Have you any idea what this hotel was called ?
Myself my brother and a big group of city fans were drinking where we could but being refused at many establishments across the West end, I don’t know how, why or by who’s instruction but w e ended up at a big suburban hotel

I wanna say the “Hotel Lilly” but can’t be absolutely sure.
There was a huge bar/nightclub room with a disco playing it was absolutely mobbed with city fans and from what we could gather about 30 city fans had rooms booked ‘I’m not kidding when I say there must have been anywhere up to a thousand city fans in that hotel

completely took the place over.
The police turned up in numbers but in all honesty the mood was never sinister, everyone was in party mood and the police and hotel staff seemed content to concede the hotel for that one night and were just relieved there was no trouble.
I woke up at 8.10am sitting in a chair opposite 2 lifts on the 6th floor with a Spanish cleaning lady hoovering round my feet, it quickly dawned on me I was on my own (obviously no phones back then ) no brother, no wallet, no idea and worst of all no ticket

panicking I made my way down to the foyer and explained my situation to a receptionist, she informed me that there was a large number of football supporters congregating in the club room, I made my way there preying under my breath, entered the room and walked straight into my cheering brother & mates.
Turns out we were persuaded by 1 staff member & 2 cops to book a room at 4.30am, my brother took my wallet to pool the cash to pay for the room in reception and when he turned round I’d vanished.
I’ve so many fantastic memories of that weekend, it was epic and could never be topped