4000 Season Tickets - Really???? (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Mmm, its a tricky one. Firstly I don't think we have sold 4000 tickets, the club are renouned for thinking of a number and doubling it. Its a personal choice whether you want to show willing and part with money at this point in time. I certainly know many fans who are committing themselves to lets say.........preserve their saturday ritual away from the wife and chores.
Its also my choice to withold my cash { credit card} at the moment as I do not think it too prudent to pay up front for something that is in real danger of not happening. Never has this club been so low and held to ransom by a disgusting operator such as SISU and you wonder if they will not drag out this slow lingering death until they get their hands on the real estate that they are desperate for, gradually destroying the club a bit more each month untill someone gives in.
All that said I have also identified that the 12 match flexi packages are a very good option at £16 a game and you can buy them right up to kick off of the first match, by then we should know better our fate.


I am the same, got the £20 voucher, free scarf etc. I will always go to all the home games so it makes sense. In a way we are taking from SISU because they have to gives us the extra's. If you have got you ticket later you miss out on this little add on's

How can you be taking away money from SISU if you are giving them around £300 per ticket! That is staggering denial (and I am NOT talking about the river in Egypt!). So you don't think if the sales are low enough they won't extend the early bird deadline?

The lunatics truly have taken over the asylum!

oggys nose

New Member
I am the same, got the £20 voucher, free scarf etc. I will always go to all the home games so it makes sense. In a way we are taking from SISU because they have to gives us the extra's. If you have got you ticket later you miss out on this little add on's

To be honest I did to look at it like that but I agree with you it makes since to get best offer you can.

I was born in Coventry therefore will support Coventry city whatever league whoever the owners are , I dont agree with sisu but I can't see how by not going I'm helping the club.

oggys nose

New Member
How can you be taking away money from SISU if you are giving them around £300 per ticket! That is staggering denial (and I am NOT talking about the river in Egypt!). So you don't think if the sales are low enough they won't extend the early bird deadline?

The lunatics truly have taken over the asylum!

Simple by paying £300 and getting voucher and scarf your giving sisu less money than by paying 25 quid a game or whatever it is


Well-Known Member
So its justifiable to hand cash to our rivals rather than give it to City?

Then you'll moan when City cant get players in because they cant afford the wages. Why? because the No1 income stream has been dyked by hard nosed "away supporters" giving it to the likes of Crewe instead.


To be honest I did to look at it like that but I agree with you it makes since to get best offer you can.

I was born in Coventry therefore will support Coventry city whatever league whoever the owners are , I dont agree with sisu but I can't see how by not going I'm helping the club.

Its that logic that has got the club in the state it is! At some point you have to take a stand! Robinson did it - no one acted. Now SISU are RELYING on the good will of the fans to pay off their loans!

Do you HONESTLY believe that SISU has ANY intention of investing in the team. If they get hold of the arena it will be used as a sink for all their bad debts. By buying a ST with SISU at the reins you are ENSURING the council will deem it prudent to sell the arena to them!

It is rumoured they have already shut down the investments coming into Cov, so are looking to liquidate or go into admin! Why give them any more money? Until they commit to the club you shouldn't commit to SISU.

It really is a no brainer!


Well-Known Member
alarmist hysterical nonsense

don't you get fed up knowing everything all the time?


So its justifiable to hand cash to our rivals rather than give it to City?

Then you'll moan when City cant get players in because they cant afford the wages. Why? because the No1 income stream has been dyked by hard nosed "away supporters" giving it to the likes of Crewe instead.

It really is like talking to a wall! How can I put this in terms you can understand. And to be honest Yes I'd rather give it to a football team than a hedge fund!





I won't moan if I make a conscious choice you strange person!


New Member
Your wasting your time psgm1,looks like the pen pushers from shitsu have hijacked the thread with their obvious crappy sales pitches.


New Member
How many times do YOU have to be told...skybluesteve76...I go to away games to support my Club...I pay out a lot more money than most City fans(Verify that with Astute) he knows more than you, what I and He goes through to follow Coventry. Torchomatic says he gets upset at being called stupid by some posters for buying a ST. I get offended by being TOLD I'm not a supporter by prats like you!
If you want to line SISU pockets with your hard earned cash, do it! that's your prerogative, as it is mine who chooses NOT to.
I've been there, done that, even bought the video, and spent thousands upon thousands of pounds on a ST, AND, following CCFC away from home as well.

You either support Coventry City or you don't. Through thick and thin, no matter who the players, manager or owners are? The players need our support, especially at home.You need to get off your high horse. And why do you always resort to name calling when someone challenges you?

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
To be honest I did to look at it like that but I agree with you it makes since to get best offer you can.

I was born in Coventry therefore will support Coventry city whatever league whoever the owners are , I dont agree with sisu but I can't see how by not going I'm helping the club.

Without trying to cause rows amongst our fans, what I'm going to say now may be hypothetical...I truly understand fans buying a ST to support our team...but have you thought about what happens to your money if the shytehouse that is SISU liquidate us before the season starts. Unless you have paid by credit card, you are very much deluded to think you will get any back!
Makes that £20 voucher and scarf seem worthless eh?


