4000 Season Tickets - Really???? (8 Viewers)

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
It's really bad! We all have a love of CCFC in common surely.
Why people have to insult you for going to watch them is unreal.
I can't get my head around how not going is helping the club

Why people insult you for refusing to give SISU hard earned money, I can't get my head around.
reiterating an earlier post, each to their own, There is NO money to buy/loan players with, and however much money you throw at SISU, nothing will be put into playing staff, imo.:eek:


CCFC Finance Director
Definition of 'Asset Stripping'
The process of buying an undervalued company with the intent to sell off its assets for a profit. The individual assets of the company, such as its equipment and property, may be more valuable than the company as a whole due to such factors as poor management or poor economic conditions.

For example, imagine that a company has three distinct businesses: trucking, golf clubs and clothing. If the value of the company is currently £100 million but another company believes that it can sell each of its three businesses to other companies for £50 million each, an asset stripping opportunity exists. The purchasing company will then purchase the three-business company for £100 million and sell each company off, potentially making £50 million.

Except that any sales of players are regularly challenged at undervalue, contracts have been allowed to wind down and no value accrued. This isn't asset stripping this is financial fire fighting when outside monies have dried up for what ever reason. Players are sold or let go not to make a profit but to pay the bills.

it is a relentless cycle that seemingly SISU have no way or intention of stopping.

Only way they have a return of their loans is by getting hold of the Ricoh. Yes they are playing brinksmanship with the council charity etc as a tool to get hold of the Ricoh - but what is currently happening at ccfc isnt about asset stripping for their investors profit. Players are going simply to pay the bills and reduce losses & cashflow shortages.
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TheSnoz - It really isn't rocket science - Do you accept the concept that not everyone is physically able to attend matches for any reason?

There are servicemen abroad, nurses / coppers firemen on duty, people are in hospital, people live abroad. People have lost jobs. There are a myriad of perfectly valid reasons why someone cannot get to a match. Do you think that because you are on duty you cannot support a team? Do you stop supporting a team if you are having a baby?

Is buying replica kit supporting the team? Is subscribing to Sky blues player supporting the team? For some people it is either a physical or logistical reason why they don't attend!

Have you ever missed a game? If so by not going are you saying you don't support the club? Of course not it is a ridiculous suggestion!

Do you understand now?


Well-Known Member
when did i say i don't go to away games? you made that bit up yes?

and if you care to check not once have i made a single comment in support of SISU - just some basic facts in contrast to your mad ramblings based on rumour

...and stop stringing together some big words, it does'nt impress me so put the dictionatary away

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
No need to worry everyone Fisher said Arvo are pumping in 500k per month whats it being spent on if we are not paying our bills ?
I can't believe you can judge those of us who have purchased season tickets for the club we support so readily. I object to being called stupid.

One day SISU won't be here. I still will be as will many other ST holders who decide whatever is happening behind the scenes to get behind eleven players on a Saturday in Sky Blue. I don't call that stupidity, I call that support.

On another issue, it is possible to get rid of Oggy and Nuddy?

I purchased my 48th consecutive season ticket a few weeks ago - am I mad ? - NO, just a self confessed CCFC fanatic who has followed the club through good and bad times and I am proud to have done so !!



Definition of 'Asset Stripping'
The process of buying an undervalued company with the intent to sell off its assets for a profit. The individual assets of the company, such as its equipment and property, may be more valuable than the company as a whole due to such factors as poor management or poor economic conditions.

For example, imagine that a company has three distinct businesses: trucking, golf clubs and clothing. If the value of the company is currently £100 million but another company believes that it can sell each of its three businesses to other companies for £50 million each, an asset stripping opportunity exists. The purchasing company will then purchase the three-business company for £100 million and sell each company off, potentially making £50 million.

Except that any sales of players are regularly challenged at undervalue, contracts have been allowed to wind down and no value accrued. This isn't asset stripping this is financial fire fighting when outside monies have dried up for what ever reason. Players are sold or let go not to make a profit but to pay the bills.

it is a relentless cycle that seemingly SISU have no way or intention of stopping.

