£14 to bring a 2 year old (1 Viewer)

Was looking at introducing my 2 year old to a game. Bearing in mind that he'll probably not make it to the second half so it's more than an inconvenience to me. Anyway, thought it would be free or maybe a fiver. It's 14 twatting pounds.
Well I thought it may be nice to introduce him to the game without feeling like I'm wasting £40 by hardly seeing the game.
Anyway, fook that, I'm coming on my own.

I am literally pacing the carpet tutting between spitting the words "fourteen pounds, robbing twats" :mad:


Super Moderator
So that's just £15 for a whole season. What a bargain. Maybe if they upped it to £14 per match we could afford some half decent players.


Well-Known Member
Much too young at 2 anyway, just enjoy yourself for now and bring him when he's five and likely to sit still and take notice.


Well-Known Member
introduced my grandson at less than 2.5,he's a veteran now ,knows all the songs including Sisu out,done his first night match last week ,nappy pants essential ,did five toilet runs in the first half ,but he loves it and i love taking him ,he's so into it


New Member
I took my 2 year old to Norwich pre-season friendly. Nice friendly atmosphere, sunny day and the only abusive language she was exposed to was from Murphy! She really enjoyed it! There's another family fun day in November before a home match, can't remember which one but I plan to take her along! She absolutely loves Sky Blue Sam!

And to top the day off, she recognised Sammy Clingans big picture on the cov shop window!


Well-Known Member
As people have said join jsb 20quid
Many free gifts
10% discount on all in shop
Free jsb party
Free season ticket in the jsb stand.
And cheaper tickets for the adults!


Well-Known Member
I took my then 3 year old to the WBA friendly the beginning of last season, and he loved it because it was empty and he could run up and down the rows and keep lifting the seats up and down. Then took him to Crystal Palace home game (now age 4 1/2) and he moaned all the way through it. I won't be taking him again until he's at least 7!
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Facebook User
I took my then 3 year old to the WBA friendly the begging of last season, and he loved it because it was empty and he could run up and down the rows and keep lifting the seats up and down. Then took him to Crystal Palace home game (now age 4 1/2) and he moaned all the way through it. I won't be taking him again until he's at least 7!

First took my little one when she was 5 two years ago and she loved it (even if she fell asleep in the second half!) Took her last year and she complained during the second half that it was boring and kept asking how long was left. Asked if she wanted to come with me this year and she said no!

Back to going on my own again whenever I'm home for a game.


Well-Known Member
When my kids have been really naughty and the naughty step won't do,I'll bring them up the ricoh as punishment.


Well-Known Member
Ah, if only. My five year has had a ST since he was born. I do take him but he's not really interested. He says it's rubbish! Fair enough.

Much too young at 2 anyway, just enjoy yourself for now and bring him when he's five and likely to sit still and take notice.


Well-Known Member
You can tell SISU are not here for the long run, otherwise they would give you £14 to get another future fan hooked.


Well-Known Member
Free st for under 8s at Leicester BUT you have to sit in the family stand.

Took my lad at 5 to his first game, assumed it would be 0-0 at halftime when we'd leave due to family commitments and then we'd win 4-0. We were 4-0 up at halftime and won 5-1, still had to leave after 45 though.
Jammy little bugger then saw another 5-1 and two 4-0 wins.
Mates in Leicester were offering to adopt him for the weekends.

He was well pissed off when he saw a defeat in his last match against Real Madrid but he's still well up for going.
Halfway through the second half there was a shout (in broad cockney) of 'go on gallagher my son'.

Being my son and a Leicester fan he has a list of teams he doesn't like.

I love taking him but it does impinge on the social side of things.


Well-Known Member
I love taking him but it does impinge on the social side of things.

Hey Hackers, good to see you. BTW how old will he be before he see's the horrid things that inbreds from Fester get up to? ;)


Well-Known Member
Was looking at introducing my 2 year old to a game. Bearing in mind that he'll probably not make it to the second half so it's more than an inconvenience to me. Anyway, thought it would be free or maybe a fiver. It's 14 twatting pounds.
Well I thought it may be nice to introduce him to the game without feeling like I'm wasting £40 by hardly seeing the game.
Anyway, fook that, I'm coming on my own.

I am literally pacing the carpet tutting between spitting the words "fourteen pounds, robbing twats" :mad:

Don't be daft. For £14 you can buy the club and then sit anywhere you want for free.

That offer would be 14 times better than Gary Hoffman's. You'd be a hero.
Didn't realise about the younger season tickets. Anyway, if anyone has a spare 5 minutes could you try to actually get to the purchase page for this?
This link http://www.ccfcshop.co.uk/viewmemberships.aspx gives the info for the "dribblers" club (1-3 years) but doesn't mention anything about a free season ticket or discounted tickets.
Yet under the Sky Blues Keepers 4-7 years it states "FREE Season ticket in the JSB Family Zone". I know a call will resolve this but it's another example of how bloody difficult it is to support this club. Anyone visiting the site wanting to bring an under 4 would assume there is no option but to buy a £14 ticket.


