5200 sheep with no life... (7 Viewers)

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I actually think that considering we have been relegated, are under a self imposed transfer embargo, are trying to sell our only decent players and the club could actually go completely out of existence at the stroke of Joy's pen then to sell over 5000 season tickets is quite remarkable and my full respect to each and everyone of them. They are not supporting SISU they are supporting the team they love - there is a big big difference.

You can't spilt the team like that. There both vital and need to work together.

In order for any team to work, everyone has to work together, on and off field team, pulling in one direction. If they don't, this is exactly what happens. Things fall apart, people fall out, finances go astray etc..SISU are a bigger part of the team then the players. Players come and go, but without solid leadership from the top, your doomed.

SISU either have zero interest in this club or they simple can't sort out the financial mess that it's in as it's too much. Fans can't help in that department. It's simply to high in the modern game for fans to pose a real dent in bank. We're on life support at this very moment. I'm sure of.


New Member
If we had 25k season ticket holders sisu still wouldn't put any money in the squad,what part of you doesn't understand that kd?


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day the blokes right. We all need our heads seeing too! But what else is there to do on a Saturday afternoon?


Facebook User
If you loved the club you'd have kept your cash warming in your purses.

Even in times this hard, wen cov needs every fan possible, we could do without fans like u... So please take a short walk off a tall building or go support another club..


At the end of the day the blokes right. We all need our heads seeing too! But what else is there to do on a Saturday afternoon?

About 7/8 other minor sports in Coventry that are ran by good people that work hard and your support would actually mean something to them?

Even in times this hard, wen cov needs every fan possible, we could do without fans like u... So please take a short walk off a tall building or go support another club..

By cov you mean SISU. Because that's who your really helping. Not cov at all. As for for the "short walk off a tall building" comment. Grow up. Such a childish response.
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Well-Known Member
It interests me that people can be so certain they are right about something that is very uncertain...ie. What affect the number of season tix sold will have on our owners. It seems to me very uncertain. Who knows, it could make SISU believe the club has got a loyal fan base which the right investment could build on.
Still, I bought 2 season tix because I am a Coventry City supporter and that's what I do every May. Sue me...


Well-Known Member

speaking as a 'Sheepy' from up north I am offended by this whole thread

I have supported city for 55 years whilst illness stops me travelling down will always support unconditionally. Its not a question of sheep but loyalty - wish I could make it 5201
Have given the parasites their hard earned cash, well done all of you.
wum or not ive gotta say i agree, how or why people are giving sisu their cash i dont know, support the team yes, do it at away games, but season ticket money is what them conning scumbags are after and i feel if half of that 5, 200 people hadnt they wouldve had to pull the plug before now


Well-Known Member
I think people need a reality check your paying to watch a football match. It's got nothing to do with SISU. When I go to the cinema it never crosses my mind who owns odeon and what. They do with my money


speaking as a 'Sheepy' from up north I am offended by this whole thread

I have supported city for 55 years whilst illness stops me travelling down will always support unconditionally. Its not a question of sheep but loyalty - wish I could make it 5201

Hope you get better soon, but to say it offends you is a bit much. Loyalty only works as long it's respected. And ours hasn't been.
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Facebook User
About 7/8 other minor sports in Coventry that are ran by good people that work hard and your support would actually mean something to them?

By cov you mean SISU. Because that's who your really helping. Not cov at all. As for for the "short walk off a tall building" comment. Grow up. Such a childish response.

Keep spouting ur bullshit mate. I hate sisu but love my club. People like u and "the boss" are people who have forgotten wat loving ur club means. Ur not needed or welcome, so piss off..


New Member
Have given the parasites their hard earned cash, well done all of you.

what a tota:jerkit::jerkit::jerkit::jerkit:l and utter bellend you are and cornoccfc your a dickhead aswell. We the fans will be around whoever owns the club, its not the club or team thats the problem they need support its the owners who are bellends a bit like you pair of pricks


Well-Known Member
If we had 25k season ticket holders sisu still wouldn't put any money in the squad,what part of you doesn't understand that kd?

I have to agree with that Duffy. I think your sentiments are right in normal circumstances. However I dont think SISU present normal circumstances.

I think in their current frame of mind 25k attendances. Would mean they can get to the break even point quicker, it would mean a greater chance of them getting an alternative buyer at some point. Which would eventually give us all the goal we want. However I don't believe it would lead to greater investment by SISU.