Only way they have a return of their loans is by getting hold of the Ricoh. Yes they are playing brinksmanship with the council charity etc as a tool to get hold of the Ricoh - but what is currently happening at ccfc isnt about asset stripping for their investors profit. Players are going simply to pay the bills.

The players are the clubs only assets! If they do not invest 100% of any monies directly back into the team (as you say wages / bills etc) how is it NOT asset stripping?

IF (and it is still a big IF) SISU get their hands on the arena, then it is highly probable given SISU's infamous track record outside of football, that they will consolidate all the debts into the arena (as per the Glaziers @ ManU). If the council are in 50% partnership, then the council will then in effect be sharing half of all SISU's debts. And guess then who picks up the bill?

The ONLY way to ensure this doesn't happen is to NOT give SISU breathing space. Whilst the team going bust would be bad, imagine how bad Cov Council going bust would be! No a Stand MUST be taken here! DO NOT BUY SEASON TICKETS WHILST SISU ARE IN CHARGE


Well-Known Member
And as for the truly Assernine comment no SISU = No City - you have defeated your own argument! You stated you would watch City regardless. So There couldn't be an AFC Coventry - or are you trying to impress your mates by showing yourself as an ultra loyal "real fan"?

wtf?! hilarious musings!!! :D


New Member
In my opinion your not a supporter if you don't go and support the team! How can you be?

What a stupid comment. I live in london i work most saturdays and so can't get to games (Not that i would if i could while we are owned by Shitsu) But i have supported my home team since 1970 and before i moved had a season ticket for 12yrs so don't you DARE tell me I'm not a fan just because I have other things that take precedence like keeping my kids clothed and feed. Some people o n this board just will not take their head out of the sand. YOUR SEASON TICKET MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT SO HOW ARE THEY GOING TO SPENT IT AGAIN.:slap::slap:


Well-Known Member
Supporting a football club is a personal matter and is why you will always get wildly different responses to how and why that support should be expressed.
Our current owners are not supporters which is precisely why it has become such a dysfunctional club.
The truth is we do not know if (in the long run) buying a ST now is good or bad for the club?
Plenty of other things to do on a Saturday afternoon.

oggys nose

New Member
Thats YOUR theory! If we had 25k/game true but by the same token if my mother had balls she would have been my father - what's your point?

By Drip feeding SISU with money you are allowing them precious time, to get hold of additional assets / sell more players. So YES - it IS harming the club by buying a season Ticket under SISU!

And I'm not gonna sit here and be patronised for not being a "real fan" I could equally say I'm a true fan as I'm considering the well being of the club BEFORE my love of watching football!

To every action there is a reaction - a ying to every yang.

And as for the truly Assernine comment no SISU = No City - you have defeated your own argument! You stated you would watch City regardless. So There couldn't be an AFC Coventry - or are you trying to impress your mates by showing yourself as an ultra loyal "real fan"?

Also how can you be a "real fan" if you are only prepared to go to the home games! After last season I would postulate (I use that as clearly your have a superlative lexican!) that the away fans are the most loyal - going all that way to watch the team lose!

BTW of course there is room for debate - you simply don't have the intellectual ability to conceive of it (hence you believe it is impossible to support a team unless you go to the home games!)

When have I said if you don't go to home games you don't support the team ?? I'll take no notice of that shitty comment about my "intellectual ability" as ur clearly a keyboard warrior ... Unless you wanna message me and talk about this privately ??

I don't need to impress my mates or anything of the sort I just have my opinions .... Im perfectly happy with my season ticket and I'll also be buying the home shirt with £20 off with my voucher.


Well-Known Member
I won't be buying a season ticket until the embargo is lifted and we see a good number of signings, I won't be paying full price to watch a team of U20 play in league 1.


New Member
84th post on this thread.

I thought we'd put this to bed? Whether you are pro-buying a season ticket or anti-buying a season ticket, I thought we had all agreed that insulting eachother and arguing about it was only destructive.

Those that have made their decision to buy are entitled to that and you are not going to change their minds by calling them stupid

Those that have made their decision not to buy are also entitled to do that and you are not going to change their mind by questioning the level of their support.

My daughter, sister, uncle and I will be attending this season as ST holders. Deal with it.