Well-Known Member

you're lack of intelligence is evident - no room for debate or discussion - just reverting to insults when challenged

I and other loyal City supporters will be at the Ricoh next season supporting Coventry City FC - and so i suspect will you if the team does well - i'll look out for you crawling in


Your wasting your time psgm1,looks like the pen pushers from shitsu have hijacked the thread with their obvious crappy sales pitches.

Too true - thread has been sabotaged by pen15's

well let the 4000 "true fans" watch thorn lead out the under 13's each week. I'll watch the football league show instead and treat the family to a night out on the money I save not paying off SISU's loan to itself!

have fun trying to get a refund on the ST when SISU does one!


Active Member
i think some people should just go and support manure.

if you don't want to give sisu your money then they'll recoup it in other ways, namely selling our players. you'd definitely be vindicated then.



you're lack of intelligence is evident - no room for debate or discussion - just reverting to insults when challenged

I and other loyal City supporters will be at the Ricoh next season supporting Coventry City FC - and so i suspect will you if the team does well - i'll look out for you crawling in


You don't even have the intellectual capacity to comprehend how it is possible to support the team whilst not being in the ground !

You really are a sad individual

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
You either support Coventry City or you don't. Through thick and thin, no matter who the players, manager or owners are? The players need our support, especially at home.You need to get off your high horse. And why do you always resort to name calling when someone challenges you?

I called you a prat, because that is what you are. Whatever debate is going on you buzz in and out like a mosquito and stir things up, tell people they are not supporters for having a stance then have the audacity to turn things around and make out YOU are the victim.!
Grow a pair!!! You once again attacked me, and sound flabberghasted that I retaliated!
Look over my posts over the last two weeks...perfectly reasonable debates with other posters...You turn up and BAM!!! why is that?
Oh yes...You're a PRAT!


New Member
What fecking team is that then? They'll be nobody left after those arseholes sell who they can,oh hang on,our great owners will dip into their pockets to buy some players,oh hang on,they've never done that,oh hang on they'll spend the season ticket money on players,oh hang on,theyve already had that money out,oh hang on,were under a transfer embargo arent we? What a fecking shambles shitsu are! Have the financial terrorists paid the rent this month??


Well-Known Member
No SISU = No City

maybe thats what you'd llike?

how about you give us an alternative to SISU?


Well-Known Member
And try to hold back on the name calling and insults - it dilutes you're credability further


Super Moderator
Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question but what happens to all the money from these season tickets if the club goes into Administration or worse still liquidation??? As I understand it the money would be lost and season tickets invalid going forward - that's what would happen in any other business

Administration - nothing, will still be valid.
Liquidation - technically would be lost. Seen as that won't happen, I wouldn't worry. The bad PR would take SISU down with it and despite common perception they are not idiots. If they want/need out they would put the club officially up for sale for a period for a start. You don't say the business is not for sale then liquidate, that is brain dead.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
So its justifiable to hand cash to our rivals rather than give it to City?

Then you'll moan when City cant get players in because they cant afford the wages. Why? because the No1 income stream has been dyked by hard nosed "away supporters" giving it to the likes of Crewe instead.

SISU have had 5 years to "BUY" players and get us where we should be(Premier league) but chose to sell from the outset!!!
"25-28k supporters when they took over...who did they buy?....Dann, Fox, for peanuts, sold them on PDQ, Jukebox in later years...sold! Turner...sold!...The list is very long. Attendances dropped dramatically...Why???
This is what makes me laugh at your statement.:facepalm:


New Member
I read posts and give my opinions. Just because I don't spend my life writing essays. One paragraph opinion is what most people contribute.
Like I said before, you will continue to get abusive because that's the kind of person you are. Unable to debate, unable to be challenged and unable to be civil on this forum when challenged. You have blown up at every body that has ever had a differing opinion to you, that means you have a problem not me.
I am alot more intelligent than you though so I won't rise to your name calling. You just carry on thinking not going to games is somehow helping the team and club ad a whole. Maybe you'd like Sisu to liquidate because you just love the drama.


New Member
Trying to get my head around being able to support the team whilst not being in the ground.
Can someone explain that to me?

Season ticket holder of 50+ years. (Paying monthly these days)

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I read posts and give my opinions. Just because I don't spend my life writing essays. One paragraph opinion is what most people contribute.
Like I said before, you will continue to get abusive because that's the kind of person you are. Unable to debate, unable to be challenged and unable to be civil on this forum when challenged. You have blown up at every body that has ever had a differing opinion to you, that means you have a problem not me.
I am alot more intelligent than you though so I won't rise to your name calling. You just carry on thinking not going to games is somehow helping the team and club ad a whole. Maybe you'd like Sisu to liquidate because you just love the drama.

