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  1. H

    Yes, Im a Sky Blue - But Why?

    Looks like he's being lined up for Norwich!!
  2. H

    Gareth Barry - out?

    Can someone please nobble Downing as well please?
  3. H

    Soccer Aid

    Anyone who inflicts damage on Ramsey gets my vote, nice one Teddy.
  4. H

    Soccer Aid

    Whats got 200 legs and six pubic hairs? The front row of a JLS concert!! I know, I'll fetch my coat.........:slap:
  5. H

    Best TV series: 2012

    Didn't think the last series of Benidorm was as funny as the previous ones. Mel is a great loss but I do like Kenneth and Liam and wish the producers would get rid of Gavin. Keep the faith!
  6. H

    Bad joke corner

    My new girlfriend said it would be at least six months before she'd consider sucking my cock.I told her I fully understood and respected her decision. I said I'd give her a call nearer the time! ************************************** I once knew a dental nurse who loved giving blow...
  7. H

    music you thought you would hate, but actually....

    Nello's that's the one, took may a girl there for a pizza coz I thought it was cool at the time eating foreign food. Oh the stupidity of youth but you have to remember in the early 70's there weren't that many foreign nosh shops about. Did the pub have another name before the Bug and Black Bat?
  8. H

    Yes, Im a Sky Blue - But Why?

    Plus they've got that ginger mental twat as a manager.
  9. H

    We are 6th- play-off contenders!!

    No, you don't say!:facepalm:
  10. H

    music you thought you would hate, but actually....

    We won't be too harsh on you, I think it's an age thing. I used to buy import albums by a band called Foghat at the record shop on the corner of the arcade near the old bird cage. There was a big toy shop next door, an Italian restaraunt opposite and a pub upstairs. Christ, I hate getting...
  11. H

    Yes, Im a Sky Blue - But Why?

    Yes welcome. You will if Kilmarnock get promoted to Division 2, coz that's where we'll be next season unless we sort out some new players!
  12. H

    Call from the club

    Sounds like Corporate bollocks to me, and desperate Corporate bollocks at that! So the guy who hawks season ticket sales knows this and no-one else at the club does, I think not. Take it as read that this is tosh of the first order and you make up your mind when/if you buy a season ticket...
  13. H

    60 days

    What are you trolling on about?
  14. H

    All-time most hated player

    You'd be hard pressed not to vote for Bell-end, closely followed by the rapist. Dennis Wise is next in line closely followed by Lennon (I'd almost forgotten about him)
  15. H

    Cardiff City FC to rebrand?

    What next. SISU insist we play in pink?
  16. H

    Danish words !

    That's easy for you to say John;)
  17. H

    Danish words !

    What about a slight variation. What about 'we're shit and YOU know we are'!!
  18. H

    Hartlepool fans

    Southampton had those guys in dj's, it's harmless and as long as it's not offensive I say good luck to 'em. God knows WE need something to smile about at a football match. Next question, what should City fans dress up as......don't say Lady Godivas!!
  19. H

    Venky's or Sisu?

    The Venkys only bought Blackburn so they could brag that they owned an English Premier League football team. SISU on the other hand have systematically ruined our club, making bad decision upon bad decision along the way. One is all about ego, the other is decide.
  20. H

    Danish words !

    Ey Up me luv, where is Hartlepools ground? Probably best to try Excuse me!