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  1. H

    Leta have some truth......please

    Can someone please tell me why did we sell Highfield Road? At least the club owned the ground!
  2. H

    hope you are all happy

    We can moan about Thorn all we like but he doesn't take to the pitch! What manager in their right mind would want to come to us if Thorn gets sacked? Bottom line is that the team aren't good enough. SISU have to take a wodge of the grief because they haven't allowed us to invest in players...
  3. H

    Cov Mayor?

    Mayors get wheeled out for public events and photo ops, other than that they have no more or no less power than you and me. I know because someone I work with is currently mayor of their town. It's a huge honour ofr a town councellor to be elected mayor but it's more agg than it's worth. I...
  4. H

    Next Season-Ricoh Arena or ground share?

    Exactly! Who else could afford to pay a rent similar to this on a regular basis for a stadium?
  5. H

    Jobs - A funny old thing...

    Remember, you spend more 'wide awake' time at work than you do at home, so whatever your chosen job is it has to be one you enjoy doing. If it's not you could end up bringing the misery home, making your spare time a bloody nightmare. So, my vote goes for job satisfaction everytime.
  6. H

    finding cov fans in random places...

    Yep and my dad was over Germany about 60 years ago but that's another story!;)
  7. H

    finding cov fans in random places...

    and the rest, as they say, is history. They fell in love, she dumped me and had his pups and I was left to buy my own air ticket home........that's why she's my Ex!:slap:
  8. H

    Stan Collymore -Thorn

    Yeah and wtf does Collimore know?
  9. H

    James Perch

    Raina was stupid and got what he deserved. I would like to think that the Newcastle manager will take appropriate action for Perch's actions. It was a disgrace but it's something that's started to creep back into English football. I blame SKY and ESPN for showing too much Spanish and Italian...
  10. H

    Welcome Back SkyBluePrincess

    Looks like the chicken breast I had for tea last night!
  11. H

    Bad joke corner

    Don't mess with me matey boy! Some wker of a taxi driver cut me up the other day, but as luck would have it, I happened to see him a few days later, in his cab, at the front of the taxi queue. I went to the farthest taxi away from him and said 'How much to town mate?', '£10', he said...
  12. H

    Welcome Back SkyBluePrincess

    I'm sure her vagina has got a Widdecombe too!:slap:
  13. H

    Just found something...

    Like us all, time has not been kind to some of them!
  14. H

    Welcome Back SkyBluePrincess

    Blimey, you think WE need to get out?:o
  15. H

    Welcome Back SkyBluePrincess

    Look mate, it's yours and you can wash it as fast as you like:laugh:
  16. H

    Welcome Back SkyBluePrincess

    Don't encourage her, she'll do a Knock Knock joke on you!! lol:laugh:
  17. H

    Bad joke corner

    Probably that skyblueprincess, rat tat ginger!
  18. H

    Bad joke corner

    Knock, knock
  19. H

    Bad joke corner

    I hear that Fabrice Muamba was watching Match of the Day at the weekend wearing a Get Well Soon Liverpool shirt!:D
  20. H

    Thread for those who have believed we are doomed

    No, what he said was "wa*k me off before you go go" but that's bye the bye. If we escape relegation this year it will probably be considered the best relegation escape of all times for us. I hope we do but if it means we are in exactly the same position 12 months down the line, let's go down...