I said look at debates I've been on over the last 2 weeks......You being more intelligent than me...Highly debateable...Want to debate??:thinking about:

oggys nose

New Member
Its that logic that has got the club in the state it is! At some point you have to take a stand! Robinson did it - no one acted. Now SISU are RELYING on the good will of the fans to pay off their loans!

Do you HONESTLY believe that SISU has ANY intention of investing in the team. If they get hold of the arena it will be used as a sink for all their bad debts. By buying a ST with SISU at the reins you are ENSURING the council will deem it prudent to sell the arena to them!

It is rumoured they have already shut down the investments coming into Cov, so are looking to liquidate or go into admin! Why give them any more money? Until they commit to the club you shouldn't commit to SISU.

It really is a no brainer!

Your dealing with rumours so going by that we are rumoured to be getting taken over by a Chinese businessman does that mean we are gonna be fine ? No it doesn't cos it rumours ! As we stand now no sisu means no ccfc and no fans going to games means no ccfc .

I aint gonna sit on a CCFC forum and justify why I have brought a season ticket , think about all the different theory's you want but it's not going to help, fans that don't go to the games because they think they are making a stand damages the club as there's less income, going by what's written if we had 25k plus every home game we would be in a better position than we are now !!


Well-Known Member
Fans being insulted for wanting to go see their team play sums up why this forum is an unreadable mess of stupidity and anger.


CCFC Finance Director
I assume we accept that costs of running the team are at least something like wages £5m, other costs £3m per annum that's £660k pm ...... all of which doesn't greatly vary from month to month.

But income does vary from month to month. May June July the only income would appear to season ticket sales .......... say it is now 4000 at £300 a time (except it is thought the season ticket money has been borrowed against already so isn't the clubs) - oh and you need to take out £50 per ticket for the VAT that's £1.2m gross or £1m net of VAT.

So before there is any potential for spare cash in the summer months (May to July) assuming it wasn't borrowed against in the first place they need to have sold 7920 season tickets and received all the money.

They havent paid the rent (3 months)..... well no but it is still technically due ..... but exclude that if you like that's equivalent to 1200 season tickets sold. Still means no spare cash as yet because just to meet monthly set costs we need to have sold 6720 season tickets

Buy one dont buy one - its an individual choice and no one has the right to criticise another for their choice. Ratify your choice in any way you choose so that it suits your decision and be comfortable with it.

But two things -
by buying one you ease the pressure on SISU
by not buying one you increase the pressure on the team

It is a catch 22 situation ............ and unless there is help from outside the club be it Council, Charity or a. n. other i do not see a way out of the financial mess we are in by continuing to operate in the way we have been
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New Member
Fans being insulted for wanting to go see their team play sums up why this forum is an unreadable mess of stupidity and anger.

It's really bad! We all have a love of CCFC in common surely.
Why people have to insult you for going to watch them is unreal.
I can't get my head around how not going is helping the club

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
going by what's written if we had 25k plus every home game we would be in a better position than we are now !![/QUOTE said:
THAT is my point exactly, but SISU did nowt to KEEP those attendances up. They Asset stripped from day 1.:eek:


Your dealing with rumours so going by that we are rumoured to be getting taken over by a Chinese businessman does that mean we are gonna be fine ? No it doesn't cos it rumours ! As we stand now no sisu means no ccfc and no fans going to games means no ccfc .

I aint gonna sit on a CCFC forum and justify why I have brought a season ticket , think about all the different theory's you want but it's not going to help, fans that don't go to the games because they think they are making a stand damages the club as there's less income, going by what's written if we had 25k plus every home game we would be in a better position than we are now !!

Thats YOUR theory! If we had 25k/game true but by the same token if my mother had balls she would have been my father - what's your point?

By Drip feeding SISU with money you are allowing them precious time, to get hold of additional assets / sell more players. So YES - it IS harming the club by buying a season Ticket under SISU!

And I'm not gonna sit here and be patronised for not being a "real fan" I could equally say I'm a true fan as I'm considering the well being of the club BEFORE my love of watching football!

To every action there is a reaction - a ying to every yang.

And as for the truly Assernine comment no SISU = No City - you have defeated your own argument! You stated you would watch City regardless. So There couldn't be an AFC Coventry - or are you trying to impress your mates by showing yourself as an ultra loyal "real fan"?

Also how can you be a "real fan" if you are only prepared to go to the home games! After last season I would postulate (I use that as clearly your have a superlative lexican!) that the away fans are the most loyal - going all that way to watch the team lose!

BTW of course there is room for debate - you simply don't have the intellectual ability to conceive of it (hence you believe it is impossible to support a team unless you go to the home games!)
Don't worry gents! The Prince knows what's happening, we will soon be one of the richest clubs in the world, it's all ok chaps so return to your homes and don't PANIC!

oggys nose

New Member
THAT is my point exactly, but SISU did nowt to KEEP those attendances up. They Asset stripped from day 1.:eek:

I'm not disagreeing with that and I don't back sisu or anything of the sort the simple fact is I will go to every home game (all being well ) next season as I support the club and can't sit at home on a Saturday when ccfc are playing at the Ricoh.

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