I think if fans had withheld from buying any season tickets till the last minute, SISU may have had to invest a bit, as they would have had to take action to induce the fans i.e lift the embargo make the odd signing.
(Please dont take this comment as an agreement with the OP)


The council's stance regarding no investment in the team no deal may do it.

SISU will only invest if they think they have no choice. If they thought 5200 season tickets were not guaranteed and they had to earn that loyalty I think we would not have an embargo right now and maybe one signing to tempt people in.
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New Member
Hope you get better soon, but to say it offends you is a bit much. Loyalty only works as long it's respected. And ours hasn't been.

Can you honestly say any owners "respect" fans, apart from genuine supporters of the club they own. I doubt the owners of Man City or Utd "respect" the fans but then i also doubt the fans care that much about being respected by the owners, as long as they have a team to support, like we currently still do!!

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
Wether you agree or disagree with the buying of season ticket debate, why do some have to be so abusive. I have'nt bought yet, i just want to see what unfolds in the next month but its my perogative to do what i want with my money and if it costs me a bit more to delay my purchase then its my decision, and should'nt be critisised by anyone else.

I have no angst against those that have bought, well done i say, but i will keep my money for now, but i will buy ,when i'm ready I'll commit when i know our owners have commited there's. very soon they will have to reach a decision one way or another , i don't want mine to disappear and not do any good for the club

The Rev
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Well-Known Member
I'm just glad we've established that Coventry City fans who want to go and see Coventry City play are villains of the piece again.


Can you honestly say any owners "respect" fans, apart from genuine supporters of the club they own. I doubt the owners of Man City or Utd "respect" the fans but then i also doubt the fans care that much about being respected by the owners, as long as they have a team to support, like we currently still do!!

True, but then they are ran very differently. There setup to win at a high level (meaning people will always want to go for the entertainment alone). If say, the floor fell from beneath them (started dropping down the league table). I'd say they'd care then. Sponsorship would go, money would be a bigger issue etc. They'd need the fans to help them. Man City fans know what they have won't last forever I think. There just enjoying it while it lasts.

Keep spouting ur bullshit mate. I hate sisu but love my club. People like u and "the boss" are people who have forgotten wat loving ur club means. Ur not needed or welcome, so piss off..

Keep digging mate. Your just showing how childish you really are. If you don't like the topic, leave. Me and everyone else are just taking about it. That simple. No need to throw your dummy out. Oh, and I do know what it's like to love a club. My other club (different sport) the owners actually give a damn about the fans and appreciate what we put into it - money, time to help staff etc.
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Well-Known Member
wum or not ive gotta say i agree, how or why people are giving sisu their cash i dont know, support the team yes, do it at away games, but season ticket money is what them conning scumbags are after and i feel if half of that 5, 200 people hadnt they wouldve had to pull the plug before now
Not all of us can make away games for various reason ie,work,children and that thing called money so it's up to the individual to decide what they want to spend there money on I bought my season ticket and will be going to a few of the away games due to the reasons above but I wont accept someone telling me what to do with my hard earned cash.


Well-Known Member
I'm such a rotter I signed the cheque to Joy Seppala herself, with the season ticket application including a letter congratulating her (and her team) on sterling work so far. There's also a chance that I won't set fire to the stadium next game I go also, which would cost them so much in fire damage it would force them out. Probably. Just a guess. I'm just revelling in evil, me.


New Member
Wether you agree od disagree with the buying of season ticket debate, why do some have to be so abusive. I have'nt bought yet, i just want to see what unfolds in the next month but its my perogative to do what i want with my money and if it costs me a bit more to delay my purchase then its my decision, and should'nt be critisised by anyone else.

I have no angst against those that have bought, well done i say, but i will keep my money for now, but i will buy ,when i'm ready I'll commit when i know our owners have commited there's. very soon they will have to reach a decision one way or another , i don't want mine to disappear and not do any good for the club

The Rev

Shame the 5200 balls of wool hadn't chose this sensible option.
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The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
I really want to re-iterate, i'm on no-ones side in this argument, i mean it when i say well done to the ones who have bought there's already, and i understand fully those who have'nt bought yet. At the end of the day i will definately be buying one for me and the missus ,its just when thats all.

I'm so excited about being back and able to go again, i might burst a blood vessal, just can't wait to shout and scream on saturdays for the boys in skyblue again.

The Rev


Well-Known Member
Ignore the trolling from this clown ladies and gents,do not post anything else on this thread........end
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