Five years. Doesn't seem that long ago. Day started badly too, queued for ages on the A46 just going into Cov, I think they were building that new bit of road for Jag or whoever, made it with five minutes to spare. Horrendous. Burge sending off, Reda's awful penalty, Steven Pressley...
Similar. My daughter (she was nearly ten at the time) expressed a desire to go - I was so chuffed, she'd only attended previously as a babe in arms/toddler with me and her mum. Flatly refused to go any time after!.
Day got off to an appalling start as I called in at petrol station and shoved the card in the wrong slit of the card payment pump (stop sniggering at the back) In (partial) fairness these were newly replaced machines that I was unfamiliar with but a large slice is down to my own fuck wittedness. I couldn't remove the card.
For once, preparation was my salvation via having another card.
Game unfolded as we all know.
We left (at my advice) shortly after their second.
She hasn't requested a return visit since.
The only good part of the day was the remembrance day issue match day programme.