I have friends who will not be renewing. Deal with it.

Like it or not, 4000 STs at this stage and considering the bad season we had, can only be healthy.


Has anyone considered we don't actually care if our money's been spent or not? We just want to go and support the team - is that so wrong?

People are fully entitled to not go - of course - but they don't have a right to criticise those that do go.

Having a pop at people who go to games is ridiculous. How dare you tell us what we can and can't spend OUR money on?


CCFC Finance Director
The players are the clubs only assets! If they do not invest 100% of any monies directly back into the team (as you say wages / bills etc) how is it NOT asset stripping?

IF (and it is still a big IF) SISU get their hands on the arena, then it is highly probable given SISU's infamous track record outside of football, that they will consolidate all the debts into the arena (as per the Glaziers @ ManU). If the council are in 50% partnership, then the council will then in effect be sharing half of all SISU's debts. And guess then who picks up the bill?

The ONLY way to ensure this doesn't happen is to NOT give SISU breathing space. Whilst the team going bust would be bad, imagine how bad Cov Council going bust would be! No a Stand MUST be taken here! DO NOT BUY SEASON TICKETS WHILST SISU ARE IN CHARGE

Because asset stripping implies that the value leaves the business .......... it doesnt at CCFC it goes to pay the bills..... the biggest bill of which is the players wages ie the team. Given that there are no outside funds to come in other than SISU/ARVO picking up a cashflow shortfall then the alternative is ............. ?

They can only consolidate the debt into the Ricoh if they get a charge over it ...... Council wont allow that and 50% doesnt give you the right to do it without the Council knowing. I would also suspect that any agreement wont allow the shares to be charged either. Glaizers could only leverage it because they owned all of it. The reason it is ACL is because it is a limited company and that means the liabilities of the shareholders is limited to the amount unpaid on the shares they own - that does not mean that the council or ACL have to pick up any part of the SISU debts

Fail to see how SISU could create a situation where the council could go bust. The very worst that could happen is that they allowed a charge over the stadium and they lost that asset ....... except the freehold isnt up for grabs at the moment it is the shares in ACL who have a lease on the stadium
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Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I'm not disagreeing with that and I don't back sisu or anything of the sort the simple fact is I will go to every home game (all being well ) next season as I support the club and can't sit at home on a Saturday when ccfc are playing at the Ricoh.

It's YOUR prerogative on how you spend your money mate;) I've already said this in an earlier post.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well said WS

a voice of reason

and not an insult in sight

That won't be me, just gone through pages of this crap from the Ultras who think that you're a traitor if you buy a season ticket.

Fuck me there are an awful lot of stupid twats about on here.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone considered we don't actually care if our money's been spent or not? We just want to go and support the team - is that so wrong?

People are fully entitled to not go - of course - but they don't have a right to criticise those that do go.

Having a pop at people who go to games is ridiculous. How dare you tell us what we can and can't spend OUR money on?

also having a pop at people for not spending their money on a season ticket is just as bad

simple if you want to go and dont care about the politics and want to watch football fine, if you care about the politics and dont want to go fine to people can make their on judgements neither is 100% right or wrong. or if you just want a day out watching football fine, but its a individual choice and nobody should be saying they are more of a fan than any other fan people just view things from different angle :D


Well-Known Member
Exactly, OSB. Which is why the original poster calling ST holder "stupid" is totally out of order. There have been endless debates on here regarding whether to buy or not as I must say when it comes to personal abuse/attacks (call it what you will), by far the majority comes from the "do not" camp. I've seen some usually sensible posters saying as much.

I've got no problem with people boycotting but please don'y have a go at those, like me, who choose to go.

Buy one dont buy one - its an individual choice and no one has the right to criticise another for their choice. Ratify your choice in any way you choose so that it suits your decision and be comfortable with it.


Well-Known Member
I assume we accept that costs of running the team are at least something like wages £5m, other costs £3m per annum that's £660k pm ...... all of which doesn't greatly vary from month to month.

But income does vary from month to month. May June July the only income would appear to season ticket sales .......... say it is now 4000 at £300 a time (except it is thought the season ticket money has been borrowed against already so isn't the clubs) - oh and you need to take out £50 per ticket for the VAT that's £1.2m gross or £1m net of VAT.

