutes, can the entire hill burst into a minute of "One Ross Emslie, there's only one Ross Emslie" etc etc? Just my suggestion for what it's worth.
  6. H

    Off to Nairobi .....

    Well, I wouldn't go to a Mall in Nairobi for a start!
  7. H

    Off to Nairobi .....

    As well as being a Friday racist, I can also say that I have been to both Nairobi and Zanzibar and the latter is by far and away better than the former. Have a great weekend all.
  8. H

    Off to Nairobi .....

    Get yourself down the Foleshill Road mate and save yourself the journey!
  9. H

    Why we're still a great family club....

    This certainly puts all the pettyness and arguing into perspective. My sincere condolences to the family and friends of this very brave young man and a big shout out to everyone at CCFC who gave Ross such a fantastic day.
  10. H

    Club continues to sponsor Grace Research Fund

    I did read what you said originally and think this last answer is bollocks. They gave money to a charity but you would have preferred it to have gone to that right? If so, read what I said in my original e-mail, inwardly digest and agree/disagree all you fukcing well like, this...
  11. H

    Club continues to sponsor Grace Research Fund

    No, because it was a charity that YOU didn't like/approve/support. The point I am to make is that even something simple as a charitable donation meets with a "I wouldn't choose this one" kinda statement when we should all be saying "Let's put some of the money to good use".
  12. H

    Club continues to sponsor Grace Research Fund

    This statement is another example why we won't achieve fcuk all on this Forum. I am sorry Nick, don't mean to pick out your post in particular but it's another shining example of the division we have within our ranks.
  13. H

    FAO The Hillers on Sunday

    .....and Social Services no doubt!
  14. H

    I'm sisu's biggest fan

    Are you a Trekkie?
  15. H

    sunday idea

    Now, this is funny!
  16. H

    sunday idea

    Don't mean to say they will be watching us, unless they are CCFC fans. I certainly wouldn't bother with League 1 football, I'd rather platt my chest hair!
  17. H

    sunday idea

    I could imagine that but sadly, it would only be in my imagination. Between the lot of us, we couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. One person will say something that a few others will decry as utter bollocks and so on and so on and so on and so on. At the end of the day, we can all...
  18. H

    Moving to Coventry-Advice please

    Blimey, I thought Norwich International (cough, snigger) Airport was expanding at a rate of knots and looking for all kinds of people for new jobs. Like Houchens Head, I moved away from Coventry, the city of my birth, many years ago. It used to be a thriving vibrant city but all I see now are...
  19. H

    Could CCFC relocate to Hinckley

    As will we, if we are not careful!
  20. H

    Could CCFC relocate to Hinckley

    So, it's ok to be outside of Coventry as long as it's nearer than Sixfields? If you think this is a positive, then you and others like you are one of the big reasons we all can't sing off the same hymn sheet. So, get it into your heads, IF THE CLUB DON'T PLAY IN COVENTRY, WE AINT FOOKIN...