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  1. H

    Sisu refuse to pay the Ricoh rent for a second month!

    Sorry Coop but are you talking 50p bollocks or £10 bollocks. This is business, there is a written contact which the owners have signed which states they will pay x per month for the priviledge of using the stadium. I've not seen anyone saying that they know of a clause that reduces the amount...
  2. H

    City fan posts racist comments on Facebook

    Sadly, Face, that's how this country has hell in a hand cart!:slap:
  3. H

    Favourite all time Cov Chants

    That takes me back!
  4. H

    cant wait for the game tommorrow

    Genius, why didn't you suggest this at the beginning of the season, we may have had a better chance!:slap:
  5. H

    That's why we're going down

    Ahh, the voice of reason. Would you like to elaborate a bit more Harvey?
  6. H

    MCSHEFF: My future is here

    Will he be another Craig "I won't leave this club if they get relegated" Bellamy? If he's classed as one of the best we've got, if he don't leave, he'll be sold. In fact, if any of us happen to be strolling round the stadium on a Saturday afternoon, don't be surprised to be offered a game!
  7. H

    Best TV series: 2012

    I'm afraid I like the American series: Loved Pan Am, what there was of it Blue Bloods Hawaii Five O Unforgettable Broadwalk Empire, although was getting a bit same old, same old towards the end I hope they do another Strike Back Project Dawn I was hooked by The Syndicate which finished...
  8. H

    There's hope.....!

    A vitual friend perhaps?
  9. H

    Confirmed Pre-Season Friendlies

    The other way round more like!
  10. H


    Didn't mean to 'out' you, sorry mate!
  11. H


    The only person I've ever seen who appears to enjoy running endless miles for fun was Forrest Gump and we all know he was a sandwich short of a picnic! Most of the people I've seen in real life seem to be hell bent on giving themselves a self induced heart attack. Over weight smokers who don...
  12. H

    Stewards Conduct Saturday 21st April

    There are a lot of stewards who are knuckle dragging neaderthals who can't get a security job, even at Coventry Point. They revell in the fact that they are the football police and people should do what they say. Coupled with their high foreheads and low intelligence, this is a dangerous...
  13. H

    Division three!!!!!

    Are you SkyBlueUltra in disguise?
  14. H

    Division three!!!!!

    Leave Dublin alone, he's a retard and it isn't nice when you are a complete tosser with no mates. C'mon guys give him a chance
  15. H

    DIDIER DROGBA - Star or Girl's Blouse ???

    Don't forget Cashey, Fat Frank, Sideshow Bob Luis, ......the list is endless.:slap:
  16. H

    Bad joke corner

    Half wat throgh last nights second half, the picture went all fuzzy. So, TV repair man that I am, I got up and give it a good whack. Guess what, that feckin Drogba fell over again:mad:
  17. H

    Bad joke corner

    I heard that EUFA are appointing a Lifeguard as the forth official for the return leg of Barcelona v Chelsea after Drogba's diving show last night!!
  18. H

    We're not relegated yet.

    Mathmatically it's possible, that you can't argue about. But can anyone on this board see us getting 6 points from the two remaining games (one of which is Southampton) on current form. No? Neither can I, so let's stop all this soppy bollox talk about still being in the Championship next...
  19. H

    hope you are all happy

    You are getting a alittle ahead of yourself. Can we afford it in Division 1?
  20. H

    We really are in the shit!

    We can't beat Millwall and Bristol City and you genuinely believe we can beat Southampton on current form? Sorry mate, that's bollux!