So before there is any potential for spare cash in the summer months (May to July) assuming it wasn't borrowed against in the first place they need to have sold 7920 season tickets and received all the money.

They havent paid the rent (3 months)..... well no but it is still technically due ..... but exclude that if you like that's equivalent to 1200 season tickets sold. Still means no spare cash as yet because just to meet monthly set costs we need to have sold 6720 season tickets

Buy one dont buy one - its an individual choice and no one has the right to criticise another for their choice. Ratify your choice in any way you choose so that it suits your decision and be comfortable with it.

But two things -
by buying one you ease the pressure on SISU
by not buying one you increase the pressure on the team

It is a catch 22 situation ............ and unless there is help from outside the club be it Council, Charity or a. n. other i do not see a way out of the financial mess we are in by continuing to operate in the way we have been

I'd be amazed if we are paying our team of juveniles £5 million per year???


Well-Known Member
Original poster is a clown, for those of us already paid, have you thought that maybe we have a disposable income? enjoy going and having a laugh with a few mates? Unconditional loyalty to the club?

If you don't like the way the club is ran and want to stay away because of that then fine, but I feel they need every last bit of help at the minute so will be going along.


Well-Known Member
I'd be amazed if we are paying our team of juveniles £5 million per year???

Works out an average of £4800 per week per player for a 20 man squad, + the club shop/office staff, match day staff & directors, would probably be included in that 5 mill figure too.


CCFC Finance Director
well until 30/06/12 we are still paying Eastwood etc ........ and as Marty says there are more than players to pay. So £5m is not unrealistic


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure why so many people on here are surprised that we have sold 4000 tickets. Why would they lie? It's funny that people will believe the official bad news, i.e. Fisher's comments on the "bounce back" budget, but they dismiss any official good news, i.e. season ticket sales. :thinking about:


Well-Known Member
You think 4000 season ticket sales is good news??? It should be more like 8000..................Oh and the club have history of inflating sales figures. Personally I hope we sell 12000 although I'm a bit concerned about access to away tickets for non season ticket holders if we do indeed actually have a club to support come August.
Once SISU commit and suspend their little games then I think sales will genuinly pick up


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure why so many people on here are surprised that we have sold 4000 tickets. Why would they lie? It's funny that people will believe the official bad news, i.e. Fisher's comments on the "bounce back" budget, but they dismiss any official good news, i.e. season ticket sales. :thinking about:

if you believe we have sold 4000 ST.good on you,i would be surprised if we have sold 3000.the clubs full of shit,talk is cheap


New Member
What a stupid comment. I live in london i work most saturdays and so can't get to games (Not that i would if i could while we are owned by Shitsu) But i have supported my home team since 1970 and before i moved had a season ticket for 12yrs so don't you DARE tell me I'm not a fan just because I have other things that take precedence like keeping my kids clothed and feed. Some people o n this board just will not take their head out of the sand. YOUR SEASON TICKET MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT SO HOW ARE THEY GOING TO SPENT IT AGAIN.:slap::slap:

Totally different subject mate. I'm talking about people that can go but flatly refuse to. Apologies


Well-Known Member
No actually, saying they'd sold less would be cheap as they would be paying less VAT, tax, etc. If they were "full of shit" then they would be giving us a lower figure surely, not a higher one?

But, if you think it's all lies and conspiracy then good on you too.

if you believe we have sold 4000 ST.good on you,i would be surprised if we have sold 3000.the clubs full of shit,talk is cheap


Well-Known Member
I have mine and will go no matter what happens only liquidation could stop me, but then I would support Cov1882 or what ever the name was for the Sky Blues in whatever division we were in.


Well-Known Member
Well they are saying 4055 have been sold so far, but it's still way short of the 8000 sold last year so maybe it will slow down. However, I'm pleased.


Well-Known Member
when was the early bird deadline last year? i'm guessing this year it's earlier and that's why they've sold more. once the early bird passes in 2 weeks you would guess most people aren't renewing and I can't see many new sales so we could be on target for around 5000 in total.

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