Well-Known Member
Didn't realise about the younger season tickets. Anyway, if anyone has a spare 5 minutes could you try to actually get to the purchase page for this?
This link http://www.ccfcshop.co.uk/viewmemberships.aspx gives the info for the "dribblers" club (1-3 years) but doesn't mention anything about a free season ticket or discounted tickets.
Yet under the Sky Blues Keepers 4-7 years it states "FREE Season ticket in the JSB Family Zone". I know a call will resolve this but it's another example of how bloody difficult it is to support this club. Anyone visiting the site wanting to bring an under 4 would assume there is no option but to buy a £14 ticket.

How about you just look at the tickets page for any game where it clearly states:

Standard Zone:
Under 7 JSB: £3

Premium Zone:
Under 7 JSB: £4

Family Zone:
Under 7 JSB: Free


Sorry, but complaining that the club make it hard when you haven't even looked at the tickets page is a bit silly.


New Member
errrrrr... I took my 4 year old daughter to the Watford game and was told you dont have to pay for them until they are 5. - AND THAT WAS BY THE CLUB!! She just walked in front of me when i swiped my season ticket in. She was MEANT to sit on my knee and watch the game however there was obviously plenty of seats to sit on.

However, she did only last til half-time so had to leave.
How about you just look at the tickets page for any game where it clearly states:

Standard Zone:
Under 7 JSB: £3

Premium Zone:
Under 7 JSB: £4

Family Zone:
Under 7 JSB: Free


Sorry, but complaining that the club make it hard when you haven't even looked at the tickets page is a bit silly.

Good afternoon Shmmeee, don't you come accross as quite an abrupt piece of work when you think you are correct?
Let's overlook that I unfortunately called you a knobber when I read your post. All is forgiven.

When I log in and go to "buy tickets" the next screen I see is "Error loading theme data. Refreshing the page may fix the issue". Well refreshing doesn't fix the issue so I had to click "Quick Seats" that only gave the option of "Zone 1" and "Zone 2".
Anyway, it is fixed now and I can now see the JSB option in each age bracket.

So really I appreciate your unwarranted aggrivation of the situation, but please have a knuckle shuffle before coming on here next time to chill yourself out.

Patience is a virtue and all that :wave:
As a newby to this site.... As a lifelong City supporter but who hasn't been to a game since the club left HR, the club's demise and sad situation saddens me. Ah well. Moving on.

Reading the top of this thread "£14 to take a 2 year old"... You can perhaps tell from my monicker that I am a rugger bu99er. For all you City fans who haven't got anything planned Saturday afternoon... Come along to watch Cov Rugby at Butts Park Arena. Cov are 4th in the league and looking to hold onto that. Entrry is normally £13 for adults, £11 concessions but entry for U16s is FREE! Sky Blues' season ticket holders can gain entry for £10, on production of their season ticket.

Come and see what we can offer at Butts Park Arena.
No crowd segregation
A beer while watching the game
Friendly people
Decent boozers around and about for a pre-match freshener
Stewards who smile at you (not in that way)
And we won't take your banners off you....

Please come along and enjoy what rugby can offer. :p

Mr T - Sukka!

Active Member
Sorry i hate Rugby, i cant stand it. The Rugby world cup is on TV, i switched it straight off. Got to be one of the most boring sports ever. Back to topic:

Ticket prices are a disgrace! Prices should be due to the level of crap served up Adults £5, Children £2, OAP's £1.

Due to the garbage served up i still dont think we would sell out at even these prices. The demand is just not there we are GARBAGE!
Fantastic to see such a measured and polite response to a pleasant and genuine invitation. Crowds are low, are they? Such a potential welcome should see masses of people turn up. Sorry to offer a contradictory view on life.
I think it is great if the club let under 5's in for free. They should advertise it though. It is the only good thing this club has going for it.
I'm not bringing my lad, I want him to see an entertaining game with a good atmosphere and full stadium. Not sure Forest can guarantee that! :(


Well-Known Member
i don't think you should be allowed to take kids to football under the age of about 7.

some idiots in front of me bring about 3 kids under 5 to the match and they spend all match crawling over ppl and not once watch the match, and generally annoying everyone around us while their folks ignore them.................



New Member
i don't think you should be allowed to take kids to football under the age of about 7.

some idiots in front of me bring about 3 kids under 5 to the match and they spend all match crawling over ppl and not once watch the match, and generally annoying everyone around us while their folks ignore them.................


LOL some people egggghhh So what do you reckon to my kids really????????????

Just kiddin my we man has been coming sine he was four, it all depends on the parents mate, he sits and watches the game, shouts at the players with the bloke who sits next to him /stands on his seat, rarely to celebrate goals, loves it, hates missing a game, he is only seven now so you would advocate him only just starting now ??????
i don't think you should be allowed to take kids to football under the age of about 7.

some idiots in front of me bring about 3 kids under 5 to the match and they spend all match crawling over ppl and not once watch the match, and generally annoying everyone around us while their folks ignore them.................


I had some Cov Chavs behind me the last season trying to smoke a spliff and shouting obcenities at the stewards. Also had a fat thug in front of me calling every player/manager/ref/linesman a c*nt.
I agree it's the parents, the only thing is that you can't ban children. You have to just ban twats. So that's twatty kids and twatty adults (there are probably more twatty adults!